Jobmonitor. Search results for olsen-pedersen-stal-as. Page 2

921 Jobs found

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Displaying 101-150 of 921 results.
  • Company RDT Ingeniører ApS in Risskov
    22.01.2025 Updated on: 23.01.2025

    We are looking for a new colleague to join a exciting project with our client in the renewable industry. Our client is undertaking a significant migration of its application landscape to Amazon Web Services (AWS). To streamline and oversee this transformation, a dedicated Migration Program is being established. The program comprises three teams responsible for migrating applications and infrastructure from on-premises and Azure environments to AWS.One of these teams, named the "Migration Factory," will focus on facilitating and coordinating the migration of applications categorized as Rehost or Replatform. Given the repetitive nature of these activities, which leverage common AWS technologies (e.g., EC2, RDS, EKS), the team is aptly named the "Migration Factory." The team will consist of a...

  • Company TESLA MOTORS DENMARK ApS in Kastrup
    22.01.2025 Updated on: 23.01.2025

    What to ExpectOur Tesla Support Advisors aren't just technically gifted, they are also great communicators who put the customer first. As a Tesla Support Advisors, your role will be to guide our existing and future customers and create an exciting, memorable and best in class experience.You will join an international and diverse team supporting our mission to accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy and mobility.Your main responsibilities will be to support customers, offering them guidance about their Tesla Products. We want every customer to feel valued and informed, about our innovative products. You can help to deliver customer support in a way that creates an outstanding experience that represents the Tesla brand values.What You’ll DoRepresent: You will be a first line ...

  • Company TESLA MOTORS DENMARK ApS in Kastrup
    22.01.2025 Updated on: 23.01.2025

    What to ExpectOur Tesla Support Advisors aren't just technically gifted, they are also great communicators who put the customer first. As a Tesla Support Advisors, your role will be to guide our existing and future customers and create an exciting, memorable and best in class experience.You will join an international and diverse team supporting our mission to accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy and mobility.Your main responsibilities will be to support customers, offering them guidance about their Tesla Products. We want every customer to feel valued and informed, about our innovative products. You can help to deliver customer support in a way that creates an outstanding experience that represents the Tesla brand values.What You’ll DoRepresent: You will be a first line ...

  • Company Otterup-Lunde-Hjadstrup Sognes Menighedsråd in Otterup
    22.01.2025 Updated on: 23.01.2025

    Otterup-Lunde-Hjadstrup kirker søger en kordegn som er engageret og kan arbejde struktureret og selvstændig med opgaverne. Stilingen er på 10 timer pr. uge.Otterup sogn har 5271 indbyggere, Lunde sogn har 574 indbyggere og Hjadsttrup sogn har 807 indbyggere.Kordegnen skal varetage følgende opgaver:Personregistrering i elektronisk kirkebog.Betjening af kirkekontor.Kommunikationsopgaver bl.a. opdatering af hjemmeside og kirkeside.Sekrætæropgaver for menighedsråd og sognepræsterne.Diverse administratinsopgaver bl.a. ajourføring af kalender ( Medarbeideren) , bookingsystemer og Sognestatestik.Diverse ad hoc-opgaver for sognets præster og menighedsrådet.Din fysiske  arbejdsplads vil være ved menighedshuset som ligger ved Otterup kirke.Vi tilbyder:Et selvstændigt arbejde og spændende arbejde i s...

  • Company India Royale ApS in Kongens Lyngby
    22.01.2025 Updated on: 23.01.2025

    Culinary Indian Cuisine ChefFull-timeFull Job DescriptionVacancy: Indian Cuisine Culinary ChefType: Full TimeLocation: Our Indian restaurants in Roskilde, Esbjerg, Lyngby, Hellerup & Fisketorvet (Copenhagen)ResponsibilitiesThe Indian Cuisine Chef is required to provide quality Indian cuisines including Curry, starters and Tandoori to our guests and to maintain high standards of food hygiene and health & safety at all times. What we’re looking forExpertise in Tandoori, Curry and cookingExperiencedA flexible attitudeEnthusiastic about food and hospitality industryYou can develope new dishesGood communication skillTeam playerHave English language knowledgeWho we areWe are leading Indian restaurant in Denmark and having over 80 employees with good working enviroment.We offer excellent salary.S...

  • Company Komplex Øst ApS in Hvidovre
    22.01.2025 Updated on: 23.01.2025

    Vi søger på vegne af vores kunde kandidater, som har lyst til arbejde med passiv brandsikring. Så har du lyst til at arbejde med brandbeskyttelse, hullukning og brandisolering?Så er det dig, vi søger! Hvem er du?For at opnå succes i stillingen ser vi gerne, at du kan nikke genkendende til nedenstående:Du behøver ikke have erfaring med isolering eller brandsikring, det vigtigste er, at du har mod på at lære nyt og udvikle dig i stillingen.Du har erfaring med at begå dig på en byggeplads, og har dannet kendskab til basalt værktøj.Du er mødestabil og ansvarsbevidst.Du har kørekort B. Om stillingen:Du vil i stillingen skulle lave brandisolering af bærende bygningsdele såsom beton, trapezplader og stål.Arbejdsopgaverne vil variere, men vil primært være brandforebyggende opgaver såsom hullukning...

    22.01.2025 Updated on: 23.01.2025

    Egedal er et specialiseret miljøterapeutisk behandlingssted for psykisk sårbare og psykisk udfordrede unge. Egedal har eksisteret i over 30 år og har stor ekspertise og erfaring med målgruppen. Egedal er normeret til at have 16 unge boende på vores sted i Vallekilde samt 4 unge boende på vores nyåbnede sted Æblehøjgård i Skippinge og 3 pladser i vores nye skærmede afdeling ”At bo i Ro”.Vi søger en fast rengøringshjælp til Fonden Egedal. Vi er fordelt på to matrikler en gård i Vallekilde og et hus og et mødelokale i Skippinge. Vi søger en fast rengøringshjælp 12 timer om ugen fordelt på 3 dage.Som rengøringshjælp på Egedal skal du være:·         Mødestabil·         God og grundig til at gøre rent·         Omstillingsparat·         Have en god situationsfornemmelse·         Glad for at være ...

  • Company Kins v/Chamuke Emajake in Odense C
    22.01.2025 Updated on: 23.01.2025

    Hej Jeg har brug for en rengøringsassistent til føtex rosengårdcenteret 4,45 timer om dagen, fra kl 07:30 - 12:45. 6 dage om ugen. Mvh Chamuke    ...

  • Company VIKARRINGEN ApS in Ringsted
    22.01.2025 Updated on: 23.01.2025

    RINGSTED Lagermedarbejder - RækketruckArbejdssted: RingstedTil vores kunde, som er en virksomhed i Ringsted - søges 4 vikarer til længerevarende vikariat.Arbejdet er på daghold Daghold: 7.00-15.00 mandag til torsdag, og så er det 7.00-14.30 om fredagen.Du SKAL have erfaring med rækketruck kørsel og meget gerne også gaffeltruck.Løn efter overenskomst plus pension, feriepenge og frit valgs ordning. Dine væsentligste arbejdsopgaver vil være:Vedligeholdelse af lageretPluk og pakRækketruck kørselLæsning af lastbilerEndvidere forestiller vi os derfor at du har/er:OrdensmenneskeGaffeltruckkort  KørekortDu SKAL have erfaring med rækketruck kørsel.         Du tilbydes:Et job i en travl og spændende virksomhed i udviklingEt uformelt arbejdsmiljø med en frisk omgangstone, plads til humor og en frisk ...

  • Company Ren Service Plus ApS in Ribe
    22.01.2025 Updated on: 23.01.2025

    Rengøringsassistent søges til eftermiddags- og aftenarbejde i RibeVi søger en stabil og pligtopfyldende rengøringsassistent til at blive en del af vores team. Stillingen indebærer rengøring i eftermiddags- og aftentimerne, og vi leder efter en medarbejder, der sætter en ære i at levere et højt niveau af kvalitet og grundighed.Vi tilbyder:- Et fast og stabilt arbejdsmiljø  - Arbejdstider i eftermiddags- og aftenperioden  - En vigtig rolle i at sikre rene og indbydende omgivelser  Vi forventer, at du:- Er ansvarsbevidst og pålidelig  - Har øje for detaljer og arbejder effektivt  - Kan arbejde selvstændigt og struktureret  Hvis du kan se dig selv i denne rolle, ser vi frem til at modtage din ansøgning.  Ansøgning og kontakt:  Send din ansøgning og CV til [indsæt kontaktoplysninger]. Ansøgning...

    22.01.2025 Updated on: 23.01.2025

    Are you hard-working and motivated to gain more experience in a warehouse? If so, you might be the right fit for this job!On behalf of our customer in Lynge, we are seeking workers to join their warehouse team. We are hiring on a continous basis, so don’t hesitate to send in your application.Your responsibilities will include:• Preparing shipments• Ad hoc tasks• Product assembly• Assisting truck driversWorking hours are typically from 7:00 am to 3:00 pm, and we are looking for both part-time and full-time employees. Salary is based on experience and skills, ensuring that your dedication is always recognized.We are looking for individuals who:• Have previous experience working in a warehouse• Are reliable, stable, and hardworking• Have strong communication skills in either Danish or English...

  • Company CAPOLLA A/S in Rødekro
    22.01.2025 Updated on: 23.01.2025

    flexjob Lagermedarbejder- ompak/Åbenrå kun flexjobbere kan søge dette job. 15-20 timer pr uge : er det dig?  Vil være lagermedarbejder og ompakker/montrice til lager i den nordlige del af åbenrå kommune., på opvarmet lager.?Montrice teamet mangler en god kollega i afdeling ommærkning/ ompak., samt intern håndtering. Vil du være vores nye kollega og med på teamet ?savner du et frisk pust og nogle super kollegaer, et job uden konstant stress og jag, kan du evt starte snarest, ,  så læs gerne videre endnu:   Vi søger en frisk M/K til lager arbejde.Arbejdet foregår i Åbenrå Kommune /haderslev syd -på større opvarmet lager.15-20 timer uge, med henblik på fastansættelse.special arbejdet består i at ompakke varer fra små kasser til store kasser, og omvendt, påsætte stregkoder, alarmer, ommærke, p...

  • Company CERAMICSPEED SPORT A/S in Holstebro
    22.01.2025 Updated on: 23.01.2025

    AI Innovation Manager ved CeramicSpeed...

  • Company Professionshøjskolen Absalon, Campus Nykøbing F. in Roskilde
    22.01.2025 Updated on: 23.01.2025

    Hos Center for Socialt Arbejde er vi i gang med en omorganisering, som også betyder, at vi har brug for flere kræfter. Vi søger derfor en skema- og praktikkoordinator til en nyoprettet stilling, hvor dine ansvarsopgaver bliver planlægning og koordinering af skemaprocessen og koordinering af praktikken på Socialrådgiveruddannelsen. Vi søger dig, der motiveres af planlægning, struktur og tæt samarbejdet med praksis omkring vores studerende, når de er i praktik. På Professionshøjskolen Absalon er det vores ambition, at de studerende oplever en fagligt og socialt inkluderende studiestart, hvor de med det samme kan mærke deres kommende profession, uddannelse og studieliv. De bliver trænet i en professionel tilgang til arbejdet i studiegrupper, så de bliver bedst muligt rustet til deres kommend...

  • Company Erhvervsakademi SydVest in Esbjerg
    22.01.2025 Updated on: 23.01.2025

    Erhvervsakademi SydVest er en videregående uddannelsesinstitution, der tilbyder praksisnære uddannelser i Esbjerg, Sønderborg, Tønder og online. I Esbjerg søger vi en administrativ medarbejder til studieadministrationen. Du vil indgå i et team på 12 administrative medarbejdere.Opgaver:Du kommer til at arbejde med administrative opgaver og processer i et dynamisk internationalt miljø, hvor ikke to dage er ens, det vil sige:Oprettelse og vedligeholdelse af informationer i det studieadministrative systemIndrapportering til ministerietEksamensplanlægning og afvikling af eksamen i WiseflowAdministration og udsendelse af beviserI samarbejde med den øvrige studieadministration varetage daglige ad-hoc opgaverSamarbejde med undervisere og studerende om praktiske og administrative opgaverOptag af ny...

  • Company SEMCO MARITIME A/S in Esbjerg
    22.01.2025 Updated on: 23.01.2025

    At Semco Maritime we are looking for experienced employees with electrical & instrumentation and mechanical construction backgrounds to join us, as offshore Discipline Engineers.Your position You will have a challenging job in an international and ever-changing environment. You will be an important part of the offshore team that manages the offshore scope of work.The offshore execution phase is currently going on in the Danish North Sea and the scope of work is a combination of maintenance and modification tasks.The duration of the contract is estimated to be 4-months.Your tasks & responsibilities As our new discipline engineer you will work to ensure that the installations of mechanical or electrical discipline activities are carried out according to the quality standards and the scope of...

  • Company Travel Operations A/S in Aalborg
    22.01.2025 Updated on: 23.01.2025

    Are you a seasoned professional with a passion for transforming businesses through innovative technology solutions and working with an international company is your dream? Then this opportunity is exactly for you!We are currently looking for a skilled and motivated individual to join our Implementation Department as a Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Consultant.Your ResponsibilitiesHelping our customers implement Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central and TravelOperations solutions.Assisting with different workstreams during implementations.Providing input and knowledge to our product development team.Providing continuous support and improvements to our customers.Desired Skills & RequirementsDifferent profiles can be relevant, but the ideal candidate has the following competencies:...

  • Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet in Tune
    22.01.2025 Updated on: 23.01.2025

    We need to reduce climate impact by replacing fossil fuel. In this PhD project you can help with the green transition by enabling widespread use of alternative fuels. As biofuels and e-fuels will be more expensive, at least initially, it is of paramount importance to use them with the highest possible efficiency. Traditional Spark Ignition and Compression Ignition Internal Combustion Engines, ICE, have been optimized for fossil fuels for more than 140 years but the new fuels have properties that can enable a more efficient operation. Advanced combustion processes like HCCI, SACI and PPC will be used in this project. The overall goal of the project is to use AI to optimize combustion in real time and select which combustion mode is the best at each instance.  The AI controlled engine will r...

  • Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet in Frederiksberg C
    22.01.2025 Updated on: 23.01.2025

    We need to reduce climate impact by replacing fossil fuel. In this PhD project you can help with the green transition by enabling widespread use of alternative fuels. As biofuels and e-fuels will be more expensive, at least initially, it is of paramount importance to use them with the highest possible efficiency. Traditional Spark Ignition and Compression Ignition Internal Combustion Engines, ICE, have been optimized for fossil fuels for more than 140 years but the new fuels have properties that can enable a more efficient operation. Advanced combustion processes like HCCI, SACI and PPC will be used in this project. The overall goal of the project is to use AI to optimize combustion in real time and select which combustion mode is the best at each instance.  This part of the three-student ...

  • Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet in Frederiksberg C
    22.01.2025 Updated on: 23.01.2025

    DTU Bioengineering is seeking to employ a microfluidics specialist (AC-TAP) who will be responsible for the maintenance and operation, as well as user training of the microfluidics fabrication facility within the Protein Biophysics Research group led by Prof. Alexander Buell in the Protein Chemistry and Enzyme Technology Section at the DTU Bioengineering Department. The protein biophysics laboratory is carrying out research projects in the areas of biomedicine, food and biomaterials. In this job, you will serve as technical support in all projects that involve microfluidics. This means that you are expected to help with device design, fabrication and operation as well as data acquisition. Furthermore the training of students and other group members in all areas of microfluidics will be a c...

  • Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet in Frederiksberg C
    22.01.2025 Updated on: 23.01.2025

    Do you have solid laboratory experience in gas and liquid phase spectroscopy and physical chemistry combined with the opportunity to plan and manage your work independently? Would you also like a diverse job where you can develop your skills with particular focus on research? We are seeking an academic employee with minimum a M.Sc. degree in a physical or chemical discipline and with experience in spectroscopic methods to join our research team. Your new workplace is DTU Offshore – Danish Offshore Technology Centre – which is Denmark’s national R&D center for offshore technologies and holds a central position in the energy transition. We develop research-based technology solutions for the industry in the North Sea.The job The core of your job is to assist researchers in planning and conduc...

  • Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet in Frederiksberg C
    22.01.2025 Updated on: 23.01.2025

    A 3-year PhD scholarship is available at the Center for Fast Ultrasound Imaging (CFU), Department of Health Technology from November 2022 sponsored by the European Research Council (ERC) and the Department of Health Technology at DTU. It is conducted in collaboration between CFU and the MEMS group at DTU Health Tech, DTU Compute, the University of Copenhagen, and the Copenhagen University Hospital (Rigshospitalet) in the ERC Synergy Grant “3-D Super resolution Ultrasound Real time imaging of Erythrocytes” - SURE. The SURE project develops and researches a new super resolution ultrasound imaging method capable ofresolving 3-D capillary flow in the human body. The approach tracks the motion of the individual red blood cells (erythrocytes) in a three-dimensional volume for a full visualizatio...

  • Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet in Frederiksberg C
    22.01.2025 Updated on: 23.01.2025

    A 3-year PhD scholarship is available at the Center for Fast Ultrasound Imaging (CFU), Department of Health Technology from early 2025 sponsored by the European Research Council (ERC) and the Department of Health Technology at DTU. It is conducted in collaboration between CFU, DTU Compute, DTU Physics, the MEMS group at DTU Health Tech, the University of Copenhagen, and the Copenhagen University Hospital (Rigshospitalet) in the ERC Synergy Grant “3-D Super resolution Ultrasound Real time imaging of Erythrocytes” - SURE. The SURE project develops and researches a new super resolution ultrasound imaging method capable of resolving 3-D capillary flow in the human body. The approach tracks the motion of the individual red blood cells (erythrocytes) in a three-dimensional volume for a full visu...

  • Company AALBORG TEATER in Aalborg
    22.01.2025 Updated on: 23.01.2025

    Har du lyst til at arbejde som dramaturg på et stort teater med fuld produktion og fast ensemble? Har du idéer til forestillinger, mod på læsning af nye og klassiske stykker, glæde ved at formidle? Så er det måske dig, vi leder efter som dramaturg på Aalborg Teater.  AALBORG TEATERAalborg Teater er en landsdelsscene med ca. 70 fastansatte i form af teknikere, ensemble og administrativt personale, derudover er der tilknyttet freelancere til de enkelte produktioner. Teatret har to scener og producerer 9-10 egenproduktioner pr. sæson. Repertoiret spænder vidt og omfatter bl.a. dansk og udenlandsk dramatik, nyskrevet og klassisk dramatik, familieforestilling, børne- og skoleforestilling samt musikteater. ARBEJDSOPGAVER: PRODUKTIONSDRAMATURGI OG FORMIDLINGDu indgår i teatrets dramaturgiat, som ...

  • Company Viborg Stiftsadministration, Domkirkestræde 1, 8800 Viborg in Viborg
    22.01.2025 Updated on: 23.01.2025

    Stillingen som tjenestemandsansat sognepræst i Skivum-Giver-Blære Pastorat, Vesthimmerlands Provsti, er ledig til besættelse den 1. maj 2025.Til stillingen er knyttet en forpligtelse som kirkebogsfører og begravelsesmyndighed.Ud over sognepræstestillingen i Skivum-Giver-Blære Pastorat, er der en forpligtelse til at yde bistand på 40% til Aars Pastorat, Vesthimmerlands Provsti. Vedrørende denne forpligtelse vil der blive udarbejdet et Regulativ, som nærmere forklarer, hvad bistanden indebærer.Som ny sognepræst får du et introduktionsforløb, hvor du får en mentor, der guider dig igennem i den første tid i embedet og sætter dig nærmere ind i de forskellige arbejdsopgaver, der er for en præst.I Præsteforeningens medlemsblad kan du læse embedsbeskrivelsen fra menighedsrådet. Her kan du læse om ...

  • Company Syddansk Universitet in Esbjerg Ø
    22.01.2025 Updated on: 23.01.2025

    The Department of Public Health at SDU is seeking applicants for a PhD scholarship in the field of community participation and the health of vulnerable populations. We are looking for a person with a relevant undergraduate and master’s degree in public health or related research fields.Research environmentThe successful candidate will be placed within the Unit for Health Promotion (Esbjerg) at the Department of Public Health and will be connected to the research team around the project Community-Based Approaches to Well-being, Health, and Resilience in Rural Vulnerable Populations: A Study of Varde Municipality. The team of supervisors will consist of Associate Professor Leena Eklund Karlsson and Professor Pernille Tanggaard Andersen from the Department of Public Health.Project description...

  • Company Tesla Køge in Køge
    22.01.2025 Updated on: 23.01.2025

    What to ExpectTesla Finance Team’s mission is to improve the company operationally and financially by working cross functionally to control costs and improve processes. The Nordics financial controller is an important player in expansion of Tesla in the EMEA region. The financial controller will report to the team manager financial control and will provide financial analysis to management for respective countries. This person will also be the liaison between finance teams in Amsterdam and Berlin and business owners in the countries.To be successful in this role, you need to be technically strong, have a genuine interest in data analysis and process improvement and determined to deliver the best and most efficient results. Written and spoken proficiency in English and one of the countries i...

  • Company Statens Institut for Folkesundhed SDU in København K
    22.01.2025 Updated on: 23.01.2025

    The National Institute of Public Health (NIPH) at University of Southern Denmark (SDU) seeks applicants for a post doc position on the ‘Zero Hidden Hunger EU’ project for a one-year position with the possibility of extension, ideally starting April 1, 2025.‘Zero Hidden Hunger EU’ is a Horizon Europe funded research project aiming to provide estimates of the prevalence of micronutrient deficiencies and their associated health costs, focused on high-risk population subgroups. The aim is to provide the best possible evidence to develop context-specific, tailored food focused solutions to ensure adequate supply of vitamins and minerals from diets from sustainable sources. The project runs over 4 years (2024-2027) and gathers 19 partners from 12 European countries in a collaboration between top...

  • Company JS Byg Ebeltoft ApS in Ebeltoft
    22.01.2025 Updated on: 23.01.2025

    vi har travlt og mangler 4-6 tømrer Jobbeter forskellige opgaver lige fra nybyg til renovering ,samt opbygning af tagkasettertæt samarbejde med andre gode kollegaer derfor er det vigtigt at i er teamplayerVI TILBYDERløn efter kvalifikationerevt firmabilAnsættelse i henhold til overenskomst DI , DIO 3et spændende job med mange forskellige opgaverOM DIGDu er tømrer med svendebrev/ eller har stor erfaring fra byggeopgaverdu er kvalitetsbevidst ,  ansvarlig  og mødestabilkan læse tegninger tale Engelskdu har kørekortOM OSvi er et tømrerfirma fra Ebeltoft med ca 12-15 medarbejdere, hvor løfter i flok og hjælper hinandener det noget for digsend dit C.V. tillars.jsbyg@gmail.comkontakt person Lars Søndergaard49405344 ...

  • Company Tesla Aarhus in Aarhus V
    22.01.2025 Updated on: 23.01.2025

    What to ExpectTesla is looking for a Mobile Service Dispatcher to work on one of the most progressive vehicle brands in the world. This position requires a high-level customer and employee interaction, so the ideal candidate will not only possess the technical acumen, but also the ability to provide a strong level of customer service. If you are interested in becoming a part of a world-class service team supporting the latest EV technology, we are interested in hearing from you.To succeed at Tesla, you must be energetic, highly organised, and work smart as well as have a passion for the Tesla brand.What You’ll DoCoordinate repairs in accordance with new and used warranty guidelines and specificationsDetermine if technical solution can be resolved remotely, over the phone, or requires techn...

  • Company Tesla Odense in Køge
    22.01.2025 Updated on: 23.01.2025

    What to ExpectWe are looking for talented Automotive Technicians (Mechanic) for Tesla's Mobile Service across Denmark.Our Mobile Service Technicians are unique in the industry, driving in custom fit cars to customer locations to address their needs, ensuring best in class service.At Tesla, our Mechanics are the backbone of the Service operation, supporting our mission to accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy. We’ve created one of the most innovative vehicles ever made, and as a Mobile Service Technician you will help ensure an equally innovative service to our customersWe offer:A dynamic and fast-paced environment whereinclusion, learning and collaborationare key to success.An opportunity to utilize varying models of our fleet for daily operations and repairs.The chance t...

  • Company SIMON'S GOLF A/S in Fredensborg
    22.01.2025 Updated on: 23.01.2025

    January 2025 Head Mechanic position available at Simon’s Golf A/SDue our long-serving mechanic relocating in February 2025, Simon’s Golf A/S is seeking a new Head Mechanic to join our team. About Simon’s Golf:Simon’s Golf, located in Kvistgård, North Zealand, is a prestigious and well-established course designed by Martin Hawtree. The initial 18 holes opened in 1993, with an additional 9 holes introduced in 2008. Renowned as one of Denmark's premier championship courses, Simon’s Golf continues to uphold its reputation for excellence. What we offer:Exceptional workshop and maintenance facilitiesAn extensive fleet of modern machinery, predominantly TORO, Belrobotics and StihlSubstantial spare parts budget Role overview & requirementsStrong organisational and communication skillsConversationa...

  • Company Vikatech in København V
    22.01.2025 Updated on: 23.01.2025

    Vi søger medarbejder til Fyn både rørlæggere og kloak folk.Arbejdet er på hele fyn.Vi forventer :Uddannet eller har bevisKørekort Erfaring Vi kan tilbyde:God lønpakke Udbetaling hver 14. dag Gode arbejdsforhold  Hvis du vil høre nærmere så ring på 91865755 eller mail: ...

  • Company Vikatech in København V
    22.01.2025 Updated on: 23.01.2025

    Vi søgere Kloakrørlæggere til København! Vi forventer:Du har bevis Du har kørerkort Du har erfaring Vi kan tilbyde:God Lønpakke Udbetaling hver 14. dag Gode arbejdsforhold. Hvis du vil vide mere så kontakt os på Tlf: 91865755 eller mail:

  • Company Vikatech in København V
    22.01.2025 Updated on: 23.01.2025

    Vi mangler et par murer til opstart hurtigst muligt. Arbejdspladsen er i København. Der er tales og service og byggeplads arbejde. Vi forventer af dig:Udlært MurerKørerkortErfaringVi kan tilbyde:God LønpakkeUdbetalt løn hver 14. daggode arbejdsforhold  Hvis du vil vide mere så kontakt os på tlf: 91865755 eller mail: Opstart hurtigst muligt ...

  • Company SEMCO MARITIME A/S in Esbjerg
    22.01.2025 Updated on: 23.01.2025

    Are you an experienced and motivated Electrical Foreman looking for your next exciting challenge? We are seeking skilled professionals to join our team for the HCA Gas Lift Project, starting in March 2025. About the RoleAs an Electrical Foreman, you will take charge of day-to-day operations for electrical work on-site. Your role will involve managing a team of electricians, ensuring all tasks are completed safely, on time, and to the highest standards.Key ResponsibilitiesOversee and coordinate the daily activities of the electrical team.Ensure all work complies with project plans, specifications, and safety standards.Conduct inspections to ensure high-quality installations.Collaborate with other departments and contractors to maintain seamless operations.Provide hands-on guidance and suppo...

  • Company Tesla Køge in Køge
    22.01.2025 Updated on: 23.01.2025

    What to ExpectTesla is looking for a Mobile Service Dispatcher to work on one of the most progressive vehicle brands in the world. This position requires a high-level customer and employee interaction, so the ideal candidate will not only possess the technical acumen, but also the ability to provide a strong level of customer service. If you are interested in becoming a part of a world-class service team supporting the latest EV technology, we are interested in hearing from you.To succeed at Tesla, you must be energetic, highly organised, and work smart as well as have a passion for the Tesla brand.What You’ll DoCoordinate repairs in accordance with new and used warranty guidelines and specificationsDetermine if technical solution can be resolved remotely, over the phone, or requires techn...

  • Company Tesla Køge in Køge
    22.01.2025 Updated on: 23.01.2025

    What to ExpectWe are looking for a highly motivated self-starter to join our vehicle data collection team. The Vehicle Operator role is responsible for capturing high quality data that will contribute to the improvement of our vehicles performance. This role requires a high level of flexibility, attention to detail, and ability to work in a fast-paced dynamic environment. Day, night and graveyard shift positions available. What You’ll DoOperate a vehicle in a designated area for data collection Start/Stop recording devices and do minor equipment/software debugging when necessary. Analyze/report data collected during shift Provide feedback and suggest improvements to improve data collection processes Write daily drive reports detailing observations and issues Check vehicle is in proper ...

  • Company HLT SERVICE ApS in Aabenraa
    22.01.2025 Updated on: 23.01.2025

    We are looking for mechanics and technicians to join our modern autoworkshop in Aabenraa! We are a workshop with facilities for both van- and passenger cars as well as a damage center. As an IVECO dealer, we specialize in IVECO vehicles but repair all brands of both passenger cars and vans.If you are passionate about cars and technology, and you want to work with the latest tools and methods in a company that sets the standard for quality and innovation, this opportunity is for you.We are offering:•State-of-the-art facilities: Our workshop is equipped with 37 lifts and the newest technology.•Dynamic and forward-thinking work environment: Be part of a company that adapts to industry changes and strives for continuous improvement.•Development opportunities: Access to a variety of training co...

  • Company HC SMEDE A/S in Børkop
    22.01.2025 Updated on: 23.01.2025

    Erfaren Montør Søges til HC Smede A/SEr du en dygtig montør med erfaring inden for montering af stålkonstruktioner? HC Smede A/S søger en engageret og fleksibel montør, der vil være med til at montere stål til spændende projekter i hele Danmark.Hvem er du?Du har erfaring med montering af stålkonstruktioner såsom trapper, altaner og værn – dette er din primære arbejdsopgave.Du har kørekort (kategori B) – Trailerkort (BE) og det er en stor fordel, hvis du også har lastbilkørekort (kategori C).Du har flair for at betjene maskiner som løfter og kraner og bruger dem som støtteværktøjer i monteringsarbejdet.Du er ansvarsbevidst, arbejder struktureret og har fokus på kvalitet og sikkerhed.Du er fleksibel og kan håndtere, at arbejdsopgaverne varierer både i placering og varighed – herunder muligt ...

  • Company TESLA MOTORS DENMARK ApS in Søborg
    22.01.2025 Updated on: 23.01.2025

    What to ExpectAt Tesla, our Service Technicians are the backbone of the Service operation, supporting our mission to accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy.We’ve created one of the most innovative vehicles ever made, and as a Service Technician you will help ensure an equally innovative service to our customers. To succeed at Tesla, you must be energetic, highly organized, and smart working. You should have a passion for the brand and the ability to build on your technical skill set and thrive in a team environment.Are you up for the challenge?We offer:A dynamic & fast-paced environment where inclusion, learning & collaboration are key to successThe chance to work with innovative technology, advanced tools and softwareOngoing training and development to help you grow your...

  • Company TESLA MOTORS DENMARK ApS in Søborg
    22.01.2025 Updated on: 23.01.2025

    What to ExpectAt Tesla, our Service Advisors consistently coordinate a seamless experience for customers servicing their vehicles. They constitute Tesla’s front line and are our brand ambassadors, supporting our mission to accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy.As a Service Advisor, you will support customers from the moment they walk through our door or schedule a service visit to returning their vehicle, managing communication across physical and digital platforms. We’ve created one of the most innovative vehicles ever made, and you will help ensure an equally innovative service experience.To succeed at Tesla, you must be energetic, highly organized, and smart working. You should have a passion for the brand and the ability to create exceptional customer experiences. Wha...

  • Company CREMO INGREDIENTS A/S in Glamsbjerg
    22.01.2025 Updated on: 23.01.2025

    Vi søger en Mejeriarbejder til vores Råvareafdeling:Formålet med jobbet: Råvaren er en servicefunktion til Tårn/Smelteriet hvorfor afdelingens primære opgave er at sikre, at alle nødvendige råvarer er tilgængelige i rette mængde, kvalitet og til rette tid.Forventninger til rollen:Ophakning:·         Ost scannes og registreres på procesordren, når osten tages fra kølerum til opskriften·         Osten kontrolleres altid for eventuelle afvigelser ud fra de instruerede kriterier. Osten kontrolleres både når det tages fra lageret samt undervejs i processen·         Osten afvejes ved vejebåndet efter de i opskriften angivende mængder·         Osten udpakkes ved skærebåndet under hensyntagen til arbejdsmiljø og kvalitet·         Labels påsættes den hakkede ost, der efterfølgende køres til kølelag...

  • Company Tesla Ribe in Ribe
    22.01.2025 Updated on: 23.01.2025

    What to ExpectDo you want to help accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy?At Tesla that's our mission.We are looking for a talented Service Technician focusing on Used Car Refurbishment. At Tesla, our Service Technicians are the backbone of the Service operation, supporting our mission to accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy.We’ve created one of the most innovative vehicles ever made, and as a Service Technician you will help ensure an equally innovative service to our customers. To succeed at Tesla, you must be energetic, highly organized, and smart working. You should have a passion for the brand and the ability to build on your technical skill set and thrive in a team environment. Are you up for the challenge?We offer: A dynamic & fast-paced environmen...

  • Company VIKTECH P/S in Vejle
    22.01.2025 Updated on: 23.01.2025

    Vi søger en faglært elektriker til at arbejde med kabeltræk og føringsveje i Vejle.Arbejdsopgaver:Kabeltræk og etablering af føringsveje.Almindeligt el-arbejde i nyopførte bygninger.Kvalifikationer:Uddannet elektriker.Erfaring med kabeltræk og føringsveje er en fordel.Det er en fordel, hvis du taler og forstår dansk.Mødestabil.Vi tilbyder:En spændende opgave i et nyt og moderne byggeri.Elektriker overenskomstMulighed for opstart i uge 6 eller uge 8.Er du interesseret i stillingen eller har spørgsmål, så kontakt endelig Line Mai Hyttelkjær på tlf.: 69663647.Vi ser frem til at høre fra dig!...

  • Company JOB5 ApS in Vejle
    21.01.2025 Updated on: 23.01.2025

    Maler søges! Er det dig? Vi søger en dygtig maler til forskellige opgaver – lige fra byggepladser til private hjem, hvor du vil være med til at skabe flotte og holdbare resultater.Jobbet ligger på vejle ArbejdsopgaverUdføre grundlæggende maleropgaver, herunder spartling, grunding og maling af vægge og lofter.Anvende forskellige maleteknikker og sikre præcise overflader.Sikre høj kvalitet i arbejdet med fokus på detaljer og flot finish. Personlige kvalifikationerMødestabil og ansvarsfuld.Kan arbejde både selvstændigt og i teams.Serviceminded og hjælpsom over for kollegaer og kunder.Dansk talende.Har kørekort B....

    21.01.2025 Updated on: 23.01.2025

    Maskinfører søges til maskinstationalsidig maskinfører søges til forskellige arbejdsopgaver på landbrugsmaskinstationbla. gyllekørsel,gummiged,pløjning,bigballepresser,mejetærsker samt forfalden arbejde...

  • Company DALI PERSON TRANSPORT APS in Albertslund
    21.01.2025 Updated on: 23.01.2025

    Chauffør til persontransport kørsel (FlexTrafik) Søges !!! Vi søger chauffører til kørsel i Hele Sjælland - 5 dage om ugen - dagskørsel Du skal kunne beherske dansk, have taxa chaufførkort, BAB 1-2-3, samt trafik godkendt Først hjælp kursus og XL-kursus Kørekort: B(Almindelig/Taxi (Taxikørekort) , Lønnen er efter KA overenskomst. ...

  • Company Cafe Pyramiden v/Recep Ünsal in Næstved
    21.01.2025 Updated on: 23.01.2025

    Vi søger søger 1 dygtige og engagerede kokke til vores team med fokus pa tyrkiske madoplevelser i vores tyrkiske cafe. Om os:Vi er kendt for vores lækre, autentiske retter, der tilberedes med kærlighed og friske ravarer. Hos os bliver du en del af et dynamisk og venligt arbejdsmiljø, hvor vi sætter pris pa kvalitet og kundetilfredshed.Vi søger dig, som:·        Har erfaring med madlavning inden for det tyrkiske/mellemøstlige køkken·        Har sans for detaljer og kan arbejde under pres.·        Er serviceminded og bidrager til en god stemning i køkkenet.Vi tilbyder:·        En spændende arbejdsplads med mulighed for at udvikle dine evner.·        Gode kolleger og fleksible arbejdstider.·        Konkurrencedygtig løn efter kvalifikationer.Er du klar til at blive en del af vores team?Vi glæ...

  • Company Restaurant Asia Skagen in Skagen
    21.01.2025 Updated on: 23.01.2025

    Vi søger en stabil og ansvarlig kok, der kan lave kinesiske retter, og som samtidig har 5-10 års erfaring som kok i en kinesisk restaurant. Vi er en stor kinesisk restaurant som serverer en kinesisk buffet, kinesisk a la carte og sushi, og der bliver til tider travlt.Derfor skal du kunne arbejde selvstændigt og under pres. Vi kræver at du har et indgående kendskab til traditionel kinesiske mad, og at du er god til at samarbejde med andre. Dine arbejdstider ligger mellem kl. 12-22.Du arbejder efter vagtplan fordelt på alle 7 ugedage. Startløn - 35.000 kr. Send ansøgning og CV til Lidan Ji på Cook for Asian foodWe are looking for a stable and responsible chef, who can make Sushi and Chinese dishes, and who at the same time has 5-10 years of experience as a chef in a Ch...

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