Jobmonitor. Search results for olivar-lucas-aps

170 Jobs found

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  • olivar-lucas-apsx
Displaying 1-50 of 170 results.

    Eftersom vores virksomhed er i vækst, søger vi nu en erfaren leder og en erfaren rengøringsinspektør til vores team, med opstart hurtigst forventer at du er robust, kan holde mange bolde i luften og har erfaring indefor branchen.god løn og gode arbejdsvilkår tilbydes....

  • Company Yan ApS in Aalborg

    **Sushi Kok Søges**Vi leder efter en medarbejder til at hjælpe med at lave sushi. Vi forventer, at du kan:-Lave sushi rolls -Skære sushi rolls -Lave nigiri**Krav:**-Du skal kunne tale enten dansk eller engelsk-Du skal være over 18år-Køn er ikke afgørendeLøn efter aftale. Hvis du er interesseret, bedes du sende dit CV til:

  • Company KL in København S
    07.09.2024 Updated on: 08.09.2024

    Har du blik for kommunernes muligheder og udfordringer på kultur- og fritidsområdet? Og kan du bistå kommunerne med at styrke rammerne for kultur, fritid og idræt i et felt med mange aktører og interesser? Så er du måske vores nye kollega. KL repræsenterer de 98 danske kommuner og favner dermed også den forskellighed, der er i det lokale kulturliv i kommunerne. Nogle kommuner har en lang række etablerede kultur- og fritidsinstitutioner, andre kommuner har få institutioner, men mange borger- og foreningsdrevne aktiviteter. Fælles er, at fællesskaber og sammenhængskraft aldrig har været vigtigere. Kultur- og fritidsområdet er det, der binder os sammen, og hvor vi mødes på tværs. Behovet for at kunne samarbejde og tænke på tværs af politikområder er nøglen til at kunne løse de store samfund...

  • Company RDT Ingeniører ApS in Risskov
    07.09.2024 Updated on: 08.09.2024

    We are looking for a new colleague to join an exciting project with our client in the wind industry. Your role will be to create and manage an OT Security implementation plan and roadmap for the implementation of people, process and the technological stack within the OT space across all the client's business units (power plants). You shall foresee support for technical OT Security project management, resource capability gaps, and various ancillary duties required to initiate, implement, and conclude OT Security at each assigned BU. You shall defines the technical project standards and guidelines as well as sets up adequate documentation with also establishing the for technical and project governance structure. In addition, you will evaluate and identify best practices in its specific indus...

  • Company S/I Artillerivejens Krudtugler & Slottet in København S
    07.09.2024 Updated on: 08.09.2024

    Da vores dygtige pædagogmedhjælper har valgt at flytte til Odense, søger Krudtuglen en erfaren pædagogmedhjælper til vores vuggestue, 34-37 timer ugentligt, med opstart 1. sep. 2024, eller hurtigst muligt. Vi venter gerne på det rigtige match.Krudtuglen er en integreret institution, som ligger på Islands Brygge, bestående af en vuggestue med 12 børn og en børnehave med 54 børn.Der er ansat 8 pædagoger, 5 pædagogmedhjælper samlet til vuggestuen og børnehaven. I vuggestuen er der tilknyttet 2,5 pædagog og en medhjælper.Vi søger en pædagogmedhjælper med viden og erfaring med målgruppen 0- 3 år som har lyst og gerne erfaring med, at arbejde på tværs af hele institutionen dvs. sammen med kollegaerne fra Børnehaven.Pædagogisk arbejder vi i et åbent miljø, hvor fællesskab blandt store og små er i...

  • Company AGERSKOV MENIGHEDSRÅD in Agerskov
    07.09.2024 Updated on: 08.09.2024

    En stilling som organist ved Agerskov Sogns Menighedsråd er ledig til besættelse snarest muligStillingen er på 22 timer gennemsnitligt pr. uge.Organisten skal varetage følgende opgaver:Musikalsk ledsagelse til gudstjenester og kirkelige handlingerVære korleder for voksenkorMusikalsk ledsagelse ved konfirmandundervisningMusikalsk ledsagelse til TirsdagscafeMenighedsrådet ønsker at starte Babysalmesang og musikalsk legestue op.Agerskov Sogn har 1.770 indbyggere. Sognet er kendetegnet ved et rigt foreningsliv, mange nye tilflyttere – især børnefamilier. Stor velassorteret købmandsbutik, frisør, 3 genbrugsbutikker, 3 skoler, svømmehal, friplejehjem, så der er masser af muligheder for at inddrage både børn, unge og ældre i kirkens aktiviteter. Byen ligger ca 15 km fra motorvejen. Vi kalder selv...

  • Company AGERSKOV MENIGHEDSRÅD in Agerskov
    07.09.2024 Updated on: 08.09.2024

    En stilling som kirkesanger ved Agerskov Sogns Menighedsråd er ledig til besættelse snarest mulig.Stillingen er på 8 timer pr. uge.Kirkesangeren skal varetage følgende opgaver:Lede menigheden i sang til gudstjenester og kirkelige handlinger.Praktisk kirketjeneste ved søndagens gudstjeneste.Agerskov Sogn har 1.770 indbyggere. Sognet er kendetegnet ved et rigt foreningsliv, mange nye tilflyttere – især børnefamilier,  stor velassorteret købmandsbutik, frisør, 3 genbrugsbutikker, 3 skoler, svømmehal, friplejehjem, så der er masser af muligheder for at inddrage både børn, unge og ældre i kirkens aktiviteter. Byen ligger ca. 15 km fra motorvejen. Vi kalder selv byen for Sønderjyllands navle. Byen er meget kendt for Agerskov kro.Vi forventer, at du:Har en stemme som tydeligt kan høres.Er fleksib...

  • Company Travel Operations A/S in Valby
    07.09.2024 Updated on: 08.09.2024

    Are you passionate about providing top-notch service to customers and ensuring they receive the best advice and solutions? Are you tired of prioritizing charging clients for every minute, rather than focusing on quality when implementing D365 solutions?If so, we invite you to join our team at TravelOperations team!ResponsibilitiesAs a Functional Solution Architect at TravelOperations, you will play a key role in influencing and overseeing large-scale international implementation projects. You will collaborate with motivated colleagues to implement D365 for Finance and TravelOperations solutions, guiding projects from analysis to design and implementation.Your responsibilities will include:Crafting Functional Solution DesignsProviding Best Practice GuidanceMaintaining daily ownership of cus...

  • Company Herborg Friskole & Børnehus in Videbæk
    07.09.2024 Updated on: 08.09.2024

    Herborg Friskole & Børnehus søger tilkaldevikarerHerborg Friskole & Børnehus søger en morgenfrisk og mødestabil tilkaldevikar primært til skolen, der kan træde til ved ferier, kurser samt sygdom. Du skal både kunne varetage undervisningen alene og i samspil med skolens faste personale.Om digDet er vigtigt, at du er fleksibel og kan møde op med kort varsel, når der er behov for vikarassistance på skolen.Du er rummelig, anerkendende, imødekommende og har mod på at undervise bredt i alle fag og alle på alle årgange (0 -8 klasse)Som vikar på Herborg Friskole & Børnehus får du din gang på en skole med ca. 85 elever.På  kan du få en bredere indsigt i hvem vi er. Du er ligeledes meget velkommen til at kontakte skolen for yderligere oplysninger og eventuelle spørgsmål. Konta...

  • Company WOK Christianshavn ApS in København K
    07.09.2024 Updated on: 08.09.2024

     We Hire Talent - Not BackgroundsWe’re seeking a creative and talented visual content creator, who can energize our social media presence with eye-catching videos and photos.No need to worry about your CV or background— at WOK, your huge talent, professionalism and personality are what matter most. Who We Are:WOK - Modern. Natural. Thai.® is a top-rated Thai restaurant group in Copenhagen, recognized for its exceptional reputation in the Copenhagen Thai food scene.A multicultural team of 30+ talented and passionate individuals from all over the world.What You’ll Do:Create eye-catching video and photo content that drives our social media presence.Work within our brand guidelines while adding your unique touch.Collaborate with our digital agency partner, NeoBotanik ( Y...

  • Company Jobs Europe AB in Other
    07.09.2024 Updated on: 08.09.2024

    Join Our Remote Team with Flexible Work Hours!Why USWe help companies test and improve machine learning models via our global AI Community of 1 million+ annotators and linguists. Our proprietary AI training platform handles all data types (text, images, audio, video and geo) across 500+ languages and dialects. Our AI Data Solutions vastly enhance AI systems across a range of applications from advanced smart products, to better search results, to expanded speech recognition, to more human-like bot interactions and so much more.Learn more at http://www.telusinternational.comJob DescriptionIn this role, you'll assess online search results to enhance their quality. You'll analyze and rate content relevance to search terms, while also reviewing language for grammar, tone, and cultural appropria...

  • Company Frivillig Kolding in Kolding
    07.09.2024 Updated on: 08.09.2024

    Frivillig Kolding søger engagerede ungeambassadører til vores 4-årige projekt, KOMPAS, der har til formål at hjælpe ensomme unge med at finde vej ind i meningsfulde fællesskaber gennem samarbejde med lokale foreninger og kulturaktører.Om KOMPASKOMPAS er et initiativ startet af Frivillig Kolding med det mål at etablere et stærkt netværk mellem Kolding Kommune, lokale foreninger og unge i byen. Projektet skal udvikle nye metoder til inklusion og trivsel blandt sårbare unge ved at involvere dem i kulturelle og sociale fællesskaber.Dine primære ansvarsområder:Etablering og udvikling af partnerskaber: Sammen med projektlederen vil du opsøge og samarbejde med byens sociale og kulturelle foreninger. Du vil hjælpe med at forstå deres aktiviteter og identificere, hvordan de kan bidrage til KOMPAS.S...

  • Company Valoregården ApS in Viby Sjælland
    07.09.2024 Updated on: 08.09.2024

    Du vil SÅ gerne være med til at skabe et nyt fantastisk børne- og ungehjem for en lille gruppe såbare børn og unge, som vi sammen vil hjælpe med at ændre livsbetingelserne for!Valoregården søger flere dedikerede socialpædagoger med hjertet på rette sted.Valoregården skal bygges på høj socialpædagogisk faglighed, hvor tilgangen til det enkelte barn eller ung er med et mildt og anerkendende blik, og gården skal ose af tryghed for både børn, unge og voksne. Vi forventer at have et hus fyldt med børn og unge i slutningen af 2024.Hvem er vi?Valoregården er beliggende på landet i Viby nær Roskilde og er et lille børne- og ungehjem med plads til 8 børn og unge i alderen 13-17 år.Vores kerneopgave er, at skabe tryghed og udvikling i samarbejde med den unge og de relationer og fællesskaber, som den...

  • Company SEWPG European Innovation Center ApS in Aarhus N
    07.09.2024 Updated on: 08.09.2024

    Do you want to lead a team of top-tier specialists in wind turbine load simulation & calculation, driving groundbreaking advancements in renewable energy solutions?You might be the Group Leader we are looking for to lead the Advanced Load Simulation team in our Shanghai Electric Wind Power Group European Innovation Center (EIC) in Aarhus, Denmark.The SEWPG European Innovation Center (part of Shanghai Electric, one of China’s largest leading manufacturing companies), assembles the best engineers in the global wind industry, working closely and effectively together on innovative R&D-projects in four main areas of wind turbine technology: Advanced load simulation, rotor blade innovation, digital engineering and advanced control. Therefore, you have real impact and play a central role in the d...

  • Company SEWPG European Innovation Center ApS in Aarhus N
    07.09.2024 Updated on: 08.09.2024

    Do you want to accelerate your career within the wind energy field?You might be the Wind Turbine Senior Load Engineer we are looking for to join our Shanghai Electric Wind Power Group European Innovation Center in Aarhus, Denmark.The SEWPG European Innovation Center (part of Shanghai Electric, one of China’s largest leading manufacturing companies), assembles the best engineers in the global wind industry, working closely and effectively together on innovative R&D projects in four main areas of wind turbine technology: Advanced load simulation, rotor blade innovation, digital engineering, and advanced control. Therefore, you have real impact and play a central role in the development of advanced technologies and innovative rotor design methods which will shape the future of wind power tech...

  • Company DTU Space in Kongens Lyngby
    07.09.2024 Updated on: 08.09.2024

    We warmly welcome dedicated researchers who are fueled by ambition and zeal for highly collaborative research to join us in forging new frontiers in power electronics. An exciting opportunity awaits you at the Electronics group at DTU Electro.  From 1 January 2025, we are offering a 3-year fully funded PhD position. The project is funded by DTU’s “PhD grant for a joint Alliance Research Project”, and is in close collaboration with Prof. Drazen Dujic, Power Electronics Laboratory at EPFL. Our project, 'Empowering Data Centers: Advancing Planar Magnetics for Next-Generation Power Solutions', aims to revolutionize magnetics technologies and set new benchmarks for power efficiency and power density of power converters for data centers.Responsibilities and qualifications As a valued member of o...

  • Company DTU Space in Kongens Lyngby
    07.09.2024 Updated on: 08.09.2024

    Are you interested in contributing to the future of quantum technology? The Department of Electrical and Photonics Engineering (DTU Electro) at the Technical University of Denmark is seeking an enthusiastic and skilled PhD student to join our team for the project QPIC1550, funded by the European Union.  The primary objective of QPIC1550 is to create a universal, scalable platform operating at 1550 nm by integrating deterministic quantum light sources, active components and detectors onto SiN quantum photonic circuitry together for the first time. This will combine the best features of two mature technologies: active functionalities of InP-based devices, such as classical and quantum light sources, high-bandwidth modulators, and photodetectors, with ultra-low loss SiN passives, such as dela...

  • Company DTU Space in Kongens Lyngby
    07.09.2024 Updated on: 08.09.2024

    If you are interested in laying the foundation for making ICT-based climate improvements, this position may be right for you. At DTU Electro and DTU Sustain you will work towards a greener world, by enabling the development of green ICT technologies. ICT is heralded as a key to ensure the green transition, and the tool developed through this PhD project will be the first of its kind and could play a vital role in ensuring that ICT solutions are employed for a greener future within the requirements of absolute environmental sustainability . You will be interacting with leading researchers in the field of communications and sustainability, and with a broad range of industrial and public entities, who all have a keen interest in the progress of the project. Responsibilities and qualifications...

  • Company Aarhus Universitet in Aarhus C
    07.09.2024 Updated on: 08.09.2024

    We are seeking a candidate skilled in single-crystal X-ray diffraction (SCXRD) for a two-year position in the field of materials science at the SINCRYS beamline at the MAX IV Laboratory in Lund, Sweden.SINCRYS is currently under construction and is scheduled to receive first light in the beginning of 2026. The instrument is tailored toward SCXRD experiments on small unit-cells commonly found in organic molecules, inorganic materials and hybrid organic-inorganic compounds. The instrument focuses on high-throuput standard structure analysis, however, it is designed flexible to be home to more sophisticated experiments. Accordingly, planning, preparing and supporting of user experiments will become an integral part.SINCRYS will form the base frame for the Scandinavian Crystallography Service ...

  • Company Aarhus Universitet in Aarhus C
    07.09.2024 Updated on: 08.09.2024

    Department of Law invites applications for a professorship in criminal law. The position shall be filled as per 1 January 2025 or by agreement.Job DescriptionThe person employed in the position is expected to contribute significantly to the faculty's overall research strategy and to the department's research and teaching environment within the main area of criminal law, particularly the general and special part of criminal law. The overall area of criminal law also includes criminal procedural law, including the impact of the ECHR as well as special criminal law on violation of the special legislation (hereafter collectively referred to as the "subject area").As professor you are expected to:make a significant contribution to the department's teaching environment, in particular by carrying...

  • Company Aarhus Universitet in Aarhus C
    07.09.2024 Updated on: 08.09.2024

    The Department of Law at Aarhus BSS, Aarhus University, invites applications for an associate professor position in the field of property law. The associate professorship is a permanent full-time position starting on 1 December 2023 or by further agreement.The position The person appointed to the position is expected to make a significant contribution to the department's teaching and research within Danish property law. Physical attendance at the department is required.Property law deals with the rules that govern the economic activities of citizens and is traditionally divided into rules on the relationship between two parties (law of obligations) and rules on the relationship with third party (property law), but in a broader sense, property law also encompasses a number of individual res...

  • Company Aarhus Universitet in Herning
    07.09.2024 Updated on: 08.09.2024

    The Department of Business Development and Technology (BTECH) at Aarhus BSS, Aarhus University, invites applications for associate professorship positions in organisation and management.An associate professorship is a full-time permanent position. Associate professors divide their time evenly between research and teaching activities, and the successful candidates will become part of the AIROD research section. The starting date is 1 February 2025 or as agreed upon.Job descriptionWe are looking for candidates who can strengthen our research profile. A significant part of our work involves business partners, and we often perform applied research. Hence, it is important that the candidates conduct research on topics that are relevant to modern companies, and candidates with research activitie...

  • Company Aarhus Universitet in Herning
    07.09.2024 Updated on: 08.09.2024

    The Department of Business Development and Technology (BTECH) at Aarhus BSS, Aarhus University, invites applications for assistant professorship positions in organisation and management.An assistant professorship is a full-time three-year position. Assistant professors divide their time evenly between research and teaching activities, and the successful candidates will become part of the AIROD research section. The starting date is 1 January 2025 or as agreed upon.Job descriptionWe are looking for candidates who can strengthen our research profile. A significant part of our work involves business partners, and we often perform applied research. Hence, it is important that the candidates conduct research on topics that are relevant to modern companies, and candidates with research activitie...

  • Company Aarhus Universitet in Tjele
    07.09.2024 Updated on: 08.09.2024

    Department of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, Aarhus University, invites highly qualified applicants for a 3-year postdoc position from 1/2-2025 or soon thereafter, focusing on nutrition and physiology of sows, suckling and weaning piglets.We seek a postdoc with a strong background in nutrition and physiology of sows, suckling and weaning piglets. Experience in conducting pig experiments is a prerequisite, and the candidate should have a strong track-record within developing nutritional and management strategies for sows and their piglets, to ensure piglet survival and growth.Qualifications for a postdoc positionAcademic qualifications at PhD level in animal or veterinary sciences.Experience in animal nutrition and experimentation.Animal experimentation license category B is preferredResea...

  • Company Aarhus Universitet in Aarhus C
    07.09.2024 Updated on: 08.09.2024

    The research groups of Merete Bilde and Tobias Weidner within the Center for Chemistry of Clouds (C3) at Aarhus University seek to hire two postdocs for a joint project. As a postdoc within this project, you will study the role of aerosol surface chemistry for the formation of clouds with implications for climate and ecosystems research. For this unique approach, C3 seeks to hire one postdoc with expertise in aerosol research and one postdoc with expertise in surface spectroscopy to work in close collaboration.The starting date is flexible. A date of January 1st 2025 or soon thereafter is preferred. The initial duration of each employment will be 24 months.Job description/research project/research areaAerosol particles play a central role in the formation of clouds. Particles are emitted f...

  • Company Aarhus Universitet in Aarhus N
    07.09.2024 Updated on: 08.09.2024

    The Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering (MPE) at Aarhus University is expanding its research and teaching activities in the field of “Renewable Energy Technologies” and invites applications for two Tenure-track Assistant / Associate Professor positions within the Section of “Fluids and Energy”.The MPE Department seeks an innovative and visionary engineer/researcher capable of establishing an internationally recognized research group and delivering research-based teaching at the Bachelor, Master & PhD levels. The successful candidate is expected to establish strong and visible research programs, develop strong local and international research collaborations, successfully attract external funding, and contribute to our mechanical engineering bachelor and master programs with ...

  • Company SEMCO MARITIME A/S in Esbjerg
    07.09.2024 Updated on: 08.09.2024

    Are you eager to develop your career in the exciting energy industry? Would you like to be in a dynamic company where you aren’t just a piece of the puzzle – but you do the puzzle? Then come join our Consultancy Service Team.Your position You will join our team of engineers and specialists dedicated to delivering our best support to our clients within the Energy Industry and helping them to achieve their goals. “Joining our team means not only being part of an exciting project but also shaping its success. As we establish our new Consultant Services department, your expertise will be instrumental in setting the standards and making a tangible impact on our journey towards driving real change,” says Daniel Billstrøm, Director, Consulting Services.The set-upYour place of work will be either ...

  • Company Professionshøjskolen Absalon, Campus Roskilde in Roskilde
    07.09.2024 Updated on: 08.09.2024

    Vi søger en eller to undervisere indenfor fagområderne engelsk og dansk som andetsprog til besættelse hurtigst muligt. Undervisningen foregår på campus Roskilde og på vores e-læringsuddannelse. På Professionshøjskolen Absalon er det vores ambition at levere engagerende undervisning. Du skal derfor facilitere undervisning af høj kvalitet og samtidig brænde for at skabe læring og motiverede studerende, så de bliver så dygtige som muligt. Du skal også bidrage til at skabe et godt studiemiljø, der sikrer trivsel og en høj gennemførsel blandt de studerende. Din profil Du er optaget af at udvikle uddannelse og undervisning. Samtidig har du en god professionsforståelse med kendskab til folkeskolen. Kan du se dig selv i nedenstående, så kan det være dig, vi har brug for: En engageret underviser...

  • Company RED Center mod æresrelaterede konflikter in Taastrup
    07.09.2024 Updated on: 08.09.2024

    Mangler du et studiejob i Storkøbenhavn?RED Safehouse på Sjælland søger tilkaldevikarer.Bliver du motiveret af at gøre en forskel for mennesker der har oplevet æresrelateret kontrol, trusler eller vold? Og søger du udfordringer, hvor tværfagligt samarbejde er omdrejningspunktet? Så vil denne stilling have din interesse.RED Safehouse Sjælland søger tilkaldevikarer til vagter døgnet rundt. Du skal kunne tage vågne nattevagter for at komme i betragtning til jobbet.Om RED Safehouse:RED Safehouse er et landsdækkende Safehouse for personer mellem 16-30 år, der flygter fra æresrelaterede konflikter, vold, trusler om vold eller æresrelateret social kontrol. RED Safehouse er organisatorisk forankret i RED Center mod æresrelaterede konflikter. Vi omfatter en landsdækkende rådgivningsenhed; RED Rådgi...

  • Company Middelfart Friskole in Middelfart
    07.09.2024 Updated on: 08.09.2024

    Får du god energi af at arbejde selvstændigt, i teams, og omkring skønne børn og forældre? Og har du det godt med både skolefag, kreative forløb og med at bringe livet ind i skolen såvel som børnene ud i verden? Så er det lige dig, vi står og mangler som vores kommende børnehaveklasseleder på Middelfart Friskole.Om os:Vi er en Grundtvig/Koldsk friskole med et solidt værdigrundlag, og herfra går vores verden.Vi sætter en ære i at møde børnene, hvor de er, med fællesskabet som det bærende element.Vi vægter skolefag og praktisk/musiske fag lige højt, og vi holder af at være virkelighedsnære.Vi har børn, som de er flest, og vi lykkes i arbejdet, fordi vi er i tæt samarbejde med forældrene.Om dig:Du er en ildsjæl, der brænder for noget, som du gerne vil tænde os andre med.Du er god til at navig...

  • Company Professionshøjskolen Absalon, CFU Udlånssamlingen in Sorø
    07.09.2024 Updated on: 08.09.2024

    Har du en passion for at bidrage til udviklingen af folkeskolen? Er du en visionær person, der tager imod udfordringer med åbne arme? Hvis svaret er ja, kunne stillingen som bibliotekar eller biblioteksassistent med erfaring inden for branchen være den perfekte mulighed for dig. Center for Undervisningsmidler (CFU) og Facility Service er i forandring med rivende udvikling, og stedet hvor ideer bliver til nye tiltag! Med Absalons strategi "Uddannelser, der mærkes i hele Region Sjælland" tager vi det næ-ste store skridt i ambitionen om at være hele Region Sjællands professionshøjskole, der uddanner dygtige professionelle med en mærkbar betydning for regionen. Udlånssamlingen er kernen i vores service, hvor vi håndterer udlån af undervisningsmidler og materialer til alle institutioner i Reg...

  • Company Syddansk Universitet in Sønderborg
    07.09.2024 Updated on: 08.09.2024

    The Faculty of Engineering at the University of Southern Denmark invites applications for a 2-year position as postdoc in the area of Super Capacitors and their applications. The position is located at the Centre for Industrial Electronics (CIE) in Sønderborg. Starting date is 1 November 2024. The application deadline is 30 September 2024 at 11.59 PM/23.59 (CET/CEST)  Sønderborg is an international campus with students from more than 60 nationalities. The Faculty of Engineering is represented by the Institute of mechanical and electrical engineering (IME). CIE is embedded in a powerhouse in electronics, which includes researchers and developers at universities and industries on both sides of the Danish-German border. CIE is an initiative striving for high quality and great impact of its re...

  • Company Syddansk Universitet in Sønderborg
    07.09.2024 Updated on: 08.09.2024

    The Centre for Industrial Electronics (CIE) at the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) was established by a strong partnership between industry, academia and regional authorities. CIE is located at the campus of SDU Sønderborg and surrounded by a vibrant industrial environment. CIE is part of the Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering.The application deadline is 30 September 2024 at 11.59 PM/23.59 (CET/CEST) Job description We are seeking an innovative and visionary Associate Professor in the field of capacitor materials and fabrication with a strong emphasis on nanomaterials. An ideal candidate is expected to have an excellent track record in most of the following topics:Electronic device fabrication,Synthesis and/or processing of nanomaterials,C...

  • Company Syddansk Universitet in Sønderborg
    07.09.2024 Updated on: 08.09.2024

    We are seeking an enthusiastic new colleague as a Postdoc in the field of Power Electronics with a strong interest in industrial applications and cooperation. The positions aim to build strong knowledge and competencies within the field of Power Electronics, especially development of innovative converters based on WBG (GaN, SiC) semiconductors, circuit level and FEM simulations, building of prototypes and testing.The application deadline is September 30, 2024, at 11.59 PM/23.59 (CET/CEST)  The successful candidate will join our team at The Centre for Industrial Electronics (CIE). The centre has currently approximately 30 faculty members including professors, postdocs, PhDs, and support staff. CIE is embedded in a powerhouse in electronics, which includes researchers and developers at unive...

  • Company Syddansk Universitet in Odense M
    07.09.2024 Updated on: 08.09.2024

    The Danish Centre for Health Economics (DaCHE) and the Danish Institute for Advanced Study (DIAS), University of Southern Denmark, seek to appoint one full-time postdoc as part of the Harmonised Approach for Measuring Mortality Inequalities among Adults in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (HARMONIA) project. The PI is Associate Professor Angela Chang. The starting date for the position is 1 January 2025 or earlier. The position is available for a fixed term of 36 months.Project backgroundAs set forward in the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) target 10.3, reducing inequalities within populations is a key global priority. Despite the fact that 80% of the world’s adult population live in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC), we have little knowledge on the levels, trends, or drivers of a...

  • Company Syddansk Universitet in Odense M
    07.09.2024 Updated on: 08.09.2024

    Danish Centre for Motivation and Behaviour Science (DRIVEN) at the Department of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics, research unit of Sport and Health Sciences, invites applications for a 3-year postdoc position in physical activity behaviour change to be filled in the period January 6,  2025 to January 5,  2028. The position and the projectThe candidate will manage a project funded by the Danish Heart Foundation (Hjerteforeningen) which aims to develop, refine and test an intervention designed to increase Vigorous Intermittent Lifestyle Physical Activity (VILPA) in physically inactive women aged 40-65. VILPA refers to brief (1-2 mins each) bouts of intense physical activity integrated into activities of daily living. The research team awarded...

  • Company Syddansk Universitet in Sønderborg
    07.09.2024 Updated on: 08.09.2024

    The Faculty of Engineering of the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) invites applications for a 2-year postdoc position in the area of sustainable cooling and heating technologies. The candidate will be offered the exciting opportunity to provide ground source R718 high temperature heat pumps with highly operational flexibility. All the activities will be carried out within the GEOSYN project in close collaboration with relevant industrial and academic partners. The application deadline is 30 September 2024 at 11.59 PM/23.59 (CET/CEST)  Unique opportunityThe SDU Cooling and Heating Research Group is a recently established investigation unit in the lately founded Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering (IME). IME is building up a Mechanical Engineering Degree and laboratories t...

  • Company Trafikselskabet Movia in Valby
    07.09.2024 Updated on: 08.09.2024

    Koordinator til Flextrafik Motiveres du af faglige udfordringer, hvor både helheden og sans for detaljen af opgaven gør en forskel, så er det måske dig, som vi har brug for på vores hold. Vi arbejder med transportløsninger for sårbare borgere i alle aldre, hvis transportbehov ikke kan løses af den ordinære kollektive trafik. I Flextrafik arbejder vi tæt sammen med kommuner og regioner for at udvikle, koordinere og drifte fleksible kørselsordninger, som har stor betydning for rigtig mange sårbare borgeres tilværelser. Flextrafiks kørselsprodukter giver disse borgere de mobilitetsløsninger, som får deres hverdag til at hænge sammen. Vi søger derfor en ny koordinator, der ønsker at bistå til dette samarbejde med kommunerne om planlægning og implementering af kørselsordninger for kommunernes...

  • Company Trafikselskabet Movia in Valby
    07.09.2024 Updated on: 08.09.2024

    Studentermedhjælper til Foreningen for Trafikselskaberne i Danmark Vil du være med til at sætte den kollektive trafik på den politiske dagsorden og være med til fremme den grønne omstilling og en sammenhængende mobilitet i hele Danmark? Så er du måske vores nye studentermedhjælper. Foreningen for Trafikselskaberne i Danmark, TID, repræsenterer de 6 regionale trafikselskaber i Danmark. TIDs rolle er at koordinere og løfte fælles sager. Det gælder bl.a. større politiske sager som økonomi, nye mobilitetsløsninger i landdistrikterne og et bedre rabatsystem for unge. Ligesom det gælder koordination af fælles høringssvar, input til svar på folketings spørgsmål og drift af flere netværk af fageksperter på tværs af selskaberne. Trafikselskaberne er medlem af EU-Komitéen hos UITP, som er den glo...

  • Company Borgerservice in Kalundborg
    07.09.2024 Updated on: 08.09.2024

    Om jobbet Vi søger en klinisk psykolog på 15-37 timer til behandling af unge, børn og familierVi er åbne for, om du er forholdsvis nyuddannet og ønsker en fuldtidsstilling, der kan give dig masser af erfaring. - Eller om du fx er en erfaren selvstændig psykolog, der gerne vil krydre din hverdag med de anderledes opgaver, vi har i kommunen. Vi tilbyder desuden gode kollegaers selskab, samarbejde og sjov, mens vi drikker vores ret gode kommunale kaffe. Der er plads til det hele i vores psykologteam.Fagcenter Børn og Familie i Kalundborg Kommune tilbyder en stilling på 15-37 timer pr. uge med ansættelse pr. 1. november 2024 eller snarest muligt. De primære arbejdsopgaver befinder sig indenfor Barnets Lov § 30/32, hvor der kan være tale om længerevarende eller kortere behandlingsforløb, og hvo...

  • Company Borgerservice in Kalundborg
    07.09.2024 Updated on: 08.09.2024

    Om jobbetDu bliver en del af Natur og Miljø, der er kendetegnet ved en høj faglighed og et godt socialt sammenhold. Det er vigtigt for os, at du har lyst til at bidrage både til det faglige og det sociale fællesskab.Spildevandsområdet arbejder med udledningstilladelser, spildevand i det åbne land, påbud, nedsivningstilladelser, spildevandsplan mv. Du vil få en stor kontaktflade til Kalundborg Forsyning, som vi arbejder tæt sammen med.Vi udarbejder de fleste af vores tilladelser, planer og dispensationer selv. Det betyder, at du skal kunne arbejde systematisk og sætte dig ind i it-systemer og beregningsmetoder, arbejde med GIS-kort og være god til at skrive.Du skal arbejde selvstændigt og resultatorienteret med opgaverne. Der er både opgaver, som løber over lange perioder, og opgaver, som s...

  • Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet in Kongens Lyngby
    07.09.2024 Updated on: 08.09.2024

    Er du DTU-studerende, elsker du at hjælpe, og kan du arbejde med en høj grad af selvstændighed, så har vi måske jobbet til dig. International Studieservice, Afdelingen for Uddannelse og Studerende  på DTU, søger 2 nye studenterstudievejledere fra den 1. november 2024.   Dine primære opgaver inkluderer:Svare på spørgsmål fra studerende via e-mail, telefon og personlige henvendelserVejlede nye/kommende internationale exchange-studerende og full degree-studerende i optagelsesprocedurer og den første tid i Danmark/på DTUVejlede danske og internationale studerende omkring udvekslingsmulighederHolde oplæg om udvekslingsmuligheder på både dansk og engelskVi søger en DTU-studerende, der:Kan arbejde selvstændigt og er serviceminded – også i travle perioderKan sætte sig ind i større mængder ny infor...

  • Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet in Kongens Lyngby
    07.09.2024 Updated on: 08.09.2024

    Are you a talented, self-motivated, and team-oriented person, who thrives in a collaborative environment and enjoys working with complex topics? We seek a PhD student to join a world-leading research environment and contribute to the development of converter-rich power plants, which are expected to play a major role in tomorrow’s power systems. You will join an international team of PhD students and postdocs that, together with other academic staff and industrial partners, develop tools and models for simulating and assessing the dynamic performance and stability of such power plants.Responsibilities and qualifications You are expected to carry out high-quality research at the intersection of renewable-energy technologies, power systems, power electronics, and control systems, both from a ...

  • Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet in Kongens Lyngby
    07.09.2024 Updated on: 08.09.2024

    CO2 conversion to solids: Increase sustainability by transforming waste materials to new, valuable products From fundamental understanding of the interactions of water, gas and organic compounds with natural materials, we are developing a fast, cheap, environmentally friendly way to mineralise CO2, to make it stable for millennia. We are building a cross disciplinary team of students and scientists, engineers and business experts to create a startup. We are searching for enthusiastic members. As a result of recently funded projects, we are building a cross disciplinary research group. We are looking for a reactor design engineer (chemical, process or mechanical engineer or similar). Our goals are to develop a local method for mineralising CO2, to convert it back to solid, where it will rem...

  • Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet in Kongens Lyngby
    07.09.2024 Updated on: 08.09.2024

    From fundamental understanding of the interactions of water, gas and organic compounds with natural materials, we are developing a fast, cheap, environmentally friendly way to mineralise CO2, to make it stable for millennia. As a result of recently funded projects, we are building a cross disciplinary research group, and we are looking for a part time academic employee. In the BioMin Research Group our goals are to develop a local method for mineralising CO2, to convert it back to solid, where it will remain stable on the long term. Even with the very best alternative energy sources and conversion of CO2 into products, current air and ocean CO2 levels will need 1,000 to 10,000 years to return to preindustrial levels. To reduce climate change and ocean acidification, CO2 must be converted t...

  • Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet in Kongens Lyngby
    07.09.2024 Updated on: 08.09.2024

    If you are establishing your career as scientist and are looking for a solid foundation to fulfill your dreams and ambitions in the context of single-cell biology, it is right here in front of you. At DTU Bioengineering, you will break new ground at the absolute forefront of single-cell proteomics by Mass Spectrometry (scp-MS) and other single-cell technologies and use your skills to answer fundamental clinical questions and develop the next generation experimental and computational workflowsOur mission Our mission in the Cell Diversity Lab is to unravel fundamental biological concepts controlling heterogeneity within complex biological systems, especially those of the blood system and cancer. Our aim is to use our leading position in the scp-MS field to identify druggable signalling mecha...

  • Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet in Kongens Lyngby
    07.09.2024 Updated on: 08.09.2024

    Are you eager to explore advanced machine-learning techniques and enthusiastic about accelerating the green energy transition by improving modeling of wind farm wake aerodynamics? If so, this PhD scholarship is for you. Individual wind turbines as well as wind farm clusters continue to increase in size, which increases the complexity of the turbulent inflow in which they operate. The added complexity can be captured by high-fidelity numerical tools, but the computational costs are too high to utilize for turbine design and operational improvements. However, machine-learning can be utilized to build fast and accurate models based on high-fidelity data-sets. The aim of this PhD project is to expand an existing framework for fast and accurate modeling of wind farm wake aerodynamics as present...

  • Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet in Kongens Lyngby
    07.09.2024 Updated on: 08.09.2024

    The Computational Protein Engineering (CPE) group at The Novo Nordisk Foundation Centre for Biosustainability (DTU Biosustain) is developing novel methods to engineer proteins more effectively using state-of-the-art experimental and computational approaches. Our mission is to develop innovative and sustainable solutions to the most pressing issues facing our societies in terms of bioproduction and bioremediation.To support this goal, we are looking for a colleague who is independent, who thrives within an interdisciplinary environment at a world-class research centre, and who is highly motivated to move the area of enzyme engineering to the next level, while having a positive impact on our world.When joining our group, you get the opportunity to use the latest algorithms in machine learnin...

  • Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet in Kongens Lyngby
    07.09.2024 Updated on: 08.09.2024

    This PhD project aims to develop site-specific strategies for climate adaptation and energy reduction in building renovations. The core objective is to create adaptive, energy-efficient renovation utilizing simulation-based techniques to predict energy use under future climate scenarios and evolving building uses. The project will also analyze these adaptation strategies from a cost and life-cycle perspective to ensure their long-term sustainability and economic viability. You will build knowledge on adaptive strategies to mitigate climate risks for the built environment, enhancing their resilience against climate change impacts. This involves evaluating the risks of climate change, understanding their interrelations with building performance, and exploring innovative renovation techniques...

  • Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet in Kongens Lyngby
    07.09.2024 Updated on: 08.09.2024

    Vi søger en struktureret administrator og visuel kommunikatør til at hjælpe DTU Entrepreneurships porteføljeteam. Vi leder efter dig, hvis du har et stærkt personligt drive og kan arbejde selvstændigt. Jo mere du er i stand til at tage ansvar for dit eget arbejde, jo mere ansvar får du. Jobbet kræver, at du er organiseret og involverer teamet, som du vil være en del af, når det er nødvendigt.  Du bliver en del af et team af 'fixere', hvor du går forrest i at løse opgaverne og som team sørger for at levere på det, der blev aftalt.  De fleste opgaver vil være ad hoc og af praktisk karakter. Opgaverne vil falde i tre kategorier: Administration og rapportering – Du kommer til at understøtte vores daglige administration, transformere evalueringer til viden og kommunikere og visualisere viden ti...

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