Jobmonitor. Search results for tamigo-aps. Page 15

957 Jobs found

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  • tamigo-apsx
Displaying 908-957 of 957 results.
  • Company Dansk Døgnfragt ApS in Kolding
    15.01.2025 Updated on: 21.01.2025

    Dansk Døgnfragt ApS er en seriøs Logistik- og distributionsvirksomhed som bestræber sig på at være den fortrukne samarbejdspartner for vores kunder, såvel som vores medarbejdere.Vi stiller høje krav til os selv, vi sætter en ære i at levere den service, i den kvalitet, vi har aftalt med kunden. Det betyder, at vi ønsker og fast søger, at finde og arbejde sammen med de bedste chauffører i markedet. Dansk Døgnfragt ApS tilbyder: Et spændende og selvstændigt job i et dynamisk miljø med kompetente kolleger i en virksomhed i udvikling. At arbejde hos os betyder, at du vil gøre en forskel i et travlt, men kollegialt miljø. Vi arbejder som et team.Arbejdspladsen ligger i Koldingstart kl 07:00 slut 15:00 Dansk Døgnfragt ApS forventer: • I besiddelse af relevant viden og erfaring som chauffør•Du er...

  • Company KVR Thy-Mors in Middelfart
    15.01.2025 Updated on: 21.01.2025

    Er du en erfaren maskinfører, eller drømmer du om en karriere med entreprenørmaskiner? Så har vi jobbet til dig!Vi søger på vegne af en solid virksomhed på Mors en dygtig og engageret maskinfører til deres team. Arbejdsopgaverne omfatter blandt andet kabelnedgravning og entreprenørarbejde i lokalområdet. Erfaring er en fordel – men den rette indstilling og lysten til at lære kan bringe dig langt.Hvad forventer vi af dig?Erfaring som maskinfører – eller mod på at lære faget.Kendskab til entreprenørarbejde (en fordel, men ikke et krav).Evnen til at arbejde selvstændigt og struktureret.En fleksibel og arbejdsom indstilling.Kørekort (minimum kategori B).Hvad tilbyder vi dig?En spændende og alsidig hverdag.Et stærkt fællesskab med fokus på din personlige udvikling.Mulighed for fastansættelse og...

  • Company Dansk Døgnfragt ApS in Odense SØ
    15.01.2025 Updated on: 22.01.2025

    Driver - wanted in Odense Dansk Døgnfragt ApS is a serious logistics and distribution company that strives to be the preferred business partner for our customers, as well as our employees.We make high demands on ourselves, we take pride in delivering the service, in the quality we have agreed with the customer. This means that we want and quickly search to find and work with the best drivers in the market. Dansk Døgnfragt ApS offers: An exciting and independent job in a dynamic environment with competent colleagues in a developing company. Working with us means you will make a difference in a busy but collegial environment. We work as a team.The workplace is located in Odense.start at 7:00 a.m. 3:00 p.mDansk Døgnfragt ApS expects: • In possession of relevant knowledge and experience as a d...

  • Company Dansk Døgnfragt ApS in Fredericia
    15.01.2025 Updated on: 22.01.2025

    Dansk Døgnfragt ApS er en seriøs Logistik- og distributionsvirksomhed som bestræber sig på at være den fortrukne samarbejdspartner for vores kunder, såvel som vores medarbejdere. Vi stiller høje krav til os selv, vi sætter en ære i at levere den service, i den kvalitet, vi har aftalt med kunden. Det betyder, at vi ønsker og fast søger, at finde og arbejde sammen med de bedste chauffører i markedet. Dansk Døgnfragt ApS tilbyder: Et spændende og selvstændigt job i et dynamisk miljø med kompetente kolleger i en virksomhed i udvikling. At arbejde hos os betyder, at du vil gøre en forskel i et travlt, men kollegialt miljø. Vi arbejder som et team. Arbejdspladsen ligger i Taulov og det er der du møder ind/slutter .start kl 05:00 slut 17:00 Dansk Døgnfragt ApS forventer: • I besiddelse af relevan...

  • Company Automann Logistik ApS in Lejre
    15.01.2025 Updated on: 21.01.2025

    Om Jobbet:Vi søger en ansvarsfuld og dygtig chauffør til at blive en del af vores team. Som chauffør vil du være ansvarlig for transport af varer til kunder på tværs af landet. Du skal kunne håndtere både korte og lange køreture og sikre, at alle leverancer sker til tiden og med høj kvalitet. Vi tilbyder en stabil arbejdsplads med godt arbejdsmiljø og moderne køretøjer.Dine arbejdsopgaver:Transport af varer til kunder i hele DanmarkLæsning, losning og sikring af godsUdfyldelse af nødvendige transportdokumenterVedligeholdelse af lastbilens udstyr og overholdelse af sikkerhedsreglerSørge for punktlig og effektiv leveringVi forventer:Kørekort til lastbil CEErfaring som lastbilchauffør (gerne med erfaring i langdistancetransport)Gode kommunikative evner og serviceorienteret tilgang til kunderD...

  • Company KVR Thy-Mors in Nykøbing Mors
    15.01.2025 Updated on: 21.01.2025

    Er du en erfaren maskinfører, eller drømmer du om en karriere med entreprenørmaskiner? Så har vi jobbet til dig!Vi søger på vegne af en solid virksomhed på Mors en dygtig og engageret maskinfører til deres team. Arbejdsopgaverne omfatter blandt andet kabelnedgravning og entreprenørarbejde i lokalområdet. Erfaring er en fordel – men den rette indstilling og lysten til at lære kan bringe dig langt.Hvad forventer vi af dig?Erfaring som maskinfører – eller mod på at lære faget.Kendskab til entreprenørarbejde (en fordel, men ikke et krav).Evnen til at arbejde selvstændigt og struktureret.En fleksibel og arbejdsom indstilling.Kørekort (minimum kategori B).Hvad tilbyder vi dig?En spændende og alsidig hverdag.Et stærkt fællesskab med fokus på din personlige udvikling.Mulighed for fastansættelse og...

  • Company Singh Law in Other
    15.01.2025 Updated on: 22.01.2025

    Vi søger 4 specialchauffører til at blive en del af vores team. Er du en erfaren chauffør, som brænder for at levere en god service, og kan du tale nogenlunde dansk? Så er det måske dig, vi leder efter!Om jobbet:Som chauffør vil dine primære opgaver være:Levering af pakker til private og erhverv.Planlægning af din rute for effektiv levering.Sikring af, at pakker leveres sikkert og til tiden.Håndtering af kunder med en serviceminded indstilling.Vi forventer, at du:Har kørekort (kategori B).Har erfaring med at køre som chauffør, gerne indenfor pakkelevering.Kan tale og forstå nogenlunde dansk.Er mødestabil, ansvarsbevidst og klar på at arbejde i et højt tempo.Har gode kommunikationsevner og kan lide at yde service.Vi tilbyder:Fastansættelse med gode arbejdsforhold.Konkurrencedygtig løn.En sp...

  • Company Midtjyllands Sommerhusudlejning ApS in Other
    15.01.2025 Updated on: 22.01.2025

    Medarbejder søges til renovering af udlejningsejendomme, maling, havearbejde samt forfaldne opgaver....

  • Company Brønderslev Kommune in Dronninglund
    15.01.2025 Updated on: 19.01.2025

    Vil du være med til at videreudvikle Brønderslev Kommune til et godt sted at leve, og har du et skarpt blik for helhedsorienterede løsninger med fokus kvalitet og resultater? Kan du motivere vores stærkt faglige medarbejdergruppe, så vi løser vores opgaver og udfordringer effektivt? Kan du samtidigt lede med en tillidsbaseret og anerkendende ledelsesstil, så glæder vi os til at få dig som vores afdelingsleder.Som afdelingsleder for Natur og Miljø får du en central rolle i den fysiske udvikling af Brønderslev Kommune med fokus på blandt andet natur og miljø samt den grønne omstilling. Paletten af fokusområder er bred, lige fra landbrug, vandløb, grundvand, natur, spildevand og virksomheder til implementering af kommunens DK2020 plan.Du bliver en del af den samlede ledelse i Teknik- og Miljø...

  • Company Global Maritime Forum Fonden in København K
    15.01.2025 Updated on: 21.01.2025

    Senior Project Manager, Annual Summit and Strategic InitiativesGlobal Maritime Forum, CopenhagenApply before 22 January 2025Do you want to join our mission to make the maritime industry more sustainable for both people and planet? You have the chance to become part of our international, diverse team of purpose-driven individuals in a role that helps organise one of the most important maritime events of the year. Does that sound interesting? Keep reading to learn more!We’re looking for a person who is great at collaboration, event coordination, as well as stakeholder management. Our organisation is young and dynamic, and there is room for both the social and the serious.  Who we areIf you’re new to the Global Maritime Forum, let’s start with the basics.The Global Maritime Forum is a Copenha...

  • Company Global Maritime Forum Fonden in København K
    15.01.2025 Updated on: 21.01.2025

    Project Coordinator, Annual SummitGlobal Maritime Forum, CopenhagenApply before 22 January 2025Do you want to join our mission to make the maritime industry more sustainable for both people and planet? You have the chance to become part of our international, diverse team of purpose-driven individuals in a role that helps organise one of the most important maritime events of the year. Does that sound interesting? Keep reading to learn more!We’re looking for a person who is great at collaboration, event coordination, as well as stakeholder management. Our organisation is young and dynamic, and there is room for both the social and the serious.  Who we areIf you’re new to the Global Maritime Forum, let’s start with the basics.The Global Maritime Forum is a Copenhagen-based international not-f...

  • Company Global Maritime Forum Fonden in København K
    15.01.2025 Updated on: 21.01.2025

    Project Manager, Research and Analysis, DecarbonisationGlobal Maritime Forum, CopenhagenApply before 31 January 2025Do you want to join our mission to make the maritime industry more sustainable for both people and the planet? You have the chance to become part of our international, diverse team of purpose-driven individuals at an organisation that hosts one of the world's most important maritime events. We are looking for a Project Manager (full-time position, starting as soon as possible) to help us further move the decarbonisation agenda for the maritime industry as part of the Research and Analysis unit.About Global Maritime ForumThe Global Maritime Forum is a Copenhagen-based international not-for-profit organisation. We bring leaders from across the maritime value chain together with...

  • Company KFC - Amager in København S
    15.01.2025 Updated on: 21.01.2025

    Join the KFC Denmark Family as a Restaurant Manager!Are you a passionate leader with a love for fast - paced environments and a flair for the culinary world? KFC Denmark is looking for an outstanding Restaurant Manager to join our dynamic team!Why KFC Denmark?Global Brand, Local Impact: Be part of the iconic KFC brand, with the opportunity to make a real difference in the Danish community. We're known for our delicious food, and you'll play a key role in ensuring every customer has a memorable experience.Growth Opportunities: We believe in nurturing talent from within. As a Restaurant Manager, you'll have access to extensive training programs and career - progression opportunities, both locally and internationally.Fun and Supportive Team: At KFC Denmark, we're more than just colleagues; we...

  • Company Ikast-Brande Kommune in Ikast
    15.01.2025 Updated on: 21.01.2025

    Brænder du for at skabe de bedste rammer og muligheder for unge, hvor de kan lære, vokse og opleve værdien af et fællesskab? Og vil du være en del af et dedikeret ledelsesteam, som arbejder for at gøre en positiv forskel for de unge i hele Ikast-Brande Kommune? Så er stillingen som afdelingsleder hos Ikast-Brande Ungdomsskole måske noget for dig! Om jobbetVi søger en afdelingsleder, der sammen med medarbejderne i Ungdomsskolen vil skabe de bedste betingelser for, at børn og unge kan mærke, at livet er stort, og at deres stemme er vigtig! Som afdelingsleder får du ansvar for:At udvikle og bevare den særlige DNA, som har gjort Ikast-Brande Ungdomsskole til en meget veldrevet og populær institution blandt kommunens unge.At skabe et trygt, udviklende og inkluderende miljø for både unge og meda...

  • Company Aarhus Kommune in Højbjerg
    15.01.2025 Updated on: 21.01.2025

    Vi leder fortsat efter den rette dagtilbudsleder til specialdagtilbuddet Skovbrynet. I Specialdagtilbuddet Skovbrynet får du mulighed for at være en del af et unikt arbejdsfællesskab og stille dig i spidsen for det gode børneliv og børn med særlige behov. Du vil møde en stærk faglighed og stor viden om specialpædagogik hos vores dygtige og dedikerede medarbejderflok, som brænder for deres fag.  Vi søger dig, som har en høj specialpædagogisk viden, og som vil tegne en tydelig profil for hele specialdagtilbuddet med en oprigtig interesse i at understøtte og sikre kvaliteten af den specialpædagogiske indsats i tæt samarbejde med medarbejdere og forældre.Vil du være en del af holdet? Så glæder vi os til at høre fra dig!Ansøgningsfristen er forlænget til d. 16. februar – overvej om tiden er ind...

  • Company Aarhus Universitet in Aarhus C
    15.01.2025 Updated on: 21.01.2025

    We are looking for a head of department and leader who can foster excellence, strategic advancement in research, education and talent development within the department. Our new head of department should find motivation in developing a strategy for the department that includes close collaborations with other departments at NAT, the other faculties at Aarhus University, and for outreach to national and international partners and society.Aarhus University (AU) is a research-intensive university with a substantial impact at national and international level. AU supports study programs and research-based consultancies of high academic quality. AU focuses on close collaborations with start-up activities, the industrial community, the public sector, and between researchers across AU departments as...

  • Company Hospitunity ApS in København K
    15.01.2025 Updated on: 27.01.2025

    Er du en erfaren restaurantchef med stor viden og interesse for cocktails og har du lyst til at være med når en af årets største åbninger finder sted? Eksklusiv restaurant i hjertet af Vesterbros festlige omgivelser?Til efteråret åbner en ny restaurant, derfor søger vi en erfaren og passioneret restaurantchef med indgående viden indenfor både drift af restaurant, bar og udvikling af cocktails. Du vil spille en central rolle i at skabe en unik oplevelse for vores gæster og være med til at bygge et stærkt team fra bunden. menuen tilbyder en tasting menu man frit kan vælge blandt med spændende à la carte-retter som gæster kan plukke fra, som de har lyst til. Der er ingen dogmer, men stedet er inspireret af hele verden – der skal sørges for at der er fuld fokus på kvalitet, smag og bruger selv...

  • Company SMARTRESPONSE A/S in København V
    15.01.2025 Updated on: 21.01.2025

    Brænder du for at skabe resultater gennem kreative kampagner på sociale medier? Har du flair for både det visuelle og det analytiske? Så er det dig, vi leder efter hos SmartResponse!Om stillingenSmartResponse søger lige nu en Paid Social Specialist på fuld tid. I denne rolle vil du blive en del af vores interne medieindkøbsteam, hvor vi genererer leads til en bred vifte af virksomheder. Du får mulighed for at arbejde med flere af vores inhouse indkøbskanaler, herunder Meta og Google, samt skabe kreativt indhold i form af billeder og videoer. Samtidig vil du få ansvaret for at optimere og følge op på dine egne kampagner. Dine arbejdsopgaverOpsætning af kampagner til leadgenerering på sociale medier.Udarbejdelse af engagerende kreativer og tekster.Løbende optimering af egne kampagner.Opfølgn...

  • Company Global Maritime Forum Fonden in Humble
    15.01.2025 Updated on: 21.01.2025

    Financial Controller - Global Maritime Forum, Copenhagen - Apply before 22 January 2025 Do you want to join our mission to make the maritime industry more sustainable for both people and planet? You have the chance to become part of our international, diverse team of purpose-driven individuals in a role that helps organise one of the most important maritime events of the year.  Does that sound interesting? Keep reading to learn more! We are looking for an experienced Financial Controller, who wants to put your passion for financial reporting, planning and analysis into play to drive better decision-making in a dynamic and ambitious not-for-profit organisation committed to shaping the future of global seaborne trade.  Financial planning and analytics are at the core of your interests and ex...

  • Company BeneFiT Holbæk in Holbæk
    15.01.2025 Updated on: 22.01.2025

    Med ansættelse pr.17.03.2025, søger BeneFiT Holbæk en energisk og dynamisk fysioterapeut til et barselsvikariat. Stillingen er på 30-37 timer, og er i første omgang til og med 30.11.2025, hvorefter der vil være gode muligheder for fastansættelse.  BeneFiT Holbæk er en fysioterapi- og sundhedsklinik, som tilbyder fysioterapi og andre sundhedsydelser, både indenfor og udenfor den offentlige sygesikring.Vi søger en fysioterapeut, der ønsker at være en del af en klinik i udvikling, hvor engagement i faget fysioterapi, gå-på-mod og samarbejde er nøgleord.Derudover forventer vi, at du:·       Er initiativrig og kan lide udfordringer·       Er fleksibel mht. arbejdstider og ønsker at løfte i flok·       Er udadvendt, tillidsvækkende og god til at tale med mennesker·       Har egen bil til rådighe...

  • Company Ocean Properties ApS in København K
    15.01.2025 Updated on: 22.01.2025

    Er du kreativ, resultatorienteret og passioneret omkring markedsføring? Vi søger en dygtig marketingsmedarbejder til at styrke brandet og synligheden af vores kendte restauranter.Om jobbet:Udvikling og eksekvering af marketingkampagner.Håndtering af sociale medier og digitale platforme.Skabe engagerende content og analyser af kampagneperformance.Vi leder efter dig, som:Har erfaring med digital markedsføring og sociale medier.Er kreativ og skarp til at formidle vores budskaber.Har en struktureret tilgang og flair for data.Vi tilbyder:En spændende arbejdsplads med kendte brands i fokus.Gode udviklingsmuligheder og fleksible arbejdstider.Et dynamisk team, der brænder for mad og oplevelser.Ansøg nu!Send din ansøgning og CV til Bliv en del af vores succes!...

  • Company CAPAX RECRUITMENT ApS in Other
    15.01.2025 Updated on: 22.01.2025

    Om rollen:Varighed: Projektansættelse, 1-2 årLokation: Københavnsområdet Vi søger Enterprise Architects for vores kunde i pharmabranchen, som vil blive del af et projektteam, hvor de driver automatisering og digitalisering af forskningsmiljøer.Du bliver ansvarlig for at udvikle og implementere arkitekturen bag fremtidens laboratorier med fokus på eksempelvis data integration, udstyrstracking og robotter.Opgaver inkluderer:Udvikling af digital arkitektur og integration af dataflows.Implementering af automatiserede løsninger til udstyrstracking og sporbarhed.Din profil:Erfaring med digitalisering, automatisering og enterprise-arkitektur, gerne fra en reguleret branche. Bliv en del af et innovativt projekt, hvor din tekniske ekspertise vil gøre en konkret forskel.For yderligere spørgsmål, kon...

  • Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet in Frederiksberg C
    15.01.2025 Updated on: 22.01.2025

    If you want to establish your career as an early-stage researcher and are currently looking for the best possible foundation for your dreams and ambitions, it is right here in front of you. With this PhD position, we offer you the possibility of establishing your career as a scientist in photonic integrated circuits and underwater optical communication. You will be working at DTU Electro, in the Photonic Integrated Circuit based Systems (PICSys) group. The setting will be the cutting-edge laboratory for photonic integrated devices and advanced optical communications, and the access to one of the largest cleanroom facilities in European Universities. You will be working with a group of professionals in photonic integrated devices, optical phased array, optical communications, optical comput...

  • Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet in Frederiksberg C
    15.01.2025 Updated on: 22.01.2025

    This PhD position will give you the opportunity to develop and strengthen your skills and competences as a researcher in the crossroads between fundamental and applied science within the fields of protein chemistry, chemistry, sensory science, rheology, and microbiology.The project addresses questions of key importance for a transition towards a more plant-based diet for the general population.Responsibilities and qualifications This PhD project is a collaborative research project between DTU and Cornell University, aimed at innovating sustainable and nutritious plant-based food products. Our principal objective is to engineer a new type of plant-based high protein food products that will enrich dietary diversity and facilitate consumer transition towards more plant-based proteins.Our focu...

  • Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet in Frederiksberg C
    15.01.2025 Updated on: 22.01.2025

    We invite applications for a PhD position focused on developing sustainable methods for controlling Pseudomonas syringae  infections, a major plant pathogenic bacterium causing significant economic damage in global agriculture and horticulture. This project aims to move beyond traditional disease management strategies, which often have limited efficacy, and instead develop an innovative approach that utilize bacterial interactions and bacterial gene products to reduce or abolish virulence of the plant pathogen.You will become an integrated part of the research group of Professor Lars Jelsbak ( The group works with several aspects of the microbial-and chemical ecology of plant-microbe and microbe-microbe interactions. The group has a specific focus on plan...

  • Company Aarhus Kommune in Aarhus C
    15.01.2025 Updated on: 16.01.2025

    Vil du være med til at drive organisatorisk udvikling og bane vej for fremtidens løsninger i Danmarks næststørste kommune?Rådmandssekretariatet i Teknik og Miljø søger en konsulent, der kan facilitere udvikling og fremdrift i højt prioriterede og komplekse organisationsudviklingsprojekter samt understøtte ledelsen i det daglige. Med en placering, tæt på den politiske og øverste administrative ledelse får du chancen for at sætte et mærkbart aftryk på den strategiske udvikling af Teknik og Miljø.Om osRådmandssekretariatet bistår rådmand, direktør, stabschef og direktion med politisk og organisatorisk ledelse af Teknik og Miljø. Vi arbejder med et bredt spektrum af opgaver, herunder politisk-strategisk arbejde, juridisk rådgivning og udvikling af organisationen. Vi har fokus på at fremme og f...

  • Company Aarhus Universitet in Aarhus N
    15.01.2025 Updated on: 19.01.2025

    Are you interested in circular bioeconomy and modelling of technology integration, and can you contribute to the development of Green Biorefineries? Then the Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering invites you to apply for a 3-year assistant professor position. Expected start date and duration of employmentThis is a 3–year position from 15.03.2025 or as soon possible.The successful candidate will contribute to the Green Biorefining Technologies (GBT) research group and will play a key role in research, teaching, and leadership activities, particularly those related to the green biorefinery demonstration-scale platform located at AU Viborg. This platform integrates diverse technologies, including fractionation units, membrane filtration, and centrifugation. Key areas of focus incl...

  • Company Aarhus Universitet in Aarhus C
    15.01.2025 Updated on: 19.01.2025

    The research group of Mikkel Heide Schierup at the Bioinformatics Research Centre at the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Aarhus University, invites applications for a fulltime 2.5 year postdoctoral position in population genetics related to Palaeolithic gene-culture coevolution. The appointment begins on 1 March, 2025, or as soon as possible thereafter. Research context The position is funded by a Villum Foundation Synergy grant COEVOLVE that aims to combine population genomics and material culture analysis on human paleolithic material to study gene-culture coevolution in the European Late Upper Palaeolithic (~20.000-11.000 years BP).  This data-driven project is led by two PIs – population geneticist Mikkel Schierup and archaeologist Felix Riede– and establishes interdiscip...

  • Company Aarhus Universitet in Roskilde
    15.01.2025 Updated on: 19.01.2025

    The Department of Environmental Science at Aarhus University, Denmark, invites applications for a 2-year postdoctoral position in policy-led sustainable transformation of agriculture. The position is part of the research center Land-CRAFT, which is a Pioneer centre located at Aarhus University.Food security, climate change and loss of biodiversity represent three of today’s major societal challenges. The Land-CRAFT centre was formed in June 2022 to undertake fundamental and applied research from field to landscape scales that will address these societal challenges, including the policies necessary to foster these changes.   There is a need to better understand pathways to a policy-led, sustainable transformation of agriculture. Such a transformation faces political constraints across the e...

  • Company Aarhus Universitet in Roskilde
    15.01.2025 Updated on: 19.01.2025

    The Department of Environmental Science (ENVS) at Aarhus University, Roskilde, Denmark invites applications for a position as Post Doc in Applied Microeconomics, focusing on pressing environmental and developmental issues facing African cities, particularly in waste management and e-waste. The ideal candidate has a strong background in econometrics and applied microeconomics, alongside expertise in environmental and development economics. The position is for two years, starting 15 April, 2025.  The physical workplace will be at the Aarhus University Risø campus in Roskilde (35 km West of Copenhagen). Expected start date and duration of employmentThe position is from 15 april 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter. The position is for 2 years. Job descriptionThe appointed researcher will co...

  • Company Aarhus Universitet in Roskilde
    15.01.2025 Updated on: 19.01.2025

    The Department of Environmental Science (ENVS) at Aarhus University, Roskilde, Denmark, invites applications for a position as Post Doc in Geospatial Data Science, focusing on advanced methods in satellite image analysis, remote sensing, and AI for environmental and urban development issues, particularly in African cities. The ideal candidate holds a PhD in Environmental Science, Computer Science, or a related field, specializing in remote sensing and AI for environmental analysis. The position is for two years, starting 15 April, 2025 (or as soon as possible). The physical workplace will be at the Aarhus University Risø campus in Roskilde (35 km West of Copenhagen). Expected start date and duration of employmentThe position is from 15 april 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter. The posi...

  • Company Aarhus Universitet in Aarhus C
    15.01.2025 Updated on: 19.01.2025

    The Department of Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University, Denmark, invites applications for a permanent full professor position in experimental quantum physics.The Department seeks to strengthen its existing experimental activities in quantum physics, which is characterized by an internationally leading research and teaching program focusing on fundamental quantum phenomena and quantum technologies.The position is open from June 1, 2025, or as soon as possible thereafter.TasksThe successful candidate will establish a cutting-edge research activity, which may be based on quantum gases, optically driven ultrafast quantum phenomena or optomechanics, and range from fundamental investigations all the way to the studies of quantum devices.Your profileWe are particularly looking for applicants ...

  • Company in Nørresundby
    15.01.2025 Updated on: 19.01.2025

    Vi søger en dygtig dansk- og engelsklærer til vores mellemtrin, der brænder for at lave motiverende og meningsfuld undervisning for alle vores elever. Vores drøm er at lave en skole, eleverne ikke vil hjem fra. Stillingen er en fast stilling, som udover dansk og engelsk skal kombineres med idræt. I august 2025 flytter vi ind i nybyggede Stigsborg Skole på havnefronten i Nørresundby, der er designet til vores visioner om læring og læringsmiljø. Vi tror på og arbejder en stor del af skoleåret projektorienteret, hvor elevernes verden, undringer og autentiske samarbejder er centrale. Det samme er den løbende facilitering, feedback på individuelle læringsmål, kollaboration mellem eleverne og præsentationer. Vi tror på, at det er vigtigt at arbejde med viden og færdigheder i fagene, hvorfor vi s...

  • Company Aarhus Kommune in Åbyhøj
    15.01.2025 Updated on: 21.01.2025

    Om jobbet:Plejehjemmet Thorsgården søger en ergoterapeut, der vil være en del af vores fagligt stærke team og bidrage til at skabe det bedst mulige liv for vores beboere. Plejehjemmet Thorsgården ligger i hjertet af Åbyhøj, tæt ved smukke grønne omgivelser. Her har vi 56 boliger fordelt på to fløje og et aktivt hus fyldt med fællesskab og gode oplevelser. Fra vores festsal og hyggelige havestue skaber vi rammerne for aktiviteter som musik, fredagsarrangementer og sommergrill.Som ergoterapeut hos os bliver du en vigtig brik i det tværfaglige samarbejde. Du vil:Arbejde med ADL og styrke personalets kompetencer i plejen, så vi sikrer høj kvalitet i alle beboerforløb.Samarbejde med dine kollegaer om opgaver som genoptræning, aktivitetsplanlægning og faldforebyggelse.Bidrage til at forebygge in...

  • Company Aarhus Universitet in Aarhus N
    15.01.2025 Updated on: 22.01.2025

    Aarhus University has made an ambitious strategic investment in a 2025-year recruitment plan to increase its activities significantly within research and education in the engineering sciences with the vision of bringing AU into the global engineering elite. As of 1 January 2021, ECE become a department within the Faculty of Technical Sciences with a focus on strengthening the growth strategy and focusing on the strategic goal of becoming the “Green” Faculty. Therefore, the University seeks exceptional, innovative and visionary engineering researchers to be part of this build-up to strengthen and develop ECE at Aarhus University.The announced position will support the strategic agenda of the university by extending the competencies in ECE within the Electrical Energy Technology section, inc...

  • Company Aarhus Universitet in Aarhus C
    15.01.2025 Updated on: 22.01.2025

    Applications are invited for up to two postdoc positions at the Center for Quantitative Genetics and Genomics, Aarhus University, starting from 1 April 2025 or later. The positions will be for up to three years.Research area and project descriptionThe postdocs will be supervised by Professor Doug Speed, and based at the Department of Quantitative Genetics and Genomics (QGG) at Aarhus University. Dr Speed's research involves developing statistical methods for better analysing data from genome-wide association studies, with a particular focus on improving our understanding of human complex traits (e.g., physical traits such as height and BMI, or common diseases such as schizophrenia and epilepsy). Dr Speed has developed the software LDAK ( The aim of the postdoc positions is to...

  • Company Aarhus Universitet in Aarhus C
    15.01.2025 Updated on: 22.01.2025

    Applications are invited for a position as full Professor in the field of bionanoscience at the Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center , Aarhus University. The intended start is 1 June 2025 or as soon as possible.Who we are iNANO, the Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center was established in 2002 and it has developed into a major research and education center based at the campus of Aarhus University. The center is hosting 50 senior scientists, ~60 post docs, and ~100 PhD students and combines expertise and faculty from Physics, Chemistry, Molecular biology, Engineering, and Medicine to carry out world class interdisciplinary research in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. The center gives access to a broad range of state-of-the-art infrastructure, tools, and expertise. With a 5-year undergraduate ...

  • Company Aarhus Universitet in Aarhus C
    15.01.2025 Updated on: 22.01.2025

    Applications are invited for a one-year postdoc position with possibilities for extension in the field of molecular neurobiology and neurodegeneration at DANDRITE-nordic EMBL partnership in molecular medicine, the Departments of Molecular Biology and Genetics & Biomedicine, Aarhus University, Denmark.Expected start date and duration of employmentThis is a one–year position from 1 April 2025 or as soon possible, with possibilities of extension. Job descriptionYou will work as a joint postdoc between Director of DANDRITE, Dr. Poul Henning Jensen, and Group Leader Dr. Chao Sun to study molecular homeostasis at neuronal synapses and its disruption by toxic protein buildup.You will use cutting-edge single-molecule-resolution microscopy (DNA PAINT, expansion microscopy etc), subcellular proteomi...

  • Company Aarhus Universitet in Aarhus C
    15.01.2025 Updated on: 22.01.2025

    The laboratory of Ulf Ørom, Department of Molecular Biology, Aarhus University, Denmark, invites applications for a full-time postdoc position offering applicants an exciting opportunity to study the role of RNA modifications in disease with a focus on cancer. The position will initially be for one year with possibility for extension.Starting date and periodThe position is available from 1 May 2025 or as soon as possible thereefter and will initially be for 1 year.Job descriptionYou will work in a collaborative environment studying RNA modifications in cancer cells. We use a combination of molecular biology methods and biochemistry to study RNA modifications and their impact on gene expression and disease markers. We combine the molecular biology methods with next-generation sequencing and...

  • Company Aarhus Universitet in Herning
    15.01.2025 Updated on: 22.01.2025

    The Department of Business Development and Technology (BTECH) at Aarhus BSS, Aarhus University invites applications for assistant professorship positions in cyber-physical systems.An assistant professorship is a three-year full-time position. The starting date is 1 August 2025 or as agreed upon. Assistant professors split their time evenly between research and teaching activities. The successful candidates will join the EngTech research section. Job descriptionAt BTECH, we have a strong focus on company collaboration, which is reflected in our research and study programmes. We expect you to push the research frontier through applied research. If you also have the competences to enhance our students’ educational development and contribute to knowledge building in companies, you might be jus...

  • Company Aarhus Universitet in Herning
    15.01.2025 Updated on: 22.01.2025

    The Department of Business Development and Technology (BTECH) at Aarhus BSS, Aarhus University invites applications for associate professorship positions in cyber-physical systems.An associate professorship is a full-time permanent position. The starting date is 1 August 2025 or as agreed upon. Associate professors split their time evenly between research and teaching activities. The successful candidates will join the EngTech research section. Job descriptionAt BTECH, we have a strong focus on company collaboration, which is reflected in our research and study programmes. We expect you to push the research frontier through applied research. If you also have the competences to enhance our students’ educational development and contribute to knowledge building in companies, you might be just...

  • Company Aarhus Universitet in Aarhus C
    15.01.2025 Updated on: 22.01.2025

    The Section of Medical Biotechnology at the Department of Biotechnology and Chemical Engineering, Aarhus University, invites applications for a 3 year postdoctoral fellow position in “Immunological Biotechnology and Therapeutic Protein Development”.Expected start date and duration of employmentThe position is available from 1 March 2025 or as soon as possible herafter. The duration of the position is 36 months.Job descriptionThe Immunological Biotechnology group headed by Edzard Spillner offers applicants an exciting opportunity to join an ambitious and externally funded research project in development of protein-based biotherapeutics.The global burden of immune-mediated and malignant diseases is increasing, and novel concepts for treatment are needed. The project is positioned at the inte...

  • Company Aarhus Universitet in Slagelse
    15.01.2025 Updated on: 22.01.2025

    The Center for Quantitative Genetics and Genomics (QGG) at Aarhus University (AU), Denmark, offers a position as tenure track assistant professor in plant quantitative genetics. QGG is focusing on using quantitative genetics, computational biology, machine learning, and big data from multiple omics, images or spectra to answer a multitude of questions about how plants cope with abiotic and biotics stress, how plants adapt to a changing environment, and translate that into plant breeding. Thus, QGG addresses some of the most pertinent challenges and employs interdisciplinary methods to achieve these goals.The tenure track assistant professor is expected to contribute to develop an innovative and impactful research program in the areas of e.g. plant science, quantitative genetics and computa...

  • Company Aarhus Universitet in Tjele
    15.01.2025 Updated on: 22.01.2025

    The Department of Agroecology at Aarhus University, Denmark, offers an attractive career opportunity for promising and skilled researchers. We invite applications for a position as Tenure Track Assistant Professor focused on strengthening ongoing activities at the department’s Soil Physics and Hydropedology Section. The position is a career development position with the possibility of transition to a tenured associate professorship and will be available from 01-06-2024 or as soon as possible thereafter. As Tenure Track Assistant Professor you will be part of a research environment focusing on the development and application of spectroscopy methods such as near–infrared, mid–infrared and laser induced breakdown spectroscopy as rapid and more efficient alternatives to traditional methods of ...

  • Company Aarhus Universitet in Aarhus C
    15.01.2025 Updated on: 22.01.2025

    The Novo Nordisk Foundation has awarded €84.7 million to establish a world-leading interdisciplinary research center aimed at developing knowledge and technology for capturing and recycling carbon dioxide. The center is based at Aarhus University in Denmark and collaborates with industry and authorities to identify new solutions to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.Research groupThe electrochemical section, headed by Professor Kim Daasbjerg, is seeking candidates interested in pursuing postdoc positions at this new Carbon dioxide center.Starting date and periodTwo postdoc positions will be available from April 01, 2025, or as soon as possible thereafter.Tasks The successful candidate will be involved in research on developing single- and dual-atom catalysts for bicarbon...

  • Company Aarhus Universitet in Slagelse
    15.01.2025 Updated on: 22.01.2025

    Applications are invited for a postdoctoral fellowship position at the Center for Quantitative Genetics and Genomics, Aarhus University, Denmark. We are seeking applicants for a 24-month position in quantitative and hybrid breeding in cool-season grasses. Expected start date and duration of employmentThe position is available from May 1st, 2025. Job descriptionThe primary focus of this position is to develop a hybrid breeding program for perennial ryegrass, optimize the selection of plant traits that control yield and quality traits, and to identify genes that provide for tolerance and resistance to other abiotic and biotic stresses. The incumbent is expected to expand the quantitative understanding of heterosis, combining ability, and hybrid prediction and to develop a nationally and inte...

  • Company Aarhus Universitet in Herning
    15.01.2025 Updated on: 22.01.2025

     The Department of Business Development and Technology (BTECH) at Aarhus BSS, Aarhus University, invites applications for professorship positions in digital technologies.A professorship is a full-time permanent position. The starting date is 1 May 2025 or as agreed upon.Job descriptionWe are looking for candidates who can strengthen our research profile in digital technologies, preferably with industry applications. We envision such technologies to be: System architectures IT – OT convergenceSystem and (product-) service development methodologiesBusiness model innovation dimensions of digital technologiesScaled spatiotemporal architecturesThe successful applicant is expected to teach and supervise students at bachelor’s, master’s and PhD level and may be involved in industry-oriented train...

  • Company Aarhus Universitet in Aarhus C
    15.01.2025 Updated on: 22.01.2025

    The SeisLab Aarhus research group at the Department of Geoscience, Aarhus University, Denmark, invites applications for a postdoctoral position in marine geophysics and marine geoarchaeology. We are searching for a motivated and engaged researcher with experience in marine geophysics to be part of a newly started research group studying late Quaternary and Holocene processes and landscape evolution.The postdoctoral position is a fixed-term full-time position for 2 years and 9 months with possibility of 3 months extension if funding allows.The postdoctoral work will be part of the international ERC Synergy Grant project SUBNORDICA, where scientists in the fields of geology, geophysics, and archaeology work together to develop methodologies for finding submerged stone age settlements in deep...

  • Company Aarhus Universitet in Tjele
    15.01.2025 Updated on: 22.01.2025

    The Department of Animal and Veterinary Sciences calls for applications for a 2-year postdoc position. The position is available from 1 May 2025 or as soon as possible  thereafter.Research contextThe position is linked to a newly started interdisciplinary, international research project – ANIMALAW.The qualified candidate will join the research unit Behaviour, stress and welfare (BSW).The position The postdoc will be part of a unique collaboration between Danish and international legal, anthropological and veterinary researchers to map Danish practices related to animal welfare cases involving animal transport. Our team investigates whether these practices meet today’s standards regarding animal perception, expertise, and legal transparency.The candidate will work in an exciting, interdisci...

  • Company Aarhus Universitet in Aarhus C
    15.01.2025 Updated on: 22.01.2025

    Department of Ecoscience, Section of Wildlife Ecology at Aarhus University is seeking two postdoc researchers with an interest in North European wildlife, population dynamics and movement ecology. Position 1 focuses mainly on mammal species, while Position 2 focuses on bird species. We need our new colleagues to start on 1 April 2025 or 1 October 2025, depending on the position.Please indicate in your application which of the two positions (or both) you are interested in. Expected start date and duration of employmentPosition 1 is for 18 months and Position 2 is for 24 months.Position 1 is expected to start on 1 April 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter. Position 2 is expected to start on 1 October 2025, or as soon as possible thereafter.  Job descriptionThe Department of Ecoscience, Aa...

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