932 Jobs found
Next Page Displaying 883-932 of 932 results.
Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
in Frederiksberg C
15.01.2025 Updated on: 22.01.2025
If you want to establish your career as an early-stage researcher and are currently looking for the best possible foundation for your dreams and ambitions, it is right here in front of you. With this PhD position, we offer you the possibility of establishing your career as a scientist in photonic integrated circuits and underwater optical communication. You will be working at DTU Electro, in the Photonic Integrated Circuit based Systems (PICSys) group. The setting will be the cutting-edge laboratory for photonic integrated devices and advanced optical communications, and the access to one of the largest cleanroom facilities in European Universities. You will be working with a group of professionals in photonic integrated devices, optical phased array, optical communications, optical comput...
Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
in Frederiksberg C
15.01.2025 Updated on: 22.01.2025
This PhD position will give you the opportunity to develop and strengthen your skills and competences as a researcher in the crossroads between fundamental and applied science within the fields of protein chemistry, chemistry, sensory science, rheology, and microbiology.The project addresses questions of key importance for a transition towards a more plant-based diet for the general population.Responsibilities and qualifications This PhD project is a collaborative research project between DTU and Cornell University, aimed at innovating sustainable and nutritious plant-based food products. Our principal objective is to engineer a new type of plant-based high protein food products that will enrich dietary diversity and facilitate consumer transition towards more plant-based proteins.Our focu...
Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
in Frederiksberg C
15.01.2025 Updated on: 22.01.2025
We invite applications for a PhD position focused on developing sustainable methods for controlling Pseudomonas syringae infections, a major plant pathogenic bacterium causing significant economic damage in global agriculture and horticulture. This project aims to move beyond traditional disease management strategies, which often have limited efficacy, and instead develop an innovative approach that utilize bacterial interactions and bacterial gene products to reduce or abolish virulence of the plant pathogen.You will become an integrated part of the research group of Professor Lars Jelsbak (www.bioengineering.dtu.dk/jelsbak). The group works with several aspects of the microbial-and chemical ecology of plant-microbe and microbe-microbe interactions. The group has a specific focus on plan...
Company Aarhus Kommune
in Aarhus C
15.01.2025 Updated on: 16.01.2025
Vil du være med til at drive organisatorisk udvikling og bane vej for fremtidens løsninger i Danmarks næststørste kommune?Rådmandssekretariatet i Teknik og Miljø søger en konsulent, der kan facilitere udvikling og fremdrift i højt prioriterede og komplekse organisationsudviklingsprojekter samt understøtte ledelsen i det daglige. Med en placering, tæt på den politiske og øverste administrative ledelse får du chancen for at sætte et mærkbart aftryk på den strategiske udvikling af Teknik og Miljø.Om osRådmandssekretariatet bistår rådmand, direktør, stabschef og direktion med politisk og organisatorisk ledelse af Teknik og Miljø. Vi arbejder med et bredt spektrum af opgaver, herunder politisk-strategisk arbejde, juridisk rådgivning og udvikling af organisationen. Vi har fokus på at fremme og f...
Company Aarhus Universitet
in Aarhus N
15.01.2025 Updated on: 19.01.2025
Are you interested in circular bioeconomy and modelling of technology integration, and can you contribute to the development of Green Biorefineries? Then the Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering invites you to apply for a 3-year assistant professor position. Expected start date and duration of employmentThis is a 3–year position from 15.03.2025 or as soon possible.The successful candidate will contribute to the Green Biorefining Technologies (GBT) research group and will play a key role in research, teaching, and leadership activities, particularly those related to the green biorefinery demonstration-scale platform located at AU Viborg. This platform integrates diverse technologies, including fractionation units, membrane filtration, and centrifugation. Key areas of focus incl...
Company Aarhus Universitet
in Aarhus C
15.01.2025 Updated on: 19.01.2025
The research group of Mikkel Heide Schierup at the Bioinformatics Research Centre at the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Aarhus University, invites applications for a fulltime 2.5 year postdoctoral position in population genetics related to Palaeolithic gene-culture coevolution. The appointment begins on 1 March, 2025, or as soon as possible thereafter. Research context The position is funded by a Villum Foundation Synergy grant COEVOLVE that aims to combine population genomics and material culture analysis on human paleolithic material to study gene-culture coevolution in the European Late Upper Palaeolithic (~20.000-11.000 years BP). This data-driven project is led by two PIs – population geneticist Mikkel Schierup and archaeologist Felix Riede– and establishes interdiscip...
Company Aarhus Universitet
in Roskilde
15.01.2025 Updated on: 19.01.2025
The Department of Environmental Science at Aarhus University, Denmark, invites applications for a 2-year postdoctoral position in policy-led sustainable transformation of agriculture. The position is part of the research center Land-CRAFT, which is a Pioneer centre located at Aarhus University.Food security, climate change and loss of biodiversity represent three of today’s major societal challenges. The Land-CRAFT centre was formed in June 2022 to undertake fundamental and applied research from field to landscape scales that will address these societal challenges, including the policies necessary to foster these changes. There is a need to better understand pathways to a policy-led, sustainable transformation of agriculture. Such a transformation faces political constraints across the e...
Company Aarhus Universitet
in Roskilde
15.01.2025 Updated on: 19.01.2025
The Department of Environmental Science (ENVS) at Aarhus University, Roskilde, Denmark invites applications for a position as Post Doc in Applied Microeconomics, focusing on pressing environmental and developmental issues facing African cities, particularly in waste management and e-waste. The ideal candidate has a strong background in econometrics and applied microeconomics, alongside expertise in environmental and development economics. The position is for two years, starting 15 April, 2025. The physical workplace will be at the Aarhus University Risø campus in Roskilde (35 km West of Copenhagen). Expected start date and duration of employmentThe position is from 15 april 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter. The position is for 2 years. Job descriptionThe appointed researcher will co...
Company Aarhus Universitet
in Roskilde
15.01.2025 Updated on: 19.01.2025
The Department of Environmental Science (ENVS) at Aarhus University, Roskilde, Denmark, invites applications for a position as Post Doc in Geospatial Data Science, focusing on advanced methods in satellite image analysis, remote sensing, and AI for environmental and urban development issues, particularly in African cities. The ideal candidate holds a PhD in Environmental Science, Computer Science, or a related field, specializing in remote sensing and AI for environmental analysis. The position is for two years, starting 15 April, 2025 (or as soon as possible). The physical workplace will be at the Aarhus University Risø campus in Roskilde (35 km West of Copenhagen). Expected start date and duration of employmentThe position is from 15 april 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter. The posi...
Company Aarhus Universitet
in Aarhus C
15.01.2025 Updated on: 19.01.2025
The Department of Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University, Denmark, invites applications for a permanent full professor position in experimental quantum physics.The Department seeks to strengthen its existing experimental activities in quantum physics, which is characterized by an internationally leading research and teaching program focusing on fundamental quantum phenomena and quantum technologies.The position is open from June 1, 2025, or as soon as possible thereafter.TasksThe successful candidate will establish a cutting-edge research activity, which may be based on quantum gases, optically driven ultrafast quantum phenomena or optomechanics, and range from fundamental investigations all the way to the studies of quantum devices.Your profileWe are particularly looking for applicants ...
Company www.aalborg.dk
in Nørresundby
15.01.2025 Updated on: 19.01.2025
Vi søger en dygtig dansk- og engelsklærer til vores mellemtrin, der brænder for at lave motiverende og meningsfuld undervisning for alle vores elever. Vores drøm er at lave en skole, eleverne ikke vil hjem fra. Stillingen er en fast stilling, som udover dansk og engelsk skal kombineres med idræt. I august 2025 flytter vi ind i nybyggede Stigsborg Skole på havnefronten i Nørresundby, der er designet til vores visioner om læring og læringsmiljø. Vi tror på og arbejder en stor del af skoleåret projektorienteret, hvor elevernes verden, undringer og autentiske samarbejder er centrale. Det samme er den løbende facilitering, feedback på individuelle læringsmål, kollaboration mellem eleverne og præsentationer. Vi tror på, at det er vigtigt at arbejde med viden og færdigheder i fagene, hvorfor vi s...
Company Aarhus Kommune
in Åbyhøj
15.01.2025 Updated on: 21.01.2025
Om jobbet:Plejehjemmet Thorsgården søger en ergoterapeut, der vil være en del af vores fagligt stærke team og bidrage til at skabe det bedst mulige liv for vores beboere. Plejehjemmet Thorsgården ligger i hjertet af Åbyhøj, tæt ved smukke grønne omgivelser. Her har vi 56 boliger fordelt på to fløje og et aktivt hus fyldt med fællesskab og gode oplevelser. Fra vores festsal og hyggelige havestue skaber vi rammerne for aktiviteter som musik, fredagsarrangementer og sommergrill.Som ergoterapeut hos os bliver du en vigtig brik i det tværfaglige samarbejde. Du vil:Arbejde med ADL og styrke personalets kompetencer i plejen, så vi sikrer høj kvalitet i alle beboerforløb.Samarbejde med dine kollegaer om opgaver som genoptræning, aktivitetsplanlægning og faldforebyggelse.Bidrage til at forebygge in...
Company Aarhus Universitet
in Aarhus N
15.01.2025 Updated on: 22.01.2025
Aarhus University has made an ambitious strategic investment in a 2025-year recruitment plan to increase its activities significantly within research and education in the engineering sciences with the vision of bringing AU into the global engineering elite. As of 1 January 2021, ECE become a department within the Faculty of Technical Sciences with a focus on strengthening the growth strategy and focusing on the strategic goal of becoming the “Green” Faculty. Therefore, the University seeks exceptional, innovative and visionary engineering researchers to be part of this build-up to strengthen and develop ECE at Aarhus University.The announced position will support the strategic agenda of the university by extending the competencies in ECE within the Electrical Energy Technology section, inc...
Company Aarhus Universitet
in Aarhus C
15.01.2025 Updated on: 22.01.2025
Applications are invited for up to two postdoc positions at the Center for Quantitative Genetics and Genomics, Aarhus University, starting from 1 April 2025 or later. The positions will be for up to three years.Research area and project descriptionThe postdocs will be supervised by Professor Doug Speed, and based at the Department of Quantitative Genetics and Genomics (QGG) at Aarhus University. Dr Speed's research involves developing statistical methods for better analysing data from genome-wide association studies, with a particular focus on improving our understanding of human complex traits (e.g., physical traits such as height and BMI, or common diseases such as schizophrenia and epilepsy). Dr Speed has developed the software LDAK (www.ldak.org). The aim of the postdoc positions is to...
Company Aarhus Universitet
in Aarhus C
15.01.2025 Updated on: 22.01.2025
Applications are invited for a position as full Professor in the field of bionanoscience at the Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center , Aarhus University. The intended start is 1 June 2025 or as soon as possible.Who we are iNANO, the Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center was established in 2002 and it has developed into a major research and education center based at the campus of Aarhus University. The center is hosting 50 senior scientists, ~60 post docs, and ~100 PhD students and combines expertise and faculty from Physics, Chemistry, Molecular biology, Engineering, and Medicine to carry out world class interdisciplinary research in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. The center gives access to a broad range of state-of-the-art infrastructure, tools, and expertise. With a 5-year undergraduate ...
Company Aarhus Universitet
in Aarhus C
15.01.2025 Updated on: 22.01.2025
Applications are invited for a one-year postdoc position with possibilities for extension in the field of molecular neurobiology and neurodegeneration at DANDRITE-nordic EMBL partnership in molecular medicine, the Departments of Molecular Biology and Genetics & Biomedicine, Aarhus University, Denmark.Expected start date and duration of employmentThis is a one–year position from 1 April 2025 or as soon possible, with possibilities of extension. Job descriptionYou will work as a joint postdoc between Director of DANDRITE, Dr. Poul Henning Jensen, and Group Leader Dr. Chao Sun to study molecular homeostasis at neuronal synapses and its disruption by toxic protein buildup.You will use cutting-edge single-molecule-resolution microscopy (DNA PAINT, expansion microscopy etc), subcellular proteomi...
Company Aarhus Universitet
in Aarhus C
15.01.2025 Updated on: 22.01.2025
The laboratory of Ulf Ørom, Department of Molecular Biology, Aarhus University, Denmark, invites applications for a full-time postdoc position offering applicants an exciting opportunity to study the role of RNA modifications in disease with a focus on cancer. The position will initially be for one year with possibility for extension.Starting date and periodThe position is available from 1 May 2025 or as soon as possible thereefter and will initially be for 1 year.Job descriptionYou will work in a collaborative environment studying RNA modifications in cancer cells. We use a combination of molecular biology methods and biochemistry to study RNA modifications and their impact on gene expression and disease markers. We combine the molecular biology methods with next-generation sequencing and...
Company Aarhus Universitet
in Herning
15.01.2025 Updated on: 22.01.2025
The Department of Business Development and Technology (BTECH) at Aarhus BSS, Aarhus University invites applications for assistant professorship positions in cyber-physical systems.An assistant professorship is a three-year full-time position. The starting date is 1 August 2025 or as agreed upon. Assistant professors split their time evenly between research and teaching activities. The successful candidates will join the EngTech research section. Job descriptionAt BTECH, we have a strong focus on company collaboration, which is reflected in our research and study programmes. We expect you to push the research frontier through applied research. If you also have the competences to enhance our students’ educational development and contribute to knowledge building in companies, you might be jus...
Company Aarhus Universitet
in Herning
15.01.2025 Updated on: 22.01.2025
The Department of Business Development and Technology (BTECH) at Aarhus BSS, Aarhus University invites applications for associate professorship positions in cyber-physical systems.An associate professorship is a full-time permanent position. The starting date is 1 August 2025 or as agreed upon. Associate professors split their time evenly between research and teaching activities. The successful candidates will join the EngTech research section. Job descriptionAt BTECH, we have a strong focus on company collaboration, which is reflected in our research and study programmes. We expect you to push the research frontier through applied research. If you also have the competences to enhance our students’ educational development and contribute to knowledge building in companies, you might be just...
Company Aarhus Universitet
in Aarhus C
15.01.2025 Updated on: 22.01.2025
The Section of Medical Biotechnology at the Department of Biotechnology and Chemical Engineering, Aarhus University, invites applications for a 3 year postdoctoral fellow position in “Immunological Biotechnology and Therapeutic Protein Development”.Expected start date and duration of employmentThe position is available from 1 March 2025 or as soon as possible herafter. The duration of the position is 36 months.Job descriptionThe Immunological Biotechnology group headed by Edzard Spillner offers applicants an exciting opportunity to join an ambitious and externally funded research project in development of protein-based biotherapeutics.The global burden of immune-mediated and malignant diseases is increasing, and novel concepts for treatment are needed. The project is positioned at the inte...
Company Aarhus Universitet
in Slagelse
15.01.2025 Updated on: 22.01.2025
The Center for Quantitative Genetics and Genomics (QGG) at Aarhus University (AU), Denmark, offers a position as tenure track assistant professor in plant quantitative genetics. QGG is focusing on using quantitative genetics, computational biology, machine learning, and big data from multiple omics, images or spectra to answer a multitude of questions about how plants cope with abiotic and biotics stress, how plants adapt to a changing environment, and translate that into plant breeding. Thus, QGG addresses some of the most pertinent challenges and employs interdisciplinary methods to achieve these goals.The tenure track assistant professor is expected to contribute to develop an innovative and impactful research program in the areas of e.g. plant science, quantitative genetics and computa...
Company Aarhus Universitet
in Tjele
15.01.2025 Updated on: 22.01.2025
The Department of Agroecology at Aarhus University, Denmark, offers an attractive career opportunity for promising and skilled researchers. We invite applications for a position as Tenure Track Assistant Professor focused on strengthening ongoing activities at the department’s Soil Physics and Hydropedology Section. The position is a career development position with the possibility of transition to a tenured associate professorship and will be available from 01-06-2024 or as soon as possible thereafter. As Tenure Track Assistant Professor you will be part of a research environment focusing on the development and application of spectroscopy methods such as near–infrared, mid–infrared and laser induced breakdown spectroscopy as rapid and more efficient alternatives to traditional methods of ...
Company Aarhus Universitet
in Aarhus C
15.01.2025 Updated on: 22.01.2025
The Novo Nordisk Foundation has awarded €84.7 million to establish a world-leading interdisciplinary research center aimed at developing knowledge and technology for capturing and recycling carbon dioxide. The center is based at Aarhus University in Denmark and collaborates with industry and authorities to identify new solutions to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.Research groupThe electrochemical section, headed by Professor Kim Daasbjerg, is seeking candidates interested in pursuing postdoc positions at this new Carbon dioxide center.Starting date and periodTwo postdoc positions will be available from April 01, 2025, or as soon as possible thereafter.Tasks The successful candidate will be involved in research on developing single- and dual-atom catalysts for bicarbon...
Company Aarhus Universitet
in Slagelse
15.01.2025 Updated on: 22.01.2025
Applications are invited for a postdoctoral fellowship position at the Center for Quantitative Genetics and Genomics, Aarhus University, Denmark. We are seeking applicants for a 24-month position in quantitative and hybrid breeding in cool-season grasses. Expected start date and duration of employmentThe position is available from May 1st, 2025. Job descriptionThe primary focus of this position is to develop a hybrid breeding program for perennial ryegrass, optimize the selection of plant traits that control yield and quality traits, and to identify genes that provide for tolerance and resistance to other abiotic and biotic stresses. The incumbent is expected to expand the quantitative understanding of heterosis, combining ability, and hybrid prediction and to develop a nationally and inte...
Company Aarhus Universitet
in Herning
15.01.2025 Updated on: 22.01.2025
The Department of Business Development and Technology (BTECH) at Aarhus BSS, Aarhus University, invites applications for professorship positions in digital technologies.A professorship is a full-time permanent position. The starting date is 1 May 2025 or as agreed upon.Job descriptionWe are looking for candidates who can strengthen our research profile in digital technologies, preferably with industry applications. We envision such technologies to be: System architectures IT – OT convergenceSystem and (product-) service development methodologiesBusiness model innovation dimensions of digital technologiesScaled spatiotemporal architecturesThe successful applicant is expected to teach and supervise students at bachelor’s, master’s and PhD level and may be involved in industry-oriented train...
Company Aarhus Universitet
in Aarhus C
15.01.2025 Updated on: 22.01.2025
The SeisLab Aarhus research group at the Department of Geoscience, Aarhus University, Denmark, invites applications for a postdoctoral position in marine geophysics and marine geoarchaeology. We are searching for a motivated and engaged researcher with experience in marine geophysics to be part of a newly started research group studying late Quaternary and Holocene processes and landscape evolution.The postdoctoral position is a fixed-term full-time position for 2 years and 9 months with possibility of 3 months extension if funding allows.The postdoctoral work will be part of the international ERC Synergy Grant project SUBNORDICA, where scientists in the fields of geology, geophysics, and archaeology work together to develop methodologies for finding submerged stone age settlements in deep...
Company Aarhus Universitet
in Tjele
15.01.2025 Updated on: 22.01.2025
The Department of Animal and Veterinary Sciences calls for applications for a 2-year postdoc position. The position is available from 1 May 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter.Research contextThe position is linked to a newly started interdisciplinary, international research project – ANIMALAW.The qualified candidate will join the research unit Behaviour, stress and welfare (BSW).The position The postdoc will be part of a unique collaboration between Danish and international legal, anthropological and veterinary researchers to map Danish practices related to animal welfare cases involving animal transport. Our team investigates whether these practices meet today’s standards regarding animal perception, expertise, and legal transparency.The candidate will work in an exciting, interdisci...
Company Aarhus Universitet
in Aarhus C
15.01.2025 Updated on: 22.01.2025
Department of Ecoscience, Section of Wildlife Ecology at Aarhus University is seeking two postdoc researchers with an interest in North European wildlife, population dynamics and movement ecology. Position 1 focuses mainly on mammal species, while Position 2 focuses on bird species. We need our new colleagues to start on 1 April 2025 or 1 October 2025, depending on the position.Please indicate in your application which of the two positions (or both) you are interested in. Expected start date and duration of employmentPosition 1 is for 18 months and Position 2 is for 24 months.Position 1 is expected to start on 1 April 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter. Position 2 is expected to start on 1 October 2025, or as soon as possible thereafter. Job descriptionThe Department of Ecoscience, Aa...
Company Aarhus Universitet
in Roskilde
15.01.2025 Updated on: 22.01.2025
Are you keen to advance our understanding of marine ecosystems through numerical modelling? The Department of Ecoscience at Aarhus University, Denmark, is pleased to invite applications for a permanent position as professor in this engaging and significant field. Expected start date and duration of employmentThis is a permanent position from 1 September 2025 or as soon as possible.As a professor in Marine Ecosystem Modelling, you will:Develop and direct a leading research program in marine ecological modelling, with a focus on the dynamics of marine ecosystems and their responses to anthropogenic influences and climate change.Supervise PhD students and postdoctoral researchers, creating an inclusive research environment.Collaborate with national and international research groups, promoting...
Company Aarhus Universitet
in Aarhus C
15.01.2025 Updated on: 22.01.2025
We are looking for a highly skilled and motivated postdoctoral researcher to work on deciphering the molecular mechanisms of how eukaryotic cells construct cilia organelles through selective recognition and trafficking of cargo proteins. The project will utilize cutting-edge AI models for high-throughput in silico screening to identify novel ciliary cargoes of the intraflagellar transport machinery, followed by experimental validation and mechanistic characterization of promising candidates. Expected start date and duration of employmentThe position will begin in April 2025 or shortly thereafter, and is initially funded for 2 years. Job descriptionThe position leverages AI models for protein structure prediction and artificial protein design to make breakthrough discoveries in cilia biolog...
Company Aarhus Universitet
in Herning
15.01.2025 Updated on: 22.01.2025
The Department of Business Development and Technology (BTECH) at Aarhus BSS, Aarhus University, invites applications for assistant professorship positions in management accounting and financial accounting.An assistant professorship is a three-year full-time position. The starting date is 1 August 2025 or as agreed upon. Assistant professors split their time evenly between research and teaching activities. The successful candidates will become part of the AIROD research section. Job descriptionWe are looking for candidates who can strengthen our research profile. A significant part of our work involves business partners, and we often perform applied research. Hence, it is important that the candidates have an intention to conduct research on topics that are relevant to modern companies and...
Company Aarhus Universitet
in Aarhus C
15.01.2025 Updated on: 22.01.2025
The HydroGeophysics group at the Department of Geoscience is seeking a postdoctoral researcher to join the team. The position is available to start 1 April 2025 or as soon as possible thereefter and is a time-limited position of 2 years. The applicant will have a PhD in geophysics, physics, geology, engineering or a related discipline.The applicant will support the Rapid Groundwater Resource Mapping Project, which aims to support integrated water resources management initiatives in Ethiopia through capacity building programs and pilot studies. The project is funded by the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.Your work will range widely within research, teaching, and project management support tasks within the project, and you will be part of an informal and dynamic research environment. You ...
Company Aarhus Universitet
in Herning
15.01.2025 Updated on: 22.01.2025
The Department of Business Development and Technology (BTECH) at Aarhus BSS, Aarhus University invites applications for postdoctoral position(s) in Modelling and Optimization of Energy Systems.The positions are fixed-term full-time employment (two years). The starting date is 1 April 2025 (or as agreed upon). Job descriptionThe position is an interesting opportunity for a postdoctoral researcher to work with a variety of projects on Energy Systems. The candidate will support several of these activities jointly with other researchers.The core pillars of the current research proposal include the following:Flexibility and stability of the power systemThis will include research study regarding the security that the European transmission system should have through various scenarios that may lea...
Company Aarhus Universitet
in Aarhus C
15.01.2025 Updated on: 22.01.2025
Applications are invited for a postdoctoral fellowship position at the Center for Quantitative Genetics and Genomics, Aarhus University, Denmark. We are seeking applicants for a position in quantitative genetics aimed at developing breeding goals for potato.Expected start date and duration of employmentIt is a two-year position starting the 1st of July 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter. An extension of up to 1 year will be possible in case external funding is available.Job descriptionThe primary focus of this position is to develop breeding goals for multi-trait selection in potato. The successful candidate is expected to develop and derive economic values for the traits in the breeding goals, in collaboration with potato breeding company. This process may involve using various method...
Company Aarhus Universitet
in Aarhus C
15.01.2025 Updated on: 22.01.2025
The Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering, Aarhus University, invites applications for a fulltime 3-year postdoc position to join our research on the cultivation, characterization and application of N2O reducing bacteria for off-gas N2O treatment. Expected start date and duration of employmentThis is a 3-year position from 15 April 2025 or as soon possible thereafter. This is a fixed-term position to end on 14 April 2028. Job descriptionThe project aims to develop a novel concept for point source mitigation of N2O emissions, particularly suitable for treatment off-gases from wastewater operations. Specific NOS carrying N2O respiring bacteria (N2ORB) will be enriched.Through targeted microbial selection, genome inspection and genome engineering, we will design oxygen tolerant N2...
Company Aarhus Universitet
in Horsens
15.01.2025 Updated on: 22.01.2025
Institut for Klinisk Medicin på Aarhus Universitets sundhedsvidenskabelige fakultet, Health, søger 1 ekstern lektor og UPL til kirurgisk afdeling, Horsens pr. 1. marts 2025 eller snarest muligt derefter. Stillingen er en 5-årig deltidsstilling med varetagelse af 50 arbejdstimer pr semester.Institut for Klinisk MedicinSom ekstern lektor på Institut for Klinisk Medicin bliver du en del af det formentlig største sundhedsvidenskabelige forskningsinstitut i Danmark. Den kliniske forskning dækker alle de lægefaglige specialer og foregår i samspil med universitetshospitalet og regionshospitalerne i Region Midtjylland. Vi råder over ca. 30.000 kvm moderne forskningsfaciliteter til eksperimentel kirurgi og medicin, dyrefaciliteter samt avancerede scannere. Instituttet har det overordnede ansvar for...
Company Viborg Stiftsadministration, Domkirkestræde 1, 8800 Viborg
in Viborg
15.01.2025 Updated on: 22.01.2025
Stillingen som tjenestemandsansat sognepræst i Thyborøn Pastorat, Lemvig Provsti er ledig til besættelse den 1. april 2025.Til stillingen er knyttet en forpligtelse som kirkebogsfører og begravelsesmyndighed. Stillingen er en fuldtidsstilling.Som ny sognepræst får du et introduktionsforløb, hvor du får en mentor, der guider dig igennem i den første tid i embedet og sætter dig nærmere ind i de forskellige arbejdsopgaver, der er for en præst.I Præsteforeningens medlemsblad kan du læse embedsbeskrivelsen fra menighedsrådet. Her kan du læse om sognet og om, hvilke tanker, menighedsrådet gør sig om det ledige embede. Har du lyst til at læse mere om Thyborøn Pastorat og hvordan kirkelivet m.v. er i sognet, kan vi anbefale, at du orienterer dig på sognets hjemmeside:Thyborøn Kirke | Thyborøn Kirk...
Company Aarhus Universitet
in Aarhus N
15.01.2025 Updated on: 24.01.2025
Postdocs for new European research project at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Aarhus University. The Section for Electrical Energy Technology under the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) at Aarhus University invites applicants for a two-year postdoctoral position, offering applicants an exciting opportunity to join a research project with a focus on the development of the next generation of energy storage systems, microgrid applications etc.Start date and duration of employmentThe duration of the employment is 24 months, and the start date is 15 April 2024 or as soon as possible hereafter. The research projectYou will be part of an European-funded project focusing on technology development for the next generation of power converter systems for Pt...
Company Viborg Stiftsadministration, Domkirkestræde 1, 8800 Viborg
in Viborg
15.01.2025 Updated on: 28.01.2025
Stillingen som tjenestemandsansat sognepræst i Vester Tostrup-Roum-Hvam Pastorat, Viborg Østre Provsti er ledig til besættelse den 1. april 2025.Til stillingen er knyttet en forpligtelse som kirkebogsfører og begravelsesmyndighed.Stillingen er en fuldtidsstilling.Som ny sognepræst får du et introduktionsforløb, hvor du får en mentor, der guider dig igennem i den første tid i embedet og sætter dig nærmere ind i de forskellige arbejdsopgaver, der er for en præst.I Præsteforeningens medlemsblad kan du læse embedsbeskrivelsen fra menighedsrådet. Her kan du læse om sognet / Pastoratet og om, hvilke tanker, menighedsrådet gør sig om det ledige embede.Har du lyst til at læse mere om sognene, og hvordan kirkelivet m.v. er i sognene, kan vi anbefale, at du orienterer dig på sognenes fælles hjemmesi...
Company Aarhus Universitet
in Aarhus C
15.01.2025 Updated on: 04.02.2025
Are you interested in remote sensing and LiDAR and can you contribute to the development of the digital monitoring of nature? Then the Department of Ecoscience invites you to apply for tenure track researcher / senior researcher position. Expected start date and duration of employmentThese are permanent positions from April 1st, 2025, or as soon as possible thereafter.Job descriptionThe Department of Ecoscience, Aarhus University is seeking tenure track researchers or senior researchers for positions to undertake research and consultancy within the field of remote sensing and vegetation structure and -mapping with a special focus on LiDAR data. We are seeking a candidate with a background where remote sensing data is applied to biological/ecological purposes, ensuring an understanding of t...
in Hedehusene
15.01.2025 Updated on: 18.01.2025
Virksomheden HSBB-Import ApS søger en dedikeret salgskonsulent til indkøb af fødevare- og drikkevareprodukter fra Tyrkiet. Som salgskonsulent vil du være ansvarlig for at identificere, forhandle og indkøbe et bredt udvalg af kvalitetsprodukter fra tyrkiske leverandører, der pas- ser til vores virksomheds mal og værdier.Ansvarsomrader:Research og identifikation af potentielle leverandører og produkter i Tyrkiet.Forhandling af indkøbsaftaler og kontrakter med leverandører.Overvagning af markedstendenser og konkur- renceforhold inden for fødevare- og drikkevareindustrien i Tyrkiet.Sikring af overholdelse af kvalitetsstandarder og lovgivningsmæssige krav i indkøbte produkter.Samarbejde tæt med vores logistik- og distributionsafdeling for at sikre rettidig levering og lagerstyring.Bidrage til u...
in Glostrup
15.01.2025 Updated on: 18.01.2025
Brænder du for at arbejde men forskellige IT produkter som f.es telefoner, computere, MacBooks, tv og HvidevarerSå er du måske vores nye IT tekniker Vi har forrygende travlt derfor søger vi en ny ildsjæl til vores afdeling i Glostrup.For den rette er der gode udviklingsmuligheder i jobbet.Med hele 17 autorisationer på tværs af Danmark, Norge og Sverige har vi fuld fart på, og vi har brug for en engageret kollega, der kan holde hovedet koldt, når det går stærktVi forventer at :Du er udadvendt, præsentabel, smilende og med et positivt mindsetDu har gerne erfaring med at yde kundeserviceDu skal kunne holde flere bolde i luften og lide at have travlt Du skal være god til kundeservice og ønske at yde den allerbedste serviceDu har gerne erfaring med reparationer ellers sørger vi for din oplæri...
Company Aalborg Universitet, FRB7K
in Aalborg
15.01.2025 Updated on: 21.01.2025
Dine arbejdsopgaver:Som anlægsgartnerelev på Aalborg universitet, vil du få en varieret hverdag, hvor dine arbejdsopgaver inkluderer vedligeholdelse af grønne områder, maskinkørsel, renhold, lugning af bede, beskæring af træer og buske, samt deltagelse i både større og mindre anlægsprojekter i gruppen for Grøn Service og Renovation ved Team Drift i Campus Service.Vi tilbyder:En spændende elevstilling i en dynamisk arbejdsplads med fokus på bæredygtig udvikling.Mulighed for at arbejde med interessante opgaver, der bidrager til fremtidens grønne løsninger.En arbejdsplads, hvor du kan omgås samarbejdspartnere, studerende og en bred vifte af kollegaer.Om dig:Du har sans for detaljen og arbejder selvstændigt.Du er ambitiøs, aktiv og selvaktiverende.Du har en positiv indstilling og er ansvarsbev...
in Hadsten
15.01.2025 Updated on: 23.01.2025
Hadsten kirkegårde udgør kirkegårdene ved Sct. Pauls Kirke, Over Hadsten Kirke, Nørre Galten Kirke og Vissing Kirke. Kirkegårdene ledes af vores kirkegårdsleder, der sammen med de erfarne gartneriarbejderne sørger for driften og vedligeholdelsen.Vi søger en faglært gartner eller en dygtig erfaren gartneriarbejder til driften, der også kan afløse kirkegårdslederen i dennes fravær og ferier med de administrative opgaver og medvirke med det driftsmæssige overblik. Erfaringen kan bl.a. komme fra en stilling som faglært eller ufaglært graver på en kirkegård med gravermedhjælpere.Vi tilbyder en fuldtidsstilling, hvis du kan opfylde alle kravene. Alternativt kan der være tale om en stilling med vinterhjemsendelse efter overenskomstens bestemmelser.Vi tilbyder gode velfærdsfaciliteter med udgangsp...
Company RDT Ingeniører ApS
in Risskov
15.01.2025 Updated on: 21.01.2025
We are looking for a Technical Tester for one of our clients in the Pharma Industry.Location: Greater Copenhagen, hybrid.QUALIFICATIONS & COMPETENCIESStrong experience as a Technical TesterExperienced within TIMS3Experienced within ServiceNowExperienced within Testing skillsExperience from the pharma industryProfessional level of English - both oral and writtenValid EU work permit making you able to start right awayAREA OF RESPONSIBILITYPrepare and write validation protocolsPrepare and write test plansExecute GEP and Validation tests as TesterReview and approve test plan executionsUpdate validation documents (Rational documents (SW, Functional, Events), Traceability matrix)Work in TIMS3Work in Service NowReview and provide input to supplier’s SLC change noteSetup and readinessClone virtual...
in Løsning
15.01.2025 Updated on: 21.01.2025
Hos Kjærgaard A/s søger vi en IT-tekniker, der har gode kompetencer inden for Microsoft cloud-miljøet, Du skal være med til at levere god support og sikre at vores kunder altid har det bedste afsæt, når det kommer til IT-infrastruktur og sikkerhedsløsninger.Om jobbet Du bliver en del af dagligdagen hos vores IT-afdeling, hvor du skal hjælpe med support hos kunder og kollegaer, samt indgå i større og mindre IT-projekter; både eksisterende og nye. Du skal derfor være klar på at trives med mange forskellige projekter – og altid være løsningsorienteret, når du går til en opgave. Med vores mange kunder, er det vigtigt at du kan prioritere dine opgaver, er udadvendt og kundeminded og har gode både mundtlige og skriftlige kommunikationsevner.Dine kvalifikationer du har en relevant uddannelse inde...
in Løsning
15.01.2025 Updated on: 21.01.2025
Hos Kjærgaard A/S søger vi en dygtig robot-serviceteknikerKjærgaard har mange års erfaring med udvikling og turnkey projekter indenfor optimering og automatisering af produktionsprocesser i fødevare-, metal- og pharma industrien og hos underleverandører til disse. Organisationen er flad og kan beskrives som uformel og hvor måldrevne, hurtige og effektive beslutninger indgår i virksomhedens DNA.Hos Kjærgaard stiler vi efter vores K7-værdier for at skabe konkurrencefordele for vores kunder og sikre en kultur, hvor vi er fælles om at skabe en god arbejdsplads og et sundt Kjærgaard – nu og i fremtiden.Vi stiller store krav til din faglighed og tekniske forståelse og forventer gode samarbejdsevner og serviceevner. Den rette kandidat vil blive en del af et spændende team, der er på den absolutte...
Company FOF København og Nordsjælland
in Ringe
15.01.2025 Updated on: 21.01.2025
På Tomsgaardsvej 35 i Københavns Nordvest kvarter har der nu været kultur- og håndværkskurser et lille års tid i Aftenskolernes Hus.Hos FOF København og Nordsjælland udbyder vi blandt andet kurset snedkeri for begyndere tirsdag aften. Læs mere om holdet her:https://www.fof.dk/da/kbh/kurser/kreative-kurser/traedrejning/snedkeri/25174098Holdet har en meget lang venteliste, og vi ønsker derfor også at udbyde det mandag aften fra efter vinterferien og gerne 10-12 uger frem. Måske er du kyndig i et træfag og har lyst til at undervise mandag i tidsrummet 17.00-20.30 eller 17.30-21.00. Din tilgang kan godt variere en smule fra den nuværende undervisers, som du kan se den i teksten i linket. Men du skal helst kunne genkende dig selv som underviser nogenlunde i det skrevne, da vi håber at nogle af ...
Company ENØ Bageri ApS
in Karrebæksminde
15.01.2025 Updated on: 21.01.2025
Er du passioneret omkring bagning og ønsker at blive en del af et dynamisk team?Vi søger en dygtig og engageret Bagersvend til vores bageri!Om os:Vi er et veletableret bageri kendt for vores kvalitetsprodukter og gode kundeservice. Vores team består af dedikerede fagfolk, der deler en fælles passion for bagværk.Vi tilbyder et inspirerende arbejdsmiljø med fokus på kreativitet og udvikling.Jobbeskrivelse:Som Bagersvend hos os vil dine primære arbejdsopgaver inkludere:-Fremstilling af brød, kager og andre bagværk fra bunden.-Sikre høj kvalitet og konsistens i alle produkter.-Bidrage til udvikling af nye opskrifter og produkter.-Opretholde hygiejne – og sikkerhedsstandarder i bageriet.-Samarbejder med resten af teamet for at sikre effektiv drift. Kvalifikationer: Vi søger en person, der:- har...
in Herlev
15.01.2025 Updated on: 16.01.2025
Har du lyst til et job, hvor din indsats virkelig betyder noget? Hos Coor leder vi efter servicemedarbejder til rengøring hos Velux i Østbirk. Måske er det lige dig, vi søger?Hvad skal du lave?Som servicemedarbejder hos os bliver du en vigtig del af teamet. Dine opgaver vil være at:Sørge for, at kundens bygninger altid er rene, pæne og klar til brug.Sikre, at vi lever op til vores aftaler med kunden.Du får altså en rolle, hvor du gør en forskel hver eneste dag – både for os og vores kunder!Hvor, hvornår og hvor meget?Arbejdssted: Velux i Østbirk.Arbejdstid: 37 timerStart: Hurtigst muligt.Hvem er du?Vi leder efter dig, der er serviceminded og har lyst til at gøre en forskel. Erfaring med rengøring er en fordel, men ikke et krav – vi hjælper dig godt i gang. Det er også vigtigt, at du:kan ar...