Jobmonitor. Search results for Frederiksberg C, Others. Page 2

59 Jobs found

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Displaying 51-59 of 59 results.
  • Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet in Frederiksberg C
    10.12.2024 Updated on: 16.12.2024

    Kan du sætte en ambitiøs dagsorden for bæredygtighed, diversitet, inklusion og talentudvikling på et af verdens førende universiteter? Og kan du sammen med gode kollegaer på institutter, i afdelinger og i direktionen føre den ud i livet? Kan du sikre, at disse emner bliver en integreret del af vores forskning og bidrager til Danmarks Tekniske Universitets (DTU) nationale og internationale anerkendelse? Og kan du samtidig opnå bred opbakning, så de også styrker sammenhængskraften på tværs af hele DTU? I denne stilling sætter du dig aktivt i spidsen for at integrere bæredygtighed, diversitet, inklusion og talentudvikling i vores kerneydelser forskning og udddannelse. Du evner at nytænke begreberne, så de fremstår med overraskende perspektiver og muligheder for en fortsat udvikling af en attr...

  • Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet in Frederiksberg C
    10.12.2024 Updated on: 16.12.2024

    Vil du kickstarte din karriere som kontorelev hos DTU Space?Vil du være en del af et dynamisk administrations-team, der støtter forskning og undervisning på højt niveau? Trives du med varierede opgaver og service i et internationalt miljø? Så er du måske vores nye kontorelev.Om os DTU Space er Danmarks førende rumforskningsinstitut med omkring 210 medarbejdere. Vi udvikler teknologi, forsker, uddanner og samarbejder både nationalt og internationalt og har tæt samarbejde med både NASA og ESA. Som elev hos os får du et bredt indblik i administrationens mange facetter, der er med til at understøtte vores dygtige forskere og undervisere. Hvad skal du lave?Som kontorelev roterer du mellem flere afdelinger, hvor du blandt andet vil arbejde med:HR opgaver – eksempelvis On og off-boarding af nye m...

  • Company KU - SCIENCE - IGN frb campus omr. 3 in Frederiksberg C
    10.12.2024 Updated on: 16.12.2024

    Fixed-term Associate Professor of Cell Wall Degrading Enzymes Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management Faculty of Science University of Copenhagen University of Copenhagen, Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management is seeking candidates for temporary position as Associate Professor of Cell Wall Degrading Enzymes. Cell wall degrading enzymes (CWDE) are major components in the ecosystems of fungi and bacteria. The microorganisms secrete enzymes which are capable of degrading almost any organic polymer, even plastic. CWDEs cover a range of hydrolytic and oxidative enzymes, and they are important not only for the carbon cycle of ecosystems but also for industrial biotechnology. Biofuels, detergents, feed, food and textiles are some of the commercial applicati...

  • Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet in Frederiksberg C
    10.12.2024 Updated on: 16.12.2024

    The objective of the PhD project is the development and application of rigourous quantum chemical methods and simulation tools to predict and interpret the results of new time-resolved experiments investigating the relaxation mechanisms of functional molecules following electronic excitation and/or ionization. Experiments on selected functional molecules together with a number of experimental collaborators are an integral part of the project. Among the spectroscopic techniques of interest are steady-state and time-resolved x-ray absorption, x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, x-ray emission, normal and resonant Auger-Meitner (AES/RAES) at different edges. Depending on the functional molecule under study, the goal is either to probe fundamental processes like internal conversion, intersystem ...

  • Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet in Frederiksberg C
    10.12.2024 Updated on: 16.12.2024

    Do you want to break new ground and push the boundaries of sustainable design towards higher impact? At DTU Construct you will break new ground at the absolute forefront for enabling the design of sustainable solutions and be an active part of REBOUNDLESS, a prestigious ERC Consolidator Grant project, awarded by the European Research Council.  Your main goal will be to drive a paradigm shift in design science to enable the simulation of rebound effects (i.e., negative consequences of interventions that arise due to behavioural and systemic changes, which undermine ca. 40% of all potential sustainability gains) in the early phases of design.  You will have the opportunity to join top interdisciplinary scientists from all over the world and make a personal impact in solving some of the most ...

  • Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet in Frederiksberg C
    10.12.2024 Updated on: 16.12.2024

    PhD scholarship in discovery and engineering of carbohydrate active enzymes active on clinically important glyco-conjugates. in the Protein Glycoscience and Biotechnology group, DTU Bioengineering.   This project is a multidisciplinary collaboration with Lund University and the University of Gothenburg, both in Sweden and aims at developing enzymatic solutions for transformation of clinically important cell surface epitopes.If your ambition is to be a part of an international top-notch research team, working on solving a major global health challenge and communicating groundbreaking scientific findings, then this is the right project for you.Responsibilities and qualifications The overarching aim of your project is to explore interactions of enzymes, some to be discovered within the projec...

  • Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet in Frederiksberg C
    10.12.2024 Updated on: 16.12.2024

    Do you have a passion for computational neuroscience, neurorobotics, or bioengineering? If you are looking to establish your career as a scientist and want to work on cutting-edge biomedical research, this PhD scholarship might be the perfect opportunity for you. We offer a position where you will explore the frontiers of neuromusculoskeletal system modelling in collaboration with KTH Royal Institute of Technology. Your research will focus on the interaction between brain and body in Parkinson’s Disease (PD), with the goal of developing innovative tools for diagnosis and neurorehabilitation.Responsibilities and qualifications In this PhD project, you will study the brain-body interaction in PD by combining neural models with a musculoskeletal digital twin of rodent locomotion. You will wor...

  • Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet in Frederiksberg C
    10.12.2024 Updated on: 16.12.2024

    Are you excited about understanding human behaviour and decision-making? Are you eager to find out how we can leverage immersive virtual reality experiments to better explain and predict human decision-making? Are you interested in applying advanced modelling and data collection approaches to tackle real-world challenges in the human-centric design of future transport and infrastructure systems? If so, we invite you to apply for this PhD position in Human Decision-Making and Immersive Virtual Reality at DTU Management.  The position is part of the research project IMMERSION: Explaining human decision-making by combining choice and process data , which is funded by a European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant. The project aims to advance the study of human decision-making by developing ...

  • Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet in Frederiksberg C
    10.12.2024 Updated on: 18.12.2024

    Kan du se dig selv i et dynamisk og velfungerende juridisk team, der kendetegnes af indflydelse, flexibilitet og frihed? Vi søger en dig med interesse indenfor ejendomsområdet og byggeri til at hjælpe med administrative og juridiske opgaver hos vores juridiske team. Er du interesseret i ejendomsområdet og tænker du at byggeri er andet en mursten og mørtel? Vil du derudover gerne have et studieliv i sund balance mellem studie, arbejde og fritid, samtidig med at du kan møde på arbejde i et positivt og samarbejdsorienteret miljø med høj trivsel, arbejdsglæde og faglighed? I dette job kan du få hele pakken og mere til.Der er fuld fart på vores opgaver inden for juridisk sagsbehandling af ejendomsområdet, nybyggeri, modernisering og renoveringer  på DTU, som har 12.000 studerende og 6.000 ansat...

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