Jobmonitor. Search results for Specialist medical practitioners

12 Jobs found

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  • Specialist medical practitionersx
Displaying 1-12 of 12 results.
  • Company FlexDanmark in Aalborg
    26.02.2025 Updated on: 28.02.2025

    Er du PARAT til at hjælpe os med at øge og fastholde fokus på GDPR og informationssikkerhed, mens vores GDPR-jurist holder barsel? Hos FlexDanmark får du chancen for at blive en del af et stærkt team, der har ansvaret for compliance, informationssikkerhed, kontrakter samt meget mere.Om jobbet I denne stilling vil dine primære opgaver dreje sig om informationssikkerhed og GDPR. Du vil blandt andet komme til at arbejde med:Igangsættelse og understøttelse af GDPR-aktiviteterUddannelse af kollegaer i GDPR og informationssikkerhedHåndtering af sikkerhedsbrud og indberetninger til DatatilsynetJuridisk sparring til FlexDanmarks afdelinger og ejere vedrørende informationssikkerhed og GDPRSamarbejde med FlexDanmarks DPO og ejereGaranti for overholdelse af GDPR-reguleringenOverblik over GDPR-kontrol...

  • Company Kids-World ApS in Esbjerg V
    21.02.2025 Updated on: 23.02.2025

    Ønskes: 100-meter mester i Google Ads. Haves: Sort humor, Kaffe, pension og frokostordning! Lyder forkortelser som CPA, ROAS og CTR som sød musik i dine ører?Med din ansættelse kommer vi, for nu, til at sætte flueben ved et komplet marketingsteam. Dine sjove, og ikke mindst kompetente kolleger består af 13 fuldtidsansatte fordelt på SEO, PPC, SoMe og content-medarbejdere. Vi arbejder med million-budgetter på tværs af flere platforme herunder Google, Meta m.fl.Lige nu er der en åbning i teamet til DIG der vil være med til at udvikle og understøtte vores fortsatte vækst, DIG der elsker at nørde ned i detaljen og DIG der kan se dig selv i en virksomhed, som med raketfart styrer mod endnu vildere højder! Er du derude? Kids-world tænker du måske? Sælger I ikke ”bare” børnetøj?JO! Det gør vi bl....

  • Company JobSquad ApS in Other
    20.02.2025 Updated on: 27.02.2025

    Om jobbet: Besvare kundeforespørgsler via telefon, live chat, e-mail og SMS.Som kundeservice ved gælsindragelse vil du rapportere direkte til den danske teamleder og vil være en del af et team, der er ansvarlig for at håndtere salg, on-boarding af kunder, kundeforespørgsler og kontakt med inkassoafdelingen.  Give kunderne information om bankens produkter, tjenester og betalinger.Forstå bankens produkter fuldt ud og samtidig være i stand til at præsentere dem for kunden.Arbejde tæt sammen med andre afdelinger, især betalingsafdelingen og inkassoafdelingen, for at sikre gennemsigtige og effektive interaktioner.Vi tilbyder:Bonus 10% (kvartalsvis) + op til 15% (efter 6 måneder)Beskatning: 15-20%Virksomhedens sprog: EngelskArbejdssprog: DanskFremragende muligheder for individuel udvikling og ka...

  • Company DTU Space in Frederiksberg C
    20.02.2025 Updated on: 21.02.2025

    If you're looking to establish your career as a specialist, this position at DTU Electro offers a great foundation.  You'll work at DTU Electro, in the Nanophotonic Devices Group, with access to advanced labs and cleanroom facilities. The role involves developing integrated optical frequency comb systems and collaborating on innovative projects in photonic integrated circuits. Join a team of experts in nonlinear optics, optical communications, and laser physics, and contribute to next-generation frequency comb technologies. As a participant in the project, the Academic Specialist will become part of a team at DTU with expertise in design, simulation, characterization, and application of photonic integrated circuits. The activities within the project will benefit from synergies with other p...

  • Company IDEALCOMBI A/S in Thisted
    18.02.2025 Updated on: 24.02.2025

    Idealcombi søger en detaljeorienteret og struktureret Master Data Specialist til vores IT-afdelingEr du detaljeorienteret, struktureret og passioneret omkring masterdatahåndtering? Trives du med at skabe struktur i komplekse datasæt og sikre høj datakvalitet på tværs af afdelinger? Så er du måske vores nye Master Data Specialist hos Idealcombi. Hos Idealcombi får du en unik mulighed for at arbejde i en innovativ og teknologidrevet virksomhed, hvor præcision og kvalitet er i højsædet. Som en førende producent af vinduer og døre har vi en stærk tradition for innovation og håndværksmæssig ekspertise. I denne rolle vil du sammen med dine tætte kollegaer være nøgleperson i vores stamdatateam, hvor du sikrer korrekt og opdateret produktinformation, der understøtter vores forretning. Om jobbet: S...

  • Company R.A. Juridisk Rådgivning / Rania Amir in Tilst
    16.02.2025 Updated on: 20.02.2025

    Er du skarp på online markedsføring og klar til at gøre en forskel i en mindre virksomhed? vi søger en dygtig medarbjeder til at hjælpe os med at styrke vores digitale tilstedeværelse. Vi tilbyder en fuldtidstilling, hvor du får ansvar for vores online tilstedeværelse. Opgaver: Annocering på sociale medier og GooleSEO og optimering af vores hjemmeside E-mail marktering og Contetn Creation Vi tilbyder: Fleksibilitet og frihed under ansvarMulighed for at præge strategienEt , lille engageret team med god stemning.  Interesseret? Send din ansøgning til - vi glæder os til at høre fra dig!  ...

  • Company Tesla Aarhus in Aarhus V
    14.02.2025 Updated on: 18.02.2025

    What to ExpectAs Service Preparation Parts Specialist, you will be a key contributor to our Service Preparation Team. This team aims to prepare and triage customer repair requests using a standardised process and advanced augmentation tools, that take advantage of our highly connected vehicles. This process ensures a smooth and efficient onsite experience for our customers and workshop teams.You will play a critical role in the Service Preparation Team by ensuring we have the parts needed in time for a customer’s appointment. In this position, you will have the opportunity to develop your knowledge and offer fundamental support to both our customers and Service Team in our mission to accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy.To succeed at Tesla, you must be energetic, highly ...

  • Company CAPAX RECRUITMENT ApS in Holbæk
    12.02.2025 Updated on: 18.02.2025

    About the companyPharmacosmos is a family-owned, international pharmaceutical company with over 50 years of innovation and leadership in injectable iron and carbohydrate polymers. Recognized as a world leader in the treatment of iron deficiency anemia, Pharmacosmos operates an advanced production facility in Holbæk, Denmark, specializing in the manufacture of iron complexes and carbohydrate-based active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs).As a research-driven organization, Pharmacosmos is committed to improving the lives of patients with iron deficiency. With a global presence spanning more than 80 countries and subsidiaries in key markets such as the Nordic region, Germany, the United Kingdom, China, and the United States, Pharmacosmos employs over 600 professionals dedicated to making a me...

  • Company RDT Ingeniører ApS in København K
    12.02.2025 Updated on: 18.02.2025

    We are looking for Cloud Service Support Specialist for our client in the banking industry.Location: Greater Copenhagen, hybrid.QUALIFICATIONS & COMPETENCIESStrong experience as a Cloud Service SpecialistDocumented experience working with: Software management, Scripting, Microsoft 365, Exchange, SharePoint, Azure Virtual Desktop, Citrix, Automation, Device Management, CAPA execution, Documentation and Service transition/migrationChange Management ImportantCloud ComputingExchangeIT ArchitectureIT Security ArchitectMicrosoft InfrastructureSolution ArchitectingTechnical documentationTesting - Operational Readiness TestingTransition managementWorkplace Technology Operations DesignExperience from the Banking industry - advantageRelevant educational backgroundValid EU work permit making you able...

    11.02.2025 Updated on: 17.02.2025

    For an Asian client we are searching for a Marinade Specialist, for a short-term employment in a pop-up restaurant in inner Copenhagen. The employment period is time limited and lasts approximately two months this summer, but you will be working full time, during this period. You will be responsible for: preparing and manage marinades for various food items. store and categorise products for freshness and quality, and maintain hygiene standards and upkeep of tools and equipment together with a highly skilled team. We expect you speak and understand English and Chinese, you hold the highest standards, you are motivated and have an background with experience from high-end cuisine with the above responsibilities. You thrives working in a busy kitchen, where even the smallest detail must be ab...

    11.02.2025 Updated on: 17.02.2025

    For an Asian client we are searching for a Roast Specialist for a short-term employment in a pop-up restaurant in inner Copenhagen. The employment period is time limited and lasts approximately two months this summer, but you will be working full time, during this period. You will be responsible for: marinating and roasting various meats, process and store roasted products, ensuring freshness and hygiene, maintain cleanliness and functionality of roasting equipment together with a highly skilled team. We expect you speak and understand English and Chinese, you hold the highest standards, you are motivated and have an background with experience from high-end cuisine with the above responsibilities. You thrives working in a busy kitchen, where even the smallest detail must be absolute perfec...

    11.02.2025 Updated on: 17.02.2025

    For an Asian client we are searching for a Cantonese Cuisine Chef, Wok Specialist, for a short-term employment in a pop-up restaurant in inner Copenhagen. The employment period is time limited and lasts approximately two months this summer, but you will be working full time, during this period. You will be responsible for: preparing and season dishes, plan and manage daily supplies and ingredients for hot dishes, frying, stir-frying, braising, steaming, and sautéing, maintain cleanliness and upkeep of kitchen tools together with a highly skilled team. We expect you speak and understand English and Chinese, you hold the highest standards, you are motivated and have an background with experience from high-end cuisine with the above responsibilities. You thrives working in a busy kitchen, whe...

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