1080 Jobs found
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Displaying 1031-1080 of 1080 results.
Company Keramikcafé Møllehuset ApS
in Hjørring
12.02.2025 Updated on: 20.02.2025
"I toppen af Danmark midt i en fantastisk natur, nær Vesterhavets barske kyst, kan tiden synes stå stille et øjeblik. I Keramikcafé Møllehuset på vor egen keramik, serverer vi en god kaffe med hjemmebagte kager og brød - altid med tid til samtale. I en atmosfære af hygge og ro, er der mulighed for, at geare ned og få tid til eftertanke". Sådan beskriver vi vores lille familiedrevne café ved Lønstrup, som vi nu har haft i over 10 år. Til den kontinuerlig drift og udvikling i sæson 2025 søger vi medarbejdere til cafeen – herunder en souschef. Hvis du søger souschefstillingen er er det væsentligt, at du har erfaring med cafearbejde fra tidligere jobs med fokus på kundeservice. Arbejdsopgaverne vil bl.a. være- klargøring af cafe og køkken- kundebetjening og servering- baristaopgaver- afrydnin...
Company RDT Ingeniører ApS
in Aalborg
12.02.2025 Updated on: 14.02.2025
We are looking for a new colleague to join an exciting project with our client in Aalborg.Are you an experienced Project Manager looking for a new project?Contact us for more information!QUALIFICATIONS & COMPETENCIESStrong in building working relationships (internal and external)Solid understanding/qualification of Project Management PrincipalsTake own initiatives and ensure for resultsExperience with safety project is advantageBachelor's Degree or equivalent experienceExperienced within project managementRelevant practical experienceWell organised and capable of meeting agreed deadlinesStrategic thinking with operational focusOrganizational thinking, planning & adherence to timelinesPerson with good communication skillsExcellent skills when it comes to overviewStrong English skills - both...
Company RDT Ingeniører ApS
in København K
12.02.2025 Updated on: 18.02.2025
We are looking for a new colleague to join an interesting project with our client in the renewable industry. You will cover for the Foundations and GEO_ART within one of their solution trains called EC_ST. You will have two teams working with e.g. an internal tool chain for designing foundational structures for their offshore windfarms.Location: Greater Copenhagen, hybrid.QUALIFICATIONS & COMPETENCIESStrong experience as a Scrum MasterAble to promote and maintain the agile methodologies in these two team primarily consisting of engineers and IT rolesMust able to manage the de-scaled* ART setup without a dedicated RTE; Hence, RTE experience is a plus but not a requirementAre a SAFe certified scrum master with solid experience from various teams and companiesHave strong communication skills ...
in København S
12.02.2025 Updated on: 18.02.2025
About MoonboonMoonboon was founded in 2019 by Marie, who, as a new mother, discovered the challenges of rocking her baby hammock for hours a day. This led her to invent a motor to automate the process. Since then, Moonboon has developed a range of products and become a dynamic company committed to improving children’s sleep in over 70 countries worldwide. The company aims to be an integral part of every child’s sleep routine by offering safe, reliable products to parents.Moonboon’s products are developed in close collaboration with experts and engineers, designed with a Scandinavian aesthetic that ensures safety, sustainability, and timeless beauty. Since its inception, the product portfolio has grown to include more than 40 unique items.Moonboon envisions becoming a trusted partner and th...
Company Delta Rengøring ApS
in Vejle
12.02.2025 Updated on: 14.02.2025
Er det mon dig vi mangler!!!Vi har virkelig behov for en ny kollega, som kan hjælpe os 2 gange om ugen - det er tirsdag og torsdag - i 2 time 30 min, i en tandlægeklinik i Vejle.Jobet er et "lille job", du kan med fordel være fleksjobber, gå på en videregående uddannelse, ønske et lille ekstrajob. Jobbet deles med en kollega, som har de andre dage, hvorfor man skal være indstillet på at afløse denne ved sygdom og ferie. Der er ikke noget krav om erfaring indenfor rengøring, da jobbet er udførligt beskrevet. Det eneste krav vi stiller er, at du er mødestbil, grundig og har sans for detaljerne, samt behersker dansk i skrift og tale.Jobbt indebærer affaldshåndtering af lettere afald (pap og papir til container), rengøring af flader, gulve, toiletter, personalerum, gangarealer og klinikker. Be...
Company MTP Logistics ApS
in Hillerød
12.02.2025 Updated on: 18.02.2025
Lagermedarbejder og logistikkoordinatorMtp Logistic Aps er del af vores MyTrendyPhone som er Danmarks førende forhandler af mobiltilbehør.Om jobbet:Du bliver en del af den faste stab på vores lagerteam. Der er tale om et ungt international team, hvor der er en god teamånd og omgangstone.Vi er en virksomhed, hvor det til tider går stærkt, og med deadlines der skal overholdes, så det er vigtigt, at du kan holde hovedet koldt og bevare overblikket.Arbejdsted: Karlebovej 593400 Hillerød Dine arbejdsopgaver:VaremodtagelseKoordinere med leverandører, transportører, kunder og kollegerOvervåge lagerbeholdningenOpfyldning af pluklokationerPluk og pakning af ordrerDeltagelse i årlig optælling/statusDine egenskaber:Du er enten uddannet på lager eller har flere års erfaring fra lignende jobDu har gern...
Company Agerholm Service Partner
in Kastrup
12.02.2025 Updated on: 18.02.2025
Rengøringsassistent 20 timer ugentlig aften og weekend i KastrupVi søger en dygtig og grundig medarbejder eller par til kontorrengøring. Om stillingen og dine arbejdsopgaver:· Du udfører kontorrengøring· Du arbejder 3 timer mandag, tirsdag, onsdag og-torsdag, efter kl. 17. 7t.45min lørdag i dagstimerne.Arbejdsstedet ligger tæt på metro og bus Vi tilbyder:· Grundig oplæring i vores arbejdsmetoder· Gode og ordentlige arbejdsforhold· Ordentligt arbejdstøj Din profil:· Du har erfaring med rengøring · Du er venlig, grundig og stabil· Du kan fremvise straffeattest· Du taler og forstår dansk og/eller engelsk Om Agerholm Service Partner Agerholm Service Partner er en familieejet virksomhed, der tilbyder rengøring, ejendomsservice og vinduespolering af høj kvalitet. Vi ser rengøring som et håndvæ...
Company Delta Rengøring ApS
in Kolding
12.02.2025 Updated on: 18.02.2025
Er det mon dig vi mangler!!!Vi har virkelig behov for en ny kollega, som kan hjælpe os 3 gange om ugen - det er mandag - onsdag - fredag - i 1 time og 15 min i en tandlægeklinik i centrum af Kolding.Jobet er et "lille job", du kan med fordel være fleksjobber, gå på en videregående uddannelse, ønske et lille ekstrajob. Jobbet deles med en kollega, som har de andre dage, hvorfor man skal være indstillet på at afløse denne ved sygdom og ferie. Der er ikke noget krav om erfaring indenfor rengøring, da jobbet er udførligt beskrevet. Det eneste krav vi stiller er, at du er mødestbil, grundig og har sans for detaljerne, behersker dansk i skrift og tale.Jobbt indebærer affaldshåndtering af lettere afald (pap og papir til container), rengøring af flader, gulve, toiletter, personalerum, gangarealer...
in Spentrup
12.02.2025 Updated on: 18.02.2025
Vi er inde i en spændende udvikling og har derfor brug for flere medarbejder i vores virksomhed.Dine arbejdsopgaver vil bestå af montage af nye og brugte anlæg til foderstoffer, mineralfabrikkerlandbrug, træfabrikker og lign. Kan også være reparationer af møllerimaskiner, filtre, palletering,big-bag anlæg, gear/motor samt div. fejlfinding på anlæg m.m.Du møder ind på værkstedet i Spentrup og kører ud til kunder i hele Jylland og Fyn.Så er du udlært smed, mekaniker eller lign. og har teknisk forståelse, så er du lige den vi står og mangler.Kendskab til møllerimaskiner eller transportør ser vi gerne - men er ingen betingelse.Du skal have kørekort og gerne truckcertifikat.Vi kan tilbyde varieret arbejde og et godt arbejdsklima.Er du intresseret - så send os en ansøgning på info@mollebyg.dkHvi...
Company RDT Ingeniører ApS
in København K
12.02.2025 Updated on: 18.02.2025
We are looking for Cloud Service Support Specialist for our client in the banking industry.Location: Greater Copenhagen, hybrid.QUALIFICATIONS & COMPETENCIESStrong experience as a Cloud Service SpecialistDocumented experience working with: Software management, Scripting, Microsoft 365, Exchange, SharePoint, Azure Virtual Desktop, Citrix, Automation, Device Management, CAPA execution, Documentation and Service transition/migrationChange Management ImportantCloud ComputingExchangeIT ArchitectureIT Security ArchitectMicrosoft InfrastructureSolution ArchitectingTechnical documentationTesting - Operational Readiness TestingTransition managementWorkplace Technology Operations DesignExperience from the Banking industry - advantageRelevant educational backgroundValid EU work permit making you able...
Company Laivsta UAB
in Kalundborg
12.02.2025 Updated on: 18.02.2025
UAB Laivsta is looking for Foreman for an ongoing Industrial project in Denmark, Kalundborg:Responsibilities of the role:Arrangement and control of mechanical installation worksQuality controlSubmission of completed worksPreparation of reportsAssurance and control of work safetyRequirements for the role:At least 3 years of similar work experienceHigher engineering educationGood planning skillsGood knowledge of English languageGood computer skills.Ability to read and interpret technical drawingsOccupational safety certificate (advantage).Driver's license (category B)Confidence in meeting deadlines and working in a fast-paced environment.Strong commitment to maintaining and enhancing health and safety standards....
in Odder
11.02.2025 Updated on: 17.02.2025
Chauffør/Lagermedhjælper med ADR søges til Foxdal Gruppen A/S Foxdal Gruppen i Odder søger en ansvarlig og selvstændigt arbejdende medarbejder der kan gå til hånde med forskellige opgaver både i - og omkring vores hus. Chaufførdelen vil være det primære arbejdsområde. Du skal være indstillet på, at ikke to dage er ens, og være frisk på at kunne tage ansvar for at løse mange forskelligartede opgaver. Du bliver en del af vores team på 7 kollegaer. Du har dagligt kontakt til dine kolleger og kunder, og det er derfor vigtigt at du er serviceminded og fleksibel.Har du lyst til at blive en del af et arbejdsmiljø, hvor alle løfter i flok, og har dit ADR på plads er denne stilling måske noget for dig.Stillingen er på 37 timer pr. uge. Om stillingen: · Læsning og aflæsning af bilen· Af...
in Skive
11.02.2025 Updated on: 17.02.2025
Are you looking for new challenges and do you have experience with metalworking? At Idé-Pro we are extremely busy and are therefore looking for another metal caster for our metal department in Skive.As a metal caster at Idé-Pro, you will be part of a larger team in our metal department, with other metal casters who handle our four high-pressure die casting machines. Primary tasks:•Set up/run tools on our HPDC machines (Frech and ItalPresse).•Melting light metal (aluminium, zinc and magnesium) analysing it. •Provide feedback on projects to designers/project managers. •Perform quality control and continuous improvement. Who are you:•You preferably have experience from a similar position, or experience in handling and working with metal.•You work independently and are quality conscious.•You c...
Company Vikatech
in København V
11.02.2025 Updated on: 17.02.2025
Vi søger akut en rørlægger med erfaring, krav at du har rørlæggerbevis.God løn pakke og lønfordele samt overenskomstRing for mere info på 91865755 eller mail kontakt@dinmedarbejder.dk...
Company Vikatech
in København V
11.02.2025 Updated on: 17.02.2025
Vi mangler en Rørlægger med bevis til opstart hurtigst muligt. God løn og lønfordele samt overenstkomst.Ring på 91865755 for mere info eller mail kontakt@dinmedarbejder.dk...
Company Vikatech
in København V
11.02.2025 Updated on: 17.02.2025
Vi mangler akut en rølægger, det er et krav at du har rørlægger bevis God løn og lønfordele, samt overenstkomst Ring på 91865755 eller på mail kontakt@dinmedarbejder.dk...
in Esbjerg
11.02.2025 Updated on: 17.02.2025
Metalliseringsmedarbejder søges til virksomhed på Esbjerg Havn. Erfaring krævs fra tidligere job. Da der stilles store krav til vores arbejde. Vi søger en person som er mødestabil. Du skal kunne møde tidligt om morgenen. Fine betingelser tilbydes god løn, pension og bonus. ...
in Aarhus C
11.02.2025 Updated on: 17.02.2025
Er du en dygtig mekaniker, med erfaring indenfor vedligeholdelse og reparation af cykler? Lime søger lige nu en engageret og erfaren mekaniker til deres team i Århus.Lime er en førende virksomhed inden for mikromobilitet, specialiseret i lejecykler til storbyer. Limes elcykler og scootere gør det lettere og mere bæredygtigt at komme rundt i byen. De er derfor stolte af at levere innovative og miljøvenlige transportløsninger, der skaber værdi for byens indbyggere.Som mekaniker hos Lime spiller du en central rolle i at sikre, at deres elcykler altid er i perfekt stand og klar til brug for de mange brugere i byen.Dine primære opgaver vil være:• Udføre reparationer og vedligeholdelse af cykler, primært på stedet.• Bruge værktøj effektivt til at sikre korrekte og holdbare reparationer.• Lede og...
Company JR Group ApS
in Other
11.02.2025 Updated on: 17.02.2025
Vi søger dygtige sanitører / Nedriver i Kbh og omegn med med erfaring indenfor:Nedrivning Asbestsanering SkimmelsaneringBetonog andre opgaver. det er en fordel, hvis du har asbest og PCB certifiikat, men ikke et krav. Vi tilbyder glade kollegaer, grundig oplæring, en god time samt gode arbejdsforhold. Startdato: snarest muligt!Send os en hilsen og lidt om dig selv og dine erfaringer på info@jrgroup.dk Vi glæder os til og høre fra dig. Sanitaire / DemolitionistWe are looking for skilled sanitation workers in Copenhagen and the surrounding area with experience in:Demolition Mold removalConcrete It is an advantage if you have an Asbestos and PCB certificate, but not a requirement.We offer happy colleagues, thorough training, a good hourly wage and good working conditions.Start date: as soon ...
in Aarhus C
11.02.2025 Updated on: 18.02.2025
Er du klar til at tage styringen og bidrage til en mere bæredygtig by? Lime søger nemlig lige nu en engageret og effektiv chauffør til deres team i Århus! Lime er en førende virksomhed inden for mikromobilitet, specialiseret i lejecykler til storbyer. Limes elcykler og scootere gør det lettere og mere bæredygtigt at komme rundt i byen, og de brænder for at levere innovative og miljøvenlige transportløsninger, der skaber værdi for byens indbyggere.Som chauffør hos Lime er du med til at sikre, at deres elcykler altid er klar til brug, og at de når ud til de mange brugere i byen. Dine primære arbejdsopgaver vil indebære at:• Planlægge kører ruter for at nå ud til alle cyklerne• Skifte batterier på elcyklerne efter behov.• Opsamle efterladte cykler• Laste cyklerne korrekt på bilen og sikre ans...
in Vejle
11.02.2025 Updated on: 15.02.2025
Driftsleder søges til karrierestilling.Er du klar til at få driftsansvaret for en spændende produktion i udvikling, og har du allerede vist, at du er en kompetent leder - så er denne invitation til dig.Du får det overordnede driftsansvar for komponentfabrik og montagelinjer, og sammen med dine teamledere optimerer og viderevikler du tværgående processer og arbejdsgange, så kapacitet og produktionseffektivitet øges og gennemløbstider forkortes.Du refererer til CEO, og indtræder i lederteamet, hvor du med dit lederskab, kompetencer og din erfaring aktivt bidrager til at løfte virksomheden til next level.Dine ansvarsområder og arbejdsopgaver.Du får ledelsesansvaret for dine teamledere, og via din situationsbestemte ledelse og faglighed, så leder og motiverer du med fokus på trivsel og arbejds...
in Vejle
11.02.2025 Updated on: 15.02.2025
Teknisk Projektleder søges.Teknisk Projektleder søges til at eksekvere.Kan du levere udviklingsprojekter til aftalt tid, og ligger teknik og kvalitet øverst i din værktøjskasse? Vil du være med til at udvikle løsninger til at styrke det danske forsvar?Så er det dig vi skal have med på holdet i et nyt og spændende job hos Team Plagborg, hvor der er højt til loftet og et godt arbejdsmiljø.Dine ansvarsområder og arbejdsopgaver.Med direkte reference til udviklingsdirektøren får du ansvaret for at udviklingsprojekterne leveres til rette tid, pris og kvalitet.Derudover får du driftsansvaret for projektporteføljen, hvor du har styr på detaljerne, og har en naturlig evne til at eksekvere.Du arbejder direkte i salgsprocessen, hvor du møder kunderne, du forstår deres ønsker og omsætter dem til speci...
Company Jysk-bilsyn ApS - Vejle
in Vejle
11.02.2025 Updated on: 18.02.2025
Vi søger en ekstra medarbejder til vores vejle afd. Vi tænker umildbart en deltidsmedarbejder 2-3 dage evt fra 8-18 men vi er åbne for input. fuldtid kan også være en mulighed, du vil indgå i team med vores faste medarbejder og i kan aftale mødetider Du skal være uddannet bilsynsassistent kat.1 eller kat.3 og havde gyldigt kørekortVi forventer du er :Selvstændig.God til kunder. Vi tilbyder:Gode faste kunder.Frihed under ansvar.Mulighed for personlig udvikling. du kan også være efterlønner eller spec. ønsker med arb.tid...
Company Fysioterapien.dk - Ballerup I/S
in Ballerup
11.02.2025 Updated on: 17.02.2025
Tilgangen er stor og vores nye lokaler er klar - vi søger derfor en fysioterapeut til at varetage behandlinger og holdtræning. Vil du være en del af vores fantastiske team og ønsker du en afvekslende hverdag, hvor sammenhold og sparring vægtes højt, så skriv til os. Et arbejde på vores klinik er noget for dig hvis:Du ønsker en god onboarding, hvor du bliver fulgt og hjulpet godt i gang sådan, at du føler dig tryg ved at arbejde på en klinik hvor tempoet er højt.Du ønsker at have medindflydelse og bidrage til udviklingen på den klinik du arbejder på. Du ønsker at arbejde på en klinik der vægter faglig kvalitet højt.Det er vigtigt for dig, at din arbejdsplads bidrager til hverdagsgrin og sociale arrangementer. Dine dage er du i høj grad selv med til at forme som du ønsker, og der lægges s...
Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
in Frederiksberg C
11.02.2025 Updated on: 14.02.2025
Are you interested in gaining the qualifications and experience to pursue a career where advanced mathematical techniques are developed? Would you like to advance applied mathematics and deepen our understanding of various applications? Then a PhD in mathematics at DTU Compute is the ideal place for you. We seek an ambitious and highly motivated PhD candidate with a strong background and interest in mathematics. This position is funded by the Danish Research Council Project 1 (DRC-1), which aims to address fundamental problems in geometric singular perturbation theory within the setting of slow-fast analytic vector fields. The position is based at the Section for Mathematics at DTU Compute in Lyngby, Denmark, which is within the greater Copenhagen area. It will involve collaboration with ...
Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
in Frederiksberg C
11.02.2025 Updated on: 14.02.2025
The Climate and Energy Policy Division at DTU's Department of Technology, Management and Economics offers a three-year PhD position in the Energy Economics and Modelling section in the suburban area of beautiful Copenhagen, Denmark. We are committed to producing outstanding research with the highest academic and social impact and to offer excellent research conditions. The division hosts a dynamic community of PhD students. We are looking for a talented and motivated applicant who wants to gain hands-on experience in cutting-edge energy modeling and analysis and impact the green transition while working alongside a dedicated team that values collaboration and mentorship. We offer the opportunity to participate in cutting-edge research on the value of developing and using energy system mode...
Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
in Frederiksberg C
11.02.2025 Updated on: 14.02.2025
We seek a talented and motivated PhD student who is willing to be part of a world-leading research environment and contribute to the development of novel thermodynamic models for water and aqueous solutions. The PhD position is planned to start from June 1, 2025 or as soon as possible after that, and the duration of the position is three years. The appointment will be at the Center for Energy Resources Engineering (CERE), Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark (DTU). CERE is a leading research center in the areas of applied thermodynamics and energy as well as Carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS). With an excellent track record and international reputation, CERE uniquely combines strong competencies from several academic fields. Seve...
Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
in Frederiksberg C
11.02.2025 Updated on: 14.02.2025
Do you want to contribute to the discovery of new piezoelectric and pyroelectric materials for the next-generation energy storage and electronic devices? We are seeking a highly talented, strongly self-motivated PhD candidate with an outstanding academic record for this emerging field of research.At DTU Energy, our research focuses on developing innovative energy conversion technologies using the unique properties of piezoelectricity and pyroelectricity—two effects that allow certain materials to generate an electric charge. This PhD fellowship will explore energy conversion through these materials, specifically using complex oxide thin films, and will seek to deepen our understanding of their behavior and potential applications.Discovering new piezoelectric and pyroelectric materials for ...
Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
in Frederiksberg C
11.02.2025 Updated on: 17.02.2025
We at DTU Wind and Energy Systems offer a vibrant, welcoming, and diverse environment with an international atmosphere, encouraging creativity, empathy, team working, superb academic collaborations, and outstanding links to the front-running Danish energy sector.You will join the Energy Markets and Analytics (EMA) Section within the Power and Energy Systems Division. The EMA section has a strong multi-disciplinary focus on energy markets, optimisation, game theory, control and machine learning. The EMA section (https://wind.dtu.dk/research/research-divisions/power-and-energy-systems/editenergy-markets-and-analytics/employees) currently has 13 members from 11 nationalities and diverse scientific background, including electrical engineering, operations research, control theory, and applied m...
Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
in Frederiksberg C
11.02.2025 Updated on: 17.02.2025
If you are establishing your career as scientist and you are looking for the best possible foundation for fulfilling your dreams and ambitions this PhD scholarship may be of interest to you. At DTU Health tech you will break new ground at the absolute forefront of developing novel treatment technology for combating and preventing surgical site infections. The project is a continuation of extensive research on optimizing drug delivery systems and involves a multidisciplinary team spanning from drug synthesis and formulation, advanced drug delivery to microbiologist and expert surgeons. Optimally the PhD student should be able to bridge drug formulation and preclinical evaluation in close collaboration with the involved experts across all disciplines and identify novel technologies and exper...
Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
in Frederiksberg C
11.02.2025 Updated on: 17.02.2025
Are you ready to transform the future of biologics? Are you passionate about understanding the interplay between AI-protein design, automation, and cutting-edge data science? And would you like to be part of a newly formed research collaboration between DTU and Novo Nordisk? Then you could be our new Ph.D.-student within BioAI. Read on to learn more!About the research program – Closed Loop AI-driven Protein Binder Design Technical University of Denmark (DTU) and Novo Nordisk have initiated a strategic partnership and created a joint cross-disciplinary research program aimed to tackle one of the life science industry’s biggest challenges: Closed-Loop Design and Optimization of Biologics. The research program will build on the recent advances in protein design, automation, and multi-paramete...
Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
in Frederiksberg C
11.02.2025 Updated on: 17.02.2025
Are you ready to transform the future of biologics? Are you passionate about understanding the interplay between AI-Protein design, automation, and cutting-edge data science? And would you like to be part of a newly formed research collaboration between DTU and Novo Nordisk? Then you could be our new Ph.D.-student. Read on to learn more!About the research program - Closed Loop AI-driven Protein Binder Design Technical University of Denmark (DTU) and Novo Nordisk have initiated a strategic partnership and created a joint cross-disciplinary research program aimed to tackle one of the life science industry’s biggest challenges: Closed-Loop Design and Optimization of Biologics. The research program will build on the recent advances in protein design, automation, and multi-parameter optimizati...
Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
in Tune
11.02.2025 Updated on: 17.02.2025
Are you ready to transform the future of biologics? Are you passionate about understanding the interplay between AI-based protein design, automation, and cutting-edge data science? And would you like to be part of a newly formed research collaboration between DTU and Novo Nordisk? Then you could be our new Ph.D.-student. Read on to learn more!About the PhD program - Closed Loop AI-driven Protein Binder Design Technical University of Denmark (DTU) and Novo Nordisk have initiated a strategic partnership and created a joint cross-disciplinary research program aimed to tackle one of the life science industry’s biggest challenges: Closed-Loop Design and Optimization of Biologics. The research program will build on the recent advances in protein design, automation, and multi-parameter optimiza...
in Skive
11.02.2025 Updated on: 17.02.2025
Our customers are busy and so are we. Therefore, we are looking for a trained plast Processing Technician or someone with technical skills and experience with set-up or plastic sproduction, to support our plastics production.You will be part of a dynamic team at our plastics production in Glyngøre. We work actively with the green transition, e.g. recycling of plastics, and it’s a plus if you are also curious about the field.Primary tasks:•Setting up and commissioning tools and robots •Operating and monitoring injection moulding machines •Programming industrial robots and conveyor belts •Maintain and optimise machines and moulding tools •Actively participate in problem-solving and optimisation •Produce in nearly all types of thermoplastics•Close teamwork with skilled and committed colleague...
Company Aarhus Universitet
in Aarhus C
11.02.2025 Updated on: 17.02.2025
The Department of Biomedicine at Faculty of Health at Aarhus University invites applications for a 2 year position as Assistant Professor in the field of infection neuroscience as per 1 june 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter. The position is a fixed-term full-time position.We offer a vibrant international research environment where English is the preferred language in the laboratory, at meetings and at seminars. The Department employs some 450 people and covers a range of research areas within Biomedicine. We contribute to the Bachelor’s degree programs in medicine, molecular medicine, odontology and the Master’s degree programs in biomedical engineering and medical chemistry. Our infrastructure is well developed with modern laboratories, core and animal facilities. You will work eith...
in København K
11.02.2025 Updated on: 18.02.2025
We are looking for a promising Student Marketing Assistant to join our fun, creative and ambitious marketing team. You’ll be working to support our marketing team in place branding and running marketing campaigns and activities targeted at international audiences.Join a dynamic international working environment with the opportunity to gain knowledge in digital marketing, place branding, campaign management and media content production.Your tasks and responsibilitiesAssist Copenhagen Capacity’s Marketing Team in developing marketing plans and running different types of marketing campaigns, events and activations.Assist the production of content (text and visual) for different marketing and communication activities, ensuring consistency with the brand guidelines and value-creating across cha...
Company Aarhus Universitet
in Aarhus C
11.02.2025 Updated on: 16.02.2025
The Department of Biology at Aarhus University, Denmark, invites applications for two professor positions to advance the Department’s research profile in key disciplines of biology. The positions are to be filled by June 1, 2025, or as soon as possible thereafter, subject to negotiation. This is a readvertisement of the positions ”Professor in Environmental DNA, Department of Biology, Aarhus University, Denmark” and “Professor in Plant Evolution and Biodiversity, Department of Biology, Aarhus University, Denmark”. Previously submitted applications will be taken into consideration unless they are withdrawn.The PositionsWe seek two professors to enhance the Department's research within biology. Applicants with expertise in the following areas are particularly encouraged to apply:Environment...
in København V
11.02.2025 Updated on: 17.02.2025
For an Asian client we are searching for a Waitstaff for a short-term employment for a pop-up restaurant in inner Copenhagen. The employment period is time limited and lasts approximately two months this summer, but you will be working full time, during this period.You will be responsible for: providing courteous and efficient service, following operational standards, maintain a clean and hygienic dining environment, familiarise with menu items and assist guests with their orders, ensure quick service and resolve guest issues promptly, support cashier operations and maintain billing accuracy, secure confidential customer and restaurant information.We expect you speak and understand English and Chinese, you have the highest standards, you are motivated and have an experienced background wit...
in København V
11.02.2025 Updated on: 17.02.2025
For an Asian client we are searching for a Restaurant Supervisor for a short-term employment for a pop-up restaurant in inner Copenhagen. The employment period is time limited and lasts approximately two months this summer, but you will be working full time, during this period.You will be responsible for: assisting the manager in creating and implementing daily work plans, ensure smooth operations and supervise staff performance, collect and act on guest feedback, and maintain operational reservations, lead staff in guest service and sales, conduct regular training to improve service quality and address complaints and report incidents to the manager asap.We expect you speak and understand English and Chinese, you have the highest standards, you are motivated and have an experienced backgro...
in København V
11.02.2025 Updated on: 17.02.2025
For an Asian client we are searching for a Dim Sum Chef, cooking specialist, for a short-term employment for a pop-up restaurant in inner Copenhagen. The employment period is time limited and lasts approximately two months this summer, but you will be working full time, during this period.You will be responsible for: preparing traditional Cantonese dim sum and desserts using diverse cooking techniques, ensure products are fresh and properly stored and maintain and clean all related kitchen equipment together with a highly skilled team. We expect you speak and understand English and Chinese, you hold the highest standards, you are motivated and have an background with experience from high-end cuisine with the above responsibilities. You thrives working in a busy kitchen, where even the smal...
in København V
11.02.2025 Updated on: 17.02.2025
For an Asian client we searching for a Dim Sum Chef, for a short-term employment for a pop-up restaurant in inner Copenhagen. The employment period is time limited and lasts approximately two months this summer, but you will be working full time, during this period.You will be responsible for: preparing and manage fillings for various dim sum, ensuring taste and quality, store and manage ingredients hygienically, adhere to orders and ensure timely preparation of required fillings, together with a highly skilled team. We expect you speak and understand English and Chinese, you hold the highest standards, you are motivated and have an background with experience from high-end cuisine with the above responsibilities. You thrives working in a busy kitchen, where even the smallest detail must be...
in København V
11.02.2025 Updated on: 17.02.2025
For an Asian client we are searching for a Marinade Specialist, for a short-term employment in a pop-up restaurant in inner Copenhagen. The employment period is time limited and lasts approximately two months this summer, but you will be working full time, during this period. You will be responsible for: preparing and manage marinades for various food items. store and categorise products for freshness and quality, and maintain hygiene standards and upkeep of tools and equipment together with a highly skilled team. We expect you speak and understand English and Chinese, you hold the highest standards, you are motivated and have an background with experience from high-end cuisine with the above responsibilities. You thrives working in a busy kitchen, where even the smallest detail must be ab...
in København V
11.02.2025 Updated on: 17.02.2025
For an Asian client we are searching for a Roast Specialist for a short-term employment in a pop-up restaurant in inner Copenhagen. The employment period is time limited and lasts approximately two months this summer, but you will be working full time, during this period. You will be responsible for: marinating and roasting various meats, process and store roasted products, ensuring freshness and hygiene, maintain cleanliness and functionality of roasting equipment together with a highly skilled team. We expect you speak and understand English and Chinese, you hold the highest standards, you are motivated and have an background with experience from high-end cuisine with the above responsibilities. You thrives working in a busy kitchen, where even the smallest detail must be absolute perfec...
in København V
11.02.2025 Updated on: 17.02.2025
For an Asian client we are searching for a Cantonese Cuisine Chef, Steaming and Slow Cooking, for a short-term employment in a pop-up restaurant in inner Copenhagen. The employment period is time limited and lasts approximately two months this summer, but you will be working full time, during this period. You will be responsible for: steaming, stewing, and other slow-cooking methods, manage high-end dried seafood preparation, ensure daily supply of steamed dishes and soups, and clean and maintain kitchen equipment together with a highly skilled team. We expect you speak and understand English and Chinese, you hold the highest standards, you are motivated and have an background with experience from high-end cuisine with the above responsibilities. You thrives working in a busy kitchen, wher...
in København V
11.02.2025 Updated on: 17.02.2025
For an Asian client we are searching for a Cantonese Cuisine Chef, Butchery and Preparation, for a short-term employment in a pop-up restaurant in inner Copenhagen. The employment period is time limited and lasts approximately two months this summer, but you will be working full time, during this period.You will be responsible for: selecting, marinating, and preparing raw materials, handle precise preparation for high-end bookings, plan, store, and manage premium ingredients, including meats, prepare and store semi-finished products, ensuring hygienic standards and coordinate with other stations to ensure adequate supply planning, with a highly skilled team. We expect you speak and understand English and Chinese, you hold the highest standards, you are motivated and have an background with...
in København V
11.02.2025 Updated on: 17.02.2025
For an Asian client we are searching for a Cantonese Cuisine Chef, Wok Specialist, for a short-term employment in a pop-up restaurant in inner Copenhagen. The employment period is time limited and lasts approximately two months this summer, but you will be working full time, during this period. You will be responsible for: preparing and season dishes, plan and manage daily supplies and ingredients for hot dishes, frying, stir-frying, braising, steaming, and sautéing, maintain cleanliness and upkeep of kitchen tools together with a highly skilled team. We expect you speak and understand English and Chinese, you hold the highest standards, you are motivated and have an background with experience from high-end cuisine with the above responsibilities. You thrives working in a busy kitchen, whe...
Company Café G
in København K
11.02.2025 Updated on: 17.02.2025
Kok søges til Café G i Indre ByVi søger en engageret og dygtig kok til Café G, beliggende i hjertet af Indre By. Hvis du brænder for madlavning og ønsker at arbejde i et dynamisk miljø, er dette jobbet for dig!Om jobbet:Tilberedning af lækre caféretter med fokus på kvalitet og smagSikre en høj standard i både madlavning og præsentationOverholde hygiejne- og sikkerhedsreglerArbejde i et travlt, men hyggeligt køkkenVi søger dig, som:Har erfaring fra et professionelt køkkenArbejder selvstændigt og effektivt – også under presHar en passion for mad og gode råvarerKan samarbejde i et team og bidrage til en god stemningTaler dansk eller engelskVi tilbyder:Et godt arbejdsmiljø med engagerede kollegerLøn efter kvalifikationerMulighed for udvikling og ansvar...
Company Grill Spyddet
in Hvidovre
11.02.2025 Updated on: 17.02.2025
Kok søges til Grill Spyddet Vi søger en dygtig og passioneret kok til vores restaurant Grill Spyddet. Om jobbet:Tilberedning af traditionelle tyrkiske retter, herunder grillspyd og kebab Sikre høj kvalitet og smag i alle retterOverholdelse af hygiejne- og sikkerhedsstandarderArbejde i et travlt køkkenmiljøVi forventer, at du:Har erfaring med tyrkisk køkken og grillretterEr fleksibel og kan arbejde både dag- og aftenholdKan arbejde selvstændigt og i teamTaler dansk eller engelskVi tilbyder:Et dynamisk arbejdsmiljø med passionerede kollegerGode arbejdsforhold og løn efter kvalifikationerMulighed for udvikling i et autentisk tyrkisk køkkenLyder det som noget for dig? Send din ansøgning...
Company Nørhå-Sønderhå-Hørsted Menighedsråd
in Other
11.02.2025 Updated on: 17.02.2025
En stilling som gravermedhjælper ved Nørhå, Sønderhå og Hørsted kirkegårde, er ledig pr. 1. marts 2025. Stillingen er på 400 timer pr. år. Afhængigt af opgaver og årstid kan der i perioder opleves flere opgaver fordelt på ugens dage, ligesom der kan være færre opgaver fordelt på ugens dage. Vi kan tilbyde: Arbejdsopgaver på kirkegården i form af vedligejholdelse af grave.GræsslåningDiverse opgaver i forbindelse med kirkelige handlinger.Ordnede arbejdsforhold og et godt arbejdsmiljø Vi forventer, at du: Har grønne fingreHar interesse i at arbejde på en kirkegård og kan være der for kirkegårdens besøgendeEr fleksibel Ansættelse sker ved Nørhå, Sønderhå og Hørsted sogns menighedsråd. Ansættelse og aflønning sker efter Overenskomst for gravermedhjælpere på landsbykirkegårde indgået mel...
Company JHR kokkeservice
in Brøndby
11.02.2025 Updated on: 17.02.2025
Selvstændig kok søges til ny cafe på vestegnen .Caféen har ligget på Kirkebjerg parkvej i ca 2.5 år . Og blev overtaget i oktober af jesper som forpagter . Vi er et glad og arbejdsomt team og har det sjovt .Caféen er lige blevet renoveret af vores udlejer AKF holding som ejer en del lejligheder i området .og efter renoveringen starter vi op med fransk brasseri menu kort og andre spændende ting .vi har også en del selskaber så udfordring kommer der ikke til at mangle .vi søger en frisk , kreativ , selvstændig og mødestabil kok som kan håndtere pressede situationer når de nu skulle opstå .Du vil som kok hos spiseriet få indflydelse på menuen . Gode ideer modtages gerne .Send mail til spiserietjes@outlook.dk ...