59 Jobs found
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Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
in Frederiksberg C
24.12.2024 Updated on: 26.12.2024
Do you want to break new ground and push the boundaries of sustainable design towards higher impact? At DTU Construct you will break new ground at the absolute forefront for enabling the design of sustainable solutions and be an active part of REBOUNDLESS, a prestigious ERC Consolidator Grant project, awarded by the European Research Council. Your main goal will be to drive a paradigm shift in design science to enable the simulation of rebound effects (i.e., negative consequences of interventions that arise due to behavioural and systemic changes, which undermine ca. 40% of all potential sustainability gains) in the early phases of design. You will have the opportunity to join top interdisciplinary scientists from all over the world and make a personal impact in solving some of the most ...
Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
in Frederiksberg C
21.12.2024 Updated on: 26.12.2024
DTU Construct søger en maskiningeniør med erfaring i at betjene, modificere og optimere forbrændingsmotorer til at anvende ammoniak som brændstof. Jobbet Du bliver en nøgleperson til modificering og optimering af testfaciliteter til forbrændingsundersøgelse af ammoniak i forbrændingsmotorer til maritim og landbaserede kraftværksmotorer. Du vil primært arbejde i projekter som DTU Construct har med den maritime industri om konceptudvikling af fuldskalamotorer til at køre på ren ammoniak, samt udvikling af særlige eksperimenter til problemløsning i forbindelse med disse motorers pålidelighed. Du vil stå for at betjene laboratoriets forsøgsmotor og udføre test kampagner med dertil hørende indsamling og behandling af måledata.Vores forventninger til digdu er uddannet maskiningeniørdu har erfar...
Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
in Frederiksberg C
21.12.2024 Updated on: 26.12.2024
We are seeking a highly motivated PhD candidate for a project delving into mammalian testis biology to tackle demands from next-generation risk assessment of chemicals in providing alternative test methods with high predictive capacity. The testicles are primary producers of androgens, which are essential steroid hormones for reproductive development and function. Testicular androgen synthesis is also susceptible to endocrine disruptors, with severe consequences for reproductive development and health. Although methods exist to test for disrupted steroidogenesis, current methods have significant limitations. This interdisciplinary project will provide novel insights into species-specific cellular functions, advancing both basic research and applications in drug design, toxicity testing, an...
Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
in Frederiksberg C
21.12.2024 Updated on: 26.12.2024
PhD scholarship in discovery and engineering of carbohydrate active enzymes active on clinically important glyco-conjugates. in the Protein Glycoscience and Biotechnology group, DTU Bioengineering. This project is a multidisciplinary collaboration with Lund University and the University of Gothenburg, both in Sweden and aims at developing enzymatic solutions for transformation of clinically important cell surface epitopes.If your ambition is to be a part of an international top-notch research team, working on solving a major global health challenge and communicating groundbreaking scientific findings, then this is the right project for you.Responsibilities and qualifications The overarching aim of your project is to explore interactions of enzymes, some to be discovered within the projec...
Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
in Frederiksberg C
21.12.2024 Updated on: 26.12.2024
Do you have a passion for computational neuroscience, neurorobotics, or bioengineering? If you are looking to establish your career as a scientist and want to work on cutting-edge biomedical research, this PhD scholarship might be the perfect opportunity for you. We offer a position where you will explore the frontiers of neuromusculoskeletal system modelling in collaboration with KTH Royal Institute of Technology. Your research will focus on the interaction between brain and body in Parkinson’s Disease (PD), with the goal of developing innovative tools for diagnosis and neurorehabilitation.Responsibilities and qualifications In this PhD project, you will study the brain-body interaction in PD by combining neural models with a musculoskeletal digital twin of rodent locomotion. You will wor...
Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
in Frederiksberg C
21.12.2024 Updated on: 26.12.2024
Are you excited about understanding human behaviour and decision-making? Are you eager to find out how we can leverage immersive virtual reality experiments to better explain and predict human decision-making? Are you interested in applying advanced modelling and data collection approaches to tackle real-world challenges in the human-centric design of future transport and infrastructure systems? If so, we invite you to apply for this PhD position in Human Decision-Making and Immersive Virtual Reality at DTU Management. The position is part of the research project IMMERSION: Explaining human decision-making by combining choice and process data , which is funded by a European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant. The project aims to advance the study of human decision-making by developing ...
in Frederiksberg C
21.12.2024 Updated on: 26.12.2024
Ønsker du at forbedre dine fremtidsudsigter med en uddannelse hos en lokal virksomhed?Hos Kunststof-Kemi, vil du få en læreplads med erfarne kollegaer, hvor af du kan få masser af sparring og tilegne dig stor viden om termoplast, pigmenter og additiver. Vi har et stort produktionsfokus, det er derfor vigtigt at processer og arbejdsgange effektiviseres for at konkurrencekraften bevares. Som plastmagerelev, vil du få opgaver som: extrudering af farvekoncentrater, visuel kvalitetskontrol, omstillinger og rengøring ved produktskift, samt håndtering af råvarer.Vi ønsker primært ansøgere over 18 år og gerne over 25 år, som voksenlærling. Vi forestiller os, at du…Er mødestabilEr imødekommende og samarbejdsvillig.Er kvalitetsbevidst og detaljeorienteret.Er Nysgerrig og har vilje til at lære.Bor i ...
Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
in Frederiksberg C
21.12.2024 Updated on: 26.12.2024
We are looking for a skilled and experienced part-time employee for imaging skin nanotexture with our high-speed dermal atomic force microscope (HS-DAFM) developed in MIDAS group at IDUN section, DTU Health Tech.Your primary responsibilities will include:Operating high-speed dermal atomic force microscope (HS-DAFM) for skin sample analysisProcessing and handling skin tissue samplesCollecting and organizing measurement dataContributing to database development for skin nanotexture analysisAssisting in optimizing measurement protocolsSupporting ongoing research projects related to skin barrier function assessmentOur expectations of you have:Theoretical and practical experience with the above mentioned task Experience with or strong interest in microscopy techniques Basic understanding of data...
Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
in Frederiksberg C
20.12.2024 Updated on: 26.12.2024
We are looking for an engaged Startup Programme Manager to join our small but ambitious team.The Position Our experience at DTU Skylab shows that entrepreneurship is an effective tool for competency building and personal growth. We believe that students and researchers hold the key to generating innovative solutions for a better, more sustainable tomorrow. Every day, we passionately work to support and motivate teams to embark on their own startup journeys through guidance, coaching, workshops, and providing a shoulder to lean on during tough times. For eight years, we have successfully operated the Skylab Incubator and Ignite accelerator program, for early-stage impact startups. Currently, we are evaluating and re-designing our offerings, including a new climate tech track. Our aim is to...
Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
in Frederiksberg C
20.12.2024 Updated on: 26.12.2024
Har du stærke lederegenskaber og ønsker du at spille en central rolle i DTU’s udvikling mod fremtidens universitet? DTU søger en erfaren, visionær og samlende leder, der kan gå forrest og udvikle DTU’s Afdeling for Uddannelse og Studerende til fremtiden. Jobbet DTU er en af Europas førende forsknings- og uddannelsesinstitutioner. Vores kerneforretninger er uddannelse, forskning, forskningsbaseret rådgivning og innovation, og vi arbejder for at være en drivkraft for velfærd og bæredygtig værdiskabelse såvel nationalt som internationalt. Afdelingen for Uddannelse og Studerende (AUS) udvikler og understøtter uddannelsesprocessen på DTU, dvs. DTU's samlede indsats for at støtte de studerende gennem hele uddannelsen – fra rekruttering til overgang til arbejdsmarkedet. Vi søger en leder, som e...
Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
in Frederiksberg C
19.12.2024 Updated on: 25.12.2024
Are you interested in contributing to solve the energy crisis by developing a clean sustainable energy source which replicates the Sun on Earth? Would you like to work in a team with a strong feeling of purpose and belonging? The section for Plasma Physics and Fusion Energy (PPFE) at Department of Physics, Technical University of Denmark (DTU) is seeking highly motivated physicists or engineers to initiate a three-year PhD project in experimental and theoretical plasma physics. We are expanding our activities by designing an upgrade of the existing NORTH tokamak, building up a linear plasma device to study non-linear plasma physics, and initiating activities on microwave induced current drive for tokamaks. These activities are part of a newly funded centre for plasma physics funded by the...
Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
in Frederiksberg C
19.12.2024 Updated on: 25.12.2024
Brænder du for at koordinere, organisere og være den, der har det kølige overblik? Har du gåpåmod og sans for at give gæster den bedste eventoplevelse? Så er det måske dig, vi søger som eventkoordinator i Stakeholder Management-kontoret på DTU. Stakeholder Management-kontoret har ansvaret for universitetets væsentlige arrangementer. Både de større (1.000-5.000 deltagere) og de mindre (80-300 deltagere). I din portefølje over events vil du koordinere aktiviteter tilknyttet afdelinger og institutter i samarbejde med rekvirenter fra forskellige dele af DTU. Du er samtidig en del af teamet omkring de faste Akademiske Højtideligheder på DTU. Jobbet Du kommer til at indgå i Stakeholder Management-kontoret, men du vil også komme til at samarbejde med kolleger på kryds og tværs af DTU samt i n...
Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
in Frederiksberg C
18.12.2024 Updated on: 24.12.2024
Are you a talented, self-motivated, and team-oriented person, who thrives in a collaborative environment and enjoys working with complex topics? We seek a part-time assistant willing to be part of a research environment and contribute to the development of satellite climate data records for understanding climate change. As part of the international ESA CCI programme DTU is processing the global sea ice concentration from the satellite Nimbus 5 ESMR microwave radiometer data for extending the sea ice climate data records back in time. Version 2 of the dataset has recently been completed and now the data are added to the ESA climate office datastore including documentation. The dataset will also be published in a scientific publication. We are looking for a candidate who has a strong backg...
Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
in Frederiksberg C
17.12.2024 Updated on: 23.12.2024
Are you passionate about food and flavour? Eager to help tackle some of our most pressing global challenges? Excited by the idea of working and learning at the intersection of science, cooking, sustainability, and food culture in a cutting-edge, interdisciplinary research environment? Then join us as our new Food Culture Assistant!The Sustainable Food Innovation Group (SFI) was founded in 2021 to address interconnected food systems challenges—diminishing diversity, inequitable production and distribution, knowledge privatisation, nutritional depletion, blandness—through interdisciplinary research, product development, and knowledge-sharing. We recently launched our website and Instagram, where we share knowledge and facilitate public engagement around fermentation, food innovation, sustai...
Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
in Frederiksberg C
17.12.2024 Updated on: 23.12.2024
PhD scholarship in engineering of carbohydrate active enzymes active to harness them as tools for synthesis of biotechnologically and biomedically important oligosaccharides in the Protein Glycoscience and Biotechnology group, DTU Bioengineering. This project, which is funded by Independent Research Fund Denmark | Technology and Production Research Project 1, is in collaboration with excellent national and international partners and aims at establishing a new strategy to engineer enzymes for synthesis of a variety of important oligosaccharides.If your ambition is to 1) Work with cutting edge strategies for enzyme engineering with an international top-notch research team, 2) Innovate sustainable solutions to harness the most abundant and renewable resources on the globe, namely carbohydrate...
Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
in Frederiksberg C
14.12.2024 Updated on: 20.12.2024
Ansvarsområder DTU er, i samarbejde med 3 andre universiteter, ansvarlig for at drive en applikation til at understøtte arbejdsmiljø og overholdelse af lovgivning ved anvendelse af kemikalier. Applikationen hedder Kemibrug.dk og står overfor en opdatering, så applikationen er tidssvarende og understøtter effektive processer og risikovurderinger. Det er her du kommer ind i billedet som projektleder/systemejer for at tage ejerskab og ledelse af projektet sammen med sektionslederen. Du skal være tovholder på processer og implementering og den helt uundværlige brobygger, der med sikker hånd styrer projektet sikkert i mål.Du er projektleder med styr på værktøjskassen og er involveret i alle aspekter af projektledelsen, uanset om det er præsentationer til styregruppe eller driftsopgaver i forbin...
Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
in Frederiksberg C
14.12.2024 Updated on: 16.12.2024
At DTU Nanolab we are expanding our activities with a process line for chip packaging and are thus looking for a project manager who will take responsibility for setting up such a facility. DTU Nanolab is among the world’s best-equipped open access facilities within nanofabrication and characterization. We are located at and fully owned by the Technical University of Denmark just north of Copenhagen. A new packaging line will be an integrated part of the open access facility enabling in-house finalization of micro- and nano fabricated chips as interconnected and encapsulated components.The primary areas of responsibility of the project manager will be to:Take part in identifying and installing the relevant tools required for precise interconnection of semiconductors, photonic and quantum c...
Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
in Frederiksberg C
14.12.2024 Updated on: 16.12.2024
We are looking for a proactive, reliable and well-organized facility and laboratory coordinator with expertise in designing, organizing and operating life science automation user-facilities. Your role will be vital to the success of DTU’s Arena for Life Science Automation (https://dalsa.dtu.dk/ ). Together with a multidisciplinary team, you will create the optimal framework to facilitate the development of cutting-edge robotics solutions and provide life-scientists with seamless access to high-end laboratory automation equipment and workflows. This position offers a unique opportunity to contribute to our mission and elevate your career within an emerging field. As our Facility coordinator, you will be at the critical junction between developers (automation, robotics, and data specialists...
Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
in Frederiksberg C
13.12.2024 Updated on: 15.12.2024
We are seeking a highly motivated Lab Technician to join our dynamic research group at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), focusing on enzymatic plastic degradation and enzymatic carbon capture. If you enjoy a variety of tasks in the lab and thrive in an independent and flexible work environment, we would love to hear from you!If you are excited about the opportunity to join a collaborative and engaging group, while contributing to innovative research that drives sustainable solutions, we encourage you to apply!The job As a lab technician in our team, you will play a key role in supporting cutting-edge research into green technologies. Your primary responsibilities will include:Performing a variety of enzyme activity assays using different analytical techniquesAssisting and guiding ...
Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
in Frederiksberg C
13.12.2024 Updated on: 15.12.2024
Vil du gøre dagligdagen nemmere for tusindvis af brugere på de danske universiteter?Kan du mærke den gode energi, når din drifts- og supportmodel endnu en gang viser sit værd og dermed skaber hurtig og effektiv håndtering af IT-problemer? Hvis du vil opleve den følelse på ekstraordinært niveau, så læs videre her. Dit nye job handler om at sikre stabil drift af kritiske IT-løsninger til de danske universiteter. Du skal hjælpe os med at tage hele vores setup til næste niveau, så du kan se frem til meget stor indvirkning ikke bare nu, men mange år fremover. Din personlige indsats vil positivt påvirke hverdagen for mange tusinde studerende, medarbejdere og forskere. Du udfolder dertil dine evner i en organisation, hvor fleksibilitet og sund balance mellem arbejde og fritid er en selvfølge. Du ...
Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
in Frederiksberg C
13.12.2024 Updated on: 18.12.2024
Er du medarbejder med gåpåmod, drive og nysgerrig? Så kan du bidrage til Danmarks Tekniske Universitet ved at udvikle universitetets samarbejde med erhvervslivet og styrke DTU´s studerendes karriereparathed under studiet og overgangen fra uddannelse til beskæftigelse og karriere. Vi søger en person, der er dygtig til at arbejde praksisnært i form af planlægning og afholdelse af workshops og karriere-events. Samtidig skal du være motiveret af dialogen med både studerende og virksomheder og af løbende udvikling af DTU Talent Partner programmet. At være til gavn for samfundet og en synlig partner for erhvervslivet er en central del af DTU’s DNA. I den forbindelse har DTU etableret et Talent Partnerskab program, hvor virksomheder kan komme tættere på DTU’s studerende via en række aktivitete...
Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
in Frederiksberg C
13.12.2024 Updated on: 18.12.2024
Vil du hjælpe DTU med at udnytte mulighederne i en digital omstilling? Har du erfaring med backup, datasikkerhed og styring af backupplatforme? Så er du højest sandsynlig den backupspecialist, vi leder efter. IT-afdelingen på DTU er i en spændende udvikling for at understøtte DTU’s digitale transformation, hvor formålet er at styrke IT-afdelingens position, hvor vi sætter brugeren i centrum. Vi søger derfor to backupspecialister til et nyoprettet datasikkerhedsteam, der vil være med til at forme fremtidens backup-infrastruktur på DTU.Bred it-teknologisk indsigt og erfaring med cybersikkerhed Vi forventer, at du har en relevant IT-uddannelse, f.eks. datamatiker eller lignende. Vi håber du har erfaring med cybersikkerhed og kan forvalte og udvikle backup-infrastruktur på områder som AIX, L...
Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
in Frederiksberg C
13.12.2024 Updated on: 19.12.2024
If you are looking to advance your career in scientific research and seeking an opportunity that aligns with your ambitions in the field of carbon dioxide (CO2) capture and utilization, this position is ideal for you. Joining our team at DTU Energy will enable you to engage in groundbreaking work at the forefront of sustainable technologies, where you can make meaningful contributions to environmental solutions while developing essential skills to propel your career forward. In response to growing environmental concerns and the urgent need for decarbonization across all sectors of the economy, the demand for CO2 capture has surged over the past decade. Direct Air Capture (DAC) has emerged as a crucial carbon-negative technology capable of removing CO2 directly from the atmosphere, thereby ...
Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
in Frederiksberg C
12.12.2024 Updated on: 19.12.2024
Are you pursuing a career in science and seeking the perfect foundation to achieve your ambitions? The ideal opportunity awaits you. At the Department of Environmental and Resource Engineering (DTU Sustain), we are seeking a highly motivated PhD student to advance our understanding of using smart materials for sustainable built environment control. In this interdisciplinary project funded by the EU Horizon program, you will have the opportunity to develop and utilize cutting-edge smart materials (e.g., metal-organic frameworks) to design a groundbreaking air-cleaning system that can achieve a substantial 30-50% reduction in associated energy consumption. The new system developed in this project will be tested in different climates across Europe. You will have the opportunity to join top in...
Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
in Frederiksberg C
11.12.2024 Updated on: 18.12.2024
Are you passionate about revolutionizing power systems with AI and digital twin technology? We seek a highly motivated PhD student to join our dynamic team at DTU. This is your opportunity to work on groundbreaking research to enhance future power systems' resilience and efficiency. By joining us, you will gain hands-on experience with state-of-the-art tools and methodologies, collaborate with leading experts in the field, and contribute to innovative solutions that address real-world challenges.We look for a talented, self-motivated, and team-oriented individual who thrives in a collaborative environment and enjoys tackling complex topics. As a PhD student in our team, you will be part of a world-leading research environment and contribute to the development of next-generation AI-based to...
Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
in Frederiksberg C
11.12.2024 Updated on: 18.12.2024
Har du lyst til at være en del af en velfungerende forskningsgruppe på ca. 40 personer og spille en væsentlig rolle i udførslen af kemiske analyser i forbindelse med vores EU reference laboratorie og forskningsprojekter? Vi søger en laborant/akademiker med flair og interesse for analytisk kemi og LC-MS/MS til en udfordrende og alsidig stilling, hvor du vil blive involveret i forskellige forskningsprojekter og undervisning af studerende i laboratoriet. Du vil blive tilknyttet Forskningsgruppen for Kemisk Fødevareanalyse som bl.a. forsker i nye metoder til pesticidanalyser af fødevarer og andre biologiske matricer. Udover metodeudvikling vil du også blive involveret i forberedelsen og udsendelse af præstationsprøvninger til mere end 150 europæiske laboratorier samt andre aktiviteter i det Eu...
Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
in Frederiksberg C
11.12.2024 Updated on: 18.12.2024
If you are in the process of forging your career as a Lab engineer and seeking the most robust foundation to realize your aspirations and goals, you will find it readily available at DTU Construct. The main activity areas cover different Additive Manufacturing processes such as Vat Photopolymerization (VPP), Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) and Binder Jetting (BJ). Supporting research and teaching activities associated with the current role have a strong multidisciplinary nature that will encompass materials science, mechanics, electronics, computer science, and metrology. The Instrumentation group at DTU Civil and Mechanical Engineering has one vacant position for a Lab engineer targeting the Additive Manufacturing (AM) activities at the department. The AM activities at DTU are centered ar...
Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
in Frederiksberg C
11.12.2024 Updated on: 18.12.2024
Are you ready to push the boundaries of innovation and engineering excellence? Join our PhD program and tackle cutting-edge challenges in future district energy systems. We seek a motivated candidate with a strong mechanical engineering background and a passion for research who is willing to combine modeling skills with experimental testing to be part of our research group at the Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering (DTU Construct).PhD Opportunity This project offers an exclusive PhD opportunity as part of an EUDP-funded initiative. You will be part of a unique team that includes utility companies, district energy components manufacturers, and national experts in district energy technology. The project will investigate an innovative district energy network that embeds heating an...
Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
in Frederiksberg C
11.12.2024 Updated on: 18.12.2024
Vi søger en struktureret administrator og visuel kommunikatør til at hjælpe DTU Entrepreneurships porteføljeteam. Vi leder efter dig, hvis du har et stærkt personligt drive og kan arbejde selvstændigt. Jo mere du er i stand til at tage ansvar for dit eget arbejde, jo mere ansvar får du. Jobbet Jobbet kræver, at du er organiseret og involverer teamet, som du vil være en del af, når det er nødvendigt. Du bliver en del af et team af 'fixere', hvor du går forrest i at løse opgaverne og som team sørger for at levere på det, der blev aftalt. De fleste opgaver vil være ad hoc og af praktisk karakter. Opgaverne vil falde i tre kategorier: Administration og rapportering – Du kommer til at understøtte vores daglige administration, transformere evalueringer til viden og kommunikere og visualis...
Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
in Frederiksberg C
11.12.2024 Updated on: 18.12.2024
A fully-funded 3-year PhD position in organic chemistry, photocatalysis, C-H functionalization, and homogeneous enantioselective metal catalysis under the supervision of Associate Professor Søren Kramer is available at the Technical University of Denmark. The project will be performed in the Organic Chemistry Section at DTU Chemistry.The start date of the position is set to September 1, 2025, but it can be earlier if circumstances allow it.Research in the Kramer group is focused on development of novel methods involving organic chemistry, transition-metal catalysis, photocatalysis, enantioselective catalysis, and C-H functionalization as well as reaction mechanism elucidation. The research group is young and highly ambitious.Responsibilities and qualifications We are looking for a very mot...
Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
in Frederiksberg C
11.12.2024 Updated on: 14.12.2024
We are seeking a highly organized and self-motivated part-time assistant to support our work in multinuclear coil characterization, design, and development. Your role will include helping to build and optimize new coil designs, as well as repairing and refining existing systems to ensure robust performance.Key ResponsibilitiesConduct research in multinuclear MR RF engineering, focusing on coil design, hardware development, and system repair.Assist in the design and optimization of multinuclear RF coils for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) systems.Collaborate closely with interdisciplinary teams of scientists.QualificationsHands-on laboratory experience with constructing and testing coil electronics.Proven expertise in designing and building low-gamma nuclei coils.Familiarity with registeri...
Company KU - HUM - Fakultetet
in Frederiksberg C
11.12.2024 Updated on: 17.12.2024
The Saxo Institute, Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen (UCPH) invites applicants for a tenure-track assistant professorship in economic history. The position is a permanent, full-time position available from 1 September 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter. As an assistant professor in a permanent position your employment will change to employment as an associate professor after a maximum of six years, under the condition that you submit a request for the assessment of your professional qualifications, and you are deemed qualified for the position of associate professor. Job description The Saxo Institute seeks a talented researcher to fill a position as tenure-track assistant professor in economic history with a primary focus within the period c. 1500-1900. Applicant...
Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
in Frederiksberg C
11.12.2024 Updated on: 17.12.2024
DTU Electro invites applications for a position as a PhD student for generation and stabilization of optical frequency combs. The position is focused on developing and implementing control protocols based on machine learning for flexible and ultra-fast generation of optical frequency combs based on various nonlinear platform. The overall objective is to realize frequency combs with flexible spectral shape profiles and minimum noise. The intended applications of the frequency combs will be realization of sensing network based on coherent optical time domain reflectometry. The start date is flexible, but preferably before 1 May 2025. We seek a motivated, curious, and outgoing PhD candidate with a solid background in fiber-optics, machine learning, photonics, and communication engineering. Ex...
Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
in Frederiksberg C
10.12.2024 Updated on: 16.12.2024
The Division for Transportation Science at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) invites applications for two PhD positions in Advanced Methods for Human Behaviour Analysis in Future Transport Systems Using Virtual Reality. The positions focus on developing and testing the next generation of mathematical models for explaining and predicting human behaviour and decision-making in the context of future transport and infrastructure systems using data collected through immersive virtual reality experiments. The PhD positions are part of the research project IMMERSION: Explaining human decision-making by combining choice and process data, which is funded by a European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant. IMMERSION aims to advance the study of human decision-making by developing new innov...
Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
in Frederiksberg C
10.12.2024 Updated on: 16.12.2024
Are you interested in exploring and developing a brain-to-text brain-computer interface (BCI) that can translate a person's thoughts into text? If so, this PhD position could be the perfect fit for you. You will have the opportunity to collaborate with experts from the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) and the Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST). Together, you will work on creating a BCI capable of converting imagined speech into text using brain signals recorded from electroencephalograms (EEG).Responsibilities and qualifications We are seeking a passionate PhD candidate with a keen interest in brain signals, such as electroencephalogram (EEG), machine learning (ML), and brain-computer interfaces (BCIs). As a PhD candidate in our team, you will explore the develop...
Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
in Frederiksberg C
10.12.2024 Updated on: 16.12.2024
At DTU Energy we do research and development on energy conversion devices relevant to the green transition. Our research addresses technologies like fuel cells, batteries, solar cells and electrolysis.Electrolysis is a key part of Power-to-X, to produce green fuels and facilitate the transition to a sustainable energy future, and with an increasing activity in the field of alkaline electrolysis cells, we are looking for a development engineer to further develop our laboratory and ensure high quality measurements. We are searching for a development engineer to help us ensure the safe and stable operation of the laboratory, guiding and sparring with users and technicians, operate and maintain advanced test infrastructure, as well as participate in developing new equipment.The job You will be...
Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
in Frederiksberg C
10.12.2024 Updated on: 16.12.2024
Do you want to contribute to the creation of a new generation of energy storage devices relying on topological spin textures? At DTU Energy our research efforts aim at developing novel energy storage principles. Topological spin textures and skyrmions have traditionally been investigated in their relationship within future logic and memory units. This postdoc fellowship will build on this knowledge and attempt to realize energy storage using such topological spin textures in complex oxides thin films.The position offered is part of a new national project supported by the Independent Research Fund Denmark which also funds a postdoctoral researcher working on the same topic. The project is carried out in close collaboration between DTU Energy in Denmark and international partners.The objecti...
Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
in Frederiksberg C
10.12.2024 Updated on: 16.12.2024
If you want to establish your career as an early-stage researcher and are currently looking for the best possible foundation for your dreams and ambitions, it is right here in front of you. With this PhD position, we offer you the possibility of establishing your career as a scientist in photonic integrated circuits and underwater optical communication. You will be working at DTU Electro, in the Photonic Integrated Circuit based Systems (PICSys) group. The setting will be the cutting-edge laboratory for photonic integrated devices and advanced optical communications, and the access to one of the largest cleanroom facilities in European Universities. You will be working with a group of professionals in photonic integrated devices, optical phased array, optical communications, optical comput...
Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
in Frederiksberg C
10.12.2024 Updated on: 16.12.2024
If you are looking for a research opportunity and a PhD position, here is a possibility at the Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark. The PhD project involves experimental testing of formability limits and contact conditions under complex in-plane loading paths of sheet metal during forming. Analytical and numerical models will be developed to describe the experimental findings, and new theories will be established to extend current state of the art. Academic, international partners will be involved, and Danish industry will support the project with experimental facilities and will be following the developments to ensure applicability for industry. The position is to be filled April 1, 2025, or soon after that.Responsibilities The PhD project will ...
Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
in Frederiksberg C
10.12.2024 Updated on: 16.12.2024
Algorithmic bias is a fundamental problem when using machine learning and AI to solve problems that involve humans. While monitoring and mitigating algorithmic bias is crucial for the safe and fair utilization of AI, bias measurement becomes an even greater challenge when labels are systematically wrong for certain unfortunate groups. This project aims to document and understand the effect of label bias on machine learning and AI algorithms, and to propose solutions to overcoming label bias both when diagnosing and mitigating AI bias.Responsibilities and qualifications Your main responsibility in the project will be to build create realistic medical imaging test beds for label bias and use them to investigate how label bias affects algorithms, their bias and their bias mitigation. Your pri...
Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
in Frederiksberg C
10.12.2024 Updated on: 16.12.2024
At present, the monitoring of fetal development during pregnancy relies heavily on simple predictive formulas that require high quality ultrasound images. Such high quality imaging is often unrealistic, but even when possible the available predictive models are limited in their predictive performance. Join an interdisciplinary team of researchers working to create an enhanced understanding of fetal development through multimodal data and interdisciplinary collaboration between clinicians, statisticians and machine learners. As a PhD student, your main responsibility will be to develop robust and interpretable models based on a large ultrasound imaging database. Your work may include foundation models, temporal models, uncertainty quantification and explainable AI, as well as collaborating ...
Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
in Frederiksberg C
10.12.2024 Updated on: 16.12.2024
Are you our new colleague? We are seeking a PhD student in Explainable AI (XAI) and Human-Computer Collaboration who is passionate about creating and validating XAI algorithms based on their actual utility to its users. This project is dedicated to developing and validating XAI algorithms designed to support clinicians in obtaining higher quality fetal ultrasound images, while simultaneously improving their image acquisition skills. In addition to creating and implementing XAI algorithms, your research will also include developing quantitative learning analytics that quantify the skill of clinicians based on their results and behavior while performing fetal ultrasound scans. You will be part of an interdisciplinary team including clinicians, medical education experts, and technical researc...
in Frederiksberg C
10.12.2024 Updated on: 16.12.2024
Associate Professor of Food and Gut Microbiome Interactions in Health and Disease Department of Food Science Faculty of Science University of Copenhagen The position involves research and teaching on the interactions between food and the human microbiota, with an emphasis on health implications. Areas of focus include eating disorders, womens health including fertility and the application of research-based knowledge to develop solutions, methods, and processes that benefit individuals and society. The position is temporary for 3 years and is available from 1 May 2025 Relevant candidates need to demonstrate expertise in: in vivo experiments, experience in securing research funding, and skills in scientific and popular dissemination of research. Documented experience with industry and int...
Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
in Frederiksberg C
10.12.2024 Updated on: 11.12.2024
Har du lyst til at være en del af en velfungerende forskningsgruppe, der spiller en væsentlig rolle i udførslen af avancerede kemiske analyser i forbindelse med vores forsknings- og rådgivningsprojekter? Er du akademiker med flair og interesse for instrumentelle analyser af kemiske stoffer i fødevarer? Så har vi til en udfordrende og alsidig stilling til dig, hvor du vil blive involveret i mange forskellige forskningsprojekter og rådgivning af danske myndigheder. Du vil blive tilknyttet Forskningsgruppen for Kemisk Fødevareanalyse, som bl.a. rådgiver og forsker i dannelsen af kemiske procesforureninger i fødevarer, samt analyser heraf. Forskningsgruppen, som du skal indgå i,har en omfattende analytisk platform baseret på massespektrometri og har til formål at bidrage til en forbedret kemis...
Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
in Frederiksberg C
10.12.2024 Updated on: 13.12.2024
Are you fascinated by the possibilities of employing neural networks in computer vision? Would you like to develop methods with the potential to address critical societal challenges? Would you thrive in an innovation-centric environment that bridges academia and industry. If so, read on! We are seeking applicants for a 3-year PhD position to join the DEXTRA research project, funded by Innovation Fund Denmark. As a PhD student, you will be enrolled in the PhD school at DTU Compute and affiliated with the Visual Computing Section. Much of your work will be carried out at the Danish Technological Institute, where DEXTRA project is managed.Responsibilities and tasks The overreaching objective of DEXTRA project is to develop X-ray imaging solution for integration into robotic meat deboning pla...
Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
in Frederiksberg C
10.12.2024 Updated on: 13.12.2024
The Hempel Foundation Coatings Science and Technology Center (CoaST) at DTU Chemical Engineering is looking for an experienced Paint Formulation Specialist to take care of our existing paint formulation expertise and tools, and to drive new formulation principles in relation to improved sustainability profiles. CoaST covers coatings technologies from raw materials, over formulation, test and characterization to production and application. In the broad perspective, the centre will support development, production and application of coatings with improved sustainability profiles over the lifetime of the coating. Areas of research include e.g. anticorrosive coatings for steel structures, blade coatings for wind turbines, intumescent coatings for passive fire protection, antifouling coatings fo...
Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
in Frederiksberg C
10.12.2024 Updated on: 16.12.2024
The National Centre for Nanofabrication and Characterization (DTU Nanolab) at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) is seeking a PhD student to develop methods for atomic scale characterization of functional metal nanoclusters (NP) and their distribution within a three-dimensional (3D) microporous crystalline framework (Matrix). You will join the research group of Prof. Joerg Jinschek, where you’ll advance electron microscopy and spectroscopy to improve our understanding of nanoclusters, just a few atoms in size, and their crucial role in catalysis. The project is part of interdisciplinary and highly collaborative research, in close collaboration with the group of Prof. Roland Fischer (Chair of Inorganic and Metal-Organic Chemistry) at the Technical University of Munich (TUM, Germany)....
Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
in Frederiksberg C
10.12.2024 Updated on: 16.12.2024
If you wish to pursue your career as a social scientist within Science & Technology Studies (STS) we are looking to hire a PhD candidate to realize the scholarly ambitions, put forth in an excellence project funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark (IFD/DFF) entitled “Expertise of Expectations” (‘Sapere Aude’ program). Responsibilities and qualifications The successful PhD candidate will engage with public engagement of cutting-edge engineering science within Power-to-X (PtX). You will be breaking new ground within STS, the sociology of expertise, and energy futures research with a larger research team led by Julia Kirch Kirkegaard. You will be affiliated with the Section of Human-Centred Innovation led by Tanja Schneider in the Division of Technology & Business Studies led by Brit...
Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
in Frederiksberg C
10.12.2024 Updated on: 16.12.2024
Are you interested in investigating the responsible use of Large Language Models (LLMs) and generative AI (GenAI) in education? If so, this PhD position could be for you. You will have the opportunity to work collaboratively within the HORIZON-MSCA AlignAI network and work closely with leading experts in the field, gaining hands-on experience with cutting-edge research at the intersection of Computer Science, statistics and education.About the Project We are seeking a highly motivated PhD students to join our research team as part of a prestigious Marie Skodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Doctoral Network (DN) project: AlignAI. The AlignAI Doctoral Network aims to train doctoral candidates in the interdisciplinary Large Language Model (LLM) research field. It focuses on aligning these models wi...
Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
in Frederiksberg C
10.12.2024 Updated on: 16.12.2024
PhD scholarship in engineering of carbohydrate active enzymes active to harness them as tools for synthesis of biotechnologically and biomedically important oligosaccharides in the Protein Glycoscience and Biotechnology group, DTU Bioengineering. This project, which is funded by Independent Research Fund Denmark | Technology and Production Research Project 1, is in collaboration with excellent national and international partners and aims at establishing a new strategy to engineer enzymes for synthesis of a variety of important oligosaccharides.If your ambition is to 1) Work with cutting edge strategies for enzyme engineering with an international top-notch research team, 2) Innovate sustainable solutions to harness the most abundant and renewable resources on the globe, namely carbohydrate...