Jobmonitor. Search results for Sønderborg

16 Jobs found

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  • Sønderborgx
Displaying 1-16 of 16 results.
  • Company Syddansk Universitet in Sønderborg
    22.02.2025 Updated on: 22.02.2025

    The Faculty of Engineering at the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) invites applications for a 3-year position as a Ph.D. in Design, Fabrication, and Characterization of WBG Semiconductors. The position is located in the section of Electrical Engineering in Sønderborg within the Centre for Industrial Electronics (CIE). CIE is embedded in a powerhouse in electronics, which includes researchers and developers at universities and industries on both sides of the Danish-German border. The position starts on September 1, 2025, or as soon as possible thereafter, depending on the agreement with the successful candidate.The application deadline is June 30, 2025, at 11.59 PM / 23.59 (CET/CEST) CIE Research develops advanced power semiconductor components using cutting-edge technologies. We focus ...

  • Company Syddansk Universitet in Sønderborg
    22.02.2025 Updated on: 22.02.2025

    The Faculty of Engineering of the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) invites applications for a 2-year postdoc position in Advanced Computational Design of Metamaterials (CoDeMeta). The candidate will be offered the exciting opportunity to investigate into the multiscale modelling and design methods, multifunctional and multiscale materials and structures, and additive manufacturing of piezoelectric meta-materials. This project will finally establish a platform for advanced computational design of metamaterials, for both research, education and technology application purposes, and thus the candidate will be also involved in supervising graduate students. The position is available from July 1, 2025.The application deadline is April 1, 2025, at 11.59 PM/23.59 (CET/CEST)  Unique opportunity...

  • Company Syddansk Universitet in Sønderborg
    21.02.2025 Updated on: 22.02.2025

    The Faculty of Engineering of the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) invites applications for a 1-year Research Assistant position in the area of sustainable cooling and heating technologies. The candidate will be offered the exciting opportunity to make reversible CO2 heat pumps “intelligent”. All the activities will be carried out within the ULTRA project in close collaboration with relevant Danish industrial partners. The position is available from May 1, 2025.The application deadline is March 7, 2025, at 11.59 PM/23.59 (CET/CEST)Unique opportunityThe SDU Cooling and Heating Research Group is an investigation unit at the Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering (IME). IME is continuously building up a Mechanical Engineering degree and laboratories to support the educational ...

  • Company ERLING HØI-NIELSEN A/S in Sønderborg
    18.02.2025 Updated on: 22.02.2025

    Servicerådgiver søges til fremtidens bilhusErling Høi-Nielsen A/S søger en passioneret og kompetent Servicerådgiver til at styrke vores voksende team i det smukke Sønderjylland. Vores dedikation til at opretholde vores position som branchens førende bilhus kræver en erfaren og engageret kandidat, der deler vores ambitioner og som ønsker at bidrage til vores fortsatte succes.Dine ansvarsområder vil omfatte:I rollen som Servicerådgiver vil du have en nøgleposition i vores daglige drift, hvor dine kompetencer vil være afgørende.·         Professionel og serviceminded betjening af kunder på vores værksted·         Effektiv ordrebehandling·         Nøjagtig faktureringDine kvalifikationerVi søger en kandidat, der kan byde ind med følgende kvalifikationer:·         Stærk teknisk forståelse og vi...

  • Company Syd Elektro ApS in Sønderborg
    15.02.2025 Updated on: 20.02.2025

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Sind Sie unser neuer Automatisierungstechniker, Elektromaschinenbauer oder Elektrotechniker?Syd Elektro ApS expandiert und sucht zur Verstärkung unseres Teams einen engagierten und erfahrenen Automatisierungstechniker oder Elektromechaniker. Sie haben die Möglichkeit, mit fortschrittlicher Technologie und komplexen Systemen sowie Dynamik und innovativer Technologie zu arbeiten. Wenn Sie Dänisch auf Anfängerniveau sprechen, lesen Sie hier mehr über den Job.Qualifikationen· Ausbildung: gelernter Automatisierungstechniker, Elektromaschinenbauer oder Elektrotechniker o.ä.· Erfahrung: Praktische Erfahrung in der Fehlerbehebung, Reparatur und Wartung automatisierter Systeme und elektromechanischer Geräte.· Technische Fähigkeiten: Ausgeprägtes Verständnis elektrischer...

  • Company Eckersberg Børneunivers S/I in Sønderborg
    08.02.2025 Updated on: 15.02.2025

    Der er tale om én fuldtidsstilling eller to deltidsstillinger. I ansøgningen bedes du præcisere, hvilken stilling du er interesseret i.Fuldtidsstilling-          Stilling 1 på 37 t. ugentligt: I denne stilling har man formiddagstimer i børnehaven, undervisning i praktisk-musiske fag i skolen og er tovholder i SFO’en om eftermiddagen.Deltidsstillinger-          Stilling 2 på 17 t. ugentligt: I denne stilling har man undervisning i praktisk-musiske fag i skolen og er tovholder i SFO’en om eftermiddagen.-          Stilling 3 på 20 t. ugentligt i børnehaven.Vi søger en pædagog der er faglig stærk, brænder for børns trivsel, og som ønsker at være en del af et friunivers. Eckersberg Børneunivers er en friskole og fribørnehave beliggende i Sønderjylland i Blans. Universet ligger i landlige omgive...

  • Company Syddansk Universitet in Sønderborg
    08.02.2025 Updated on: 15.02.2025

    We are seeking for an enthusiastic new colleague as a postdoc in the field of Power Electronics with strong interest in industrial applications and cooperation to join Centre for Industrial Electronics (CIE) at the SDU campus in Sønderborg. The application deadline is February 16, 2025, at 11.59 PM/23.59 (CET/CEST)The centre has currently approximately 30 faculty members including senior (full and associate professors), junior (assistant professors and postdocs), PhDs, and support staff. The task portfolio of the postdoc will be linked to one main project and several smaller projects within CIE. CIE is embedded in a powerhouse in electronics, which includes researchers and developers at universities and industries on both sides of the Danish-German border. CIE is a new initiative striving ...

  • Company Syddansk Universitet in Sønderborg
    08.02.2025 Updated on: 15.02.2025

    We are seeking for enthusiastic new colleagues as a postdoc in the field of Power Electronics with strong interest in industrial applications and cooperation to join Centre for Industrial Electronics (CIE) at the SDU campus in Sønderborg. The application deadline is March 6, 2025, at 11.59 PM/23.59 (CET/CEST)The centre has currently approximately 30 faculty members including senior (full and associate professors), junior (assistant professors and postdocs), PhDs, and support staff. The task portfolio of the postdoc will be linked to one main project and several smaller projects within CIE. CIE is embedded in a powerhouse in electronics, which includes researchers and developers at universities and industries on both sides of the Danish-German border. CIE is a new initiative striving for hi...

  • Company Syddansk Universitet in Sønderborg
    08.02.2025 Updated on: 15.02.2025

    We are seeking for an innovative and visionary Assistant Professor in the field of Power Engineering with strong interest in industrial applications and cooperation for the campus in Sønderborg.The application deadline is March 6, 2025, at 11.59 PM/23.59 (CET/CEST) The Centre for Industrial Electronics has currently approximately 30 faculty members including senior (full and associate professors), junior (assistant professors and Post Docs), PhDs and support staff. The position involves research, professional development, research education, teaching, including exams, supervision, and assessment work. A candidate will be expected to teach and supervise PhD students and undergraduate students, as well as to maintain and develop national and international contacts and secure appropriate rese...

  • Company Bahne - Sønderborg in Sønderborg
    08.02.2025 Updated on: 14.02.2025


  • Company Cafe Kjukken ApS in Sønderborg
    08.02.2025 Updated on: 14.02.2025

    Cafe Kjukken ligger i hjertet af multikulturhuset ved Byens Havn i Sønderborg. Cafeen er et naturligt samlingssted for husets brugere, medarbejdere og ikke mindst borgerne fra byen og omegn, samt de mange turister som besøger Sønderborg årligt.Vi skal bruge 2 dygtig tjener på deltid 15-25 timer om ugen, som er frisk på at give vores gæster den bedste service.Hvad tilbyder vi?En spændende stilling i en cafe, der summer af liv, med mange stamkunder samt danske og udenlandske turister. Et attraktivt job i en familieejet virksomhed, hvor vi ikke gør tingene halvt. Gode arbejdstider Caféen er åbent mandag til onsdag fra kl. 9.00-17.00, torsdag til lørdag fra kl. 9.00-20.00 og søndag fra kl. 9.00-13.00Derudover tilbyder vi:Ordnede forholdAttraktiv lønpakkePensionFamilie venlige arbejdstiderGodt ...

  • Company Syddansk Universitet in Sønderborg
    07.02.2025 Updated on: 14.02.2025

    Are you a passionate engineer that likes new technologies and constant challenges? Join the Mads Clausen Institute at the University of Southern Denmark in Sønderborg. As an automation engineer you will be working closely with the lab managers to support the different units in house in various tasks. The Centre for Advanced Photovoltaics and Thin-film Energy Devices does research and development within new types of organic and thin-film solar cells from small devices up to roll-to-roll manufacturing. The NanoSYD department focuses on basic and applied research in sensors, nanophotonics, nanoplasmonics, microfluidics, new transistor technologies and much more. The departments are supported by the Centre for Materials Analysis and Characterization that apart of being the center consultancy a...

  • Company Handicapkonsulenterne ApS in Sønderborg
    07.02.2025 Updated on: 14.02.2025

    Aflaster søges til 17-årig ung mand diagnosticeret med autisme og døvblindhed.Arbejdet forventes at ligge på 10 timer ugentligt, hvorfor denne stilling både kan være ideel til den studerende inden for enten den sundhedsfaglige eller pædagogiske sektor, eller til en person, der mangler et ekstra arbejde, hvor man får lov at have stor betydning for en ung mand og hans familie.  De 10 timer ønskes fordelt ud på to dage om ugen i tidsrummet 8.00 til 16.00. Drengen er diagnosticeret med autisme og døvblindhed. Den nye hjælper skal være i stand til at sætte sig ind i den unge mands interesser og være interesseret i at lære ham at kende. Det vil være en fordel, hvis den nye hjælper er bekendt med autismespektret og har forståelse for de udfordringer, der kan høre sig til dette.  Drengens døvblind...

  • Company MÜLLER GAS EQUIPMENT A/S in Sønderborg
    07.02.2025 Updated on: 13.02.2025

    Müller Gas Equipment A/S, SønderborgWe are looking for a new colleague to take care of our quality and environmental matters for our quality department in Sønderborg. We need someone with experience in the quality and environmental field and we will, of course, provide support with input regarding the tasks. Tasks for the position as a Quality / Environmental Manager Tasks relevant to quality matters: Maintenance and further development of our quality manualDevelopment of new (quality-relevant) documents in collaboration with the Technical ManagerHandling of complaints in our ERP system Axapta (Microsoft Dynamics)Handling of external audits at Müller Gas Equipment A/SHandling and implementation of internal auditsInitiation of change orders in our ERP systemForwarding quality-relevant docum...

  • Company Customer Journey Denmark ApS in Sønderborg
    07.02.2025 Updated on: 14.02.2025

    Vi søger dataindsamlere, der har mod på at kontakte kunder foran dagligvarebutikker, hvor du ganske enkelt skal spørge ankomne kunder, om de vil tage deres bon med ud til dig til en forbrugerundersøgelse.Arbejdstider:Vagterne er på 3,5 eller 4 timer i følgende tidsrum mandag til søndag:7.30 -11.30, 11.00 -14.30, 14.30 - 18.00, 18.00 - 21.30Løn:Timeløn DKK 130 + 1 kr i bonus per indsamlet bon.Antal timer:Der vil være mulighed for at få mellem 3,5 til 15 timer om ugen. Antallet af timer afhænger dog af, om du kan køre rundt til andre byer, udover det område du bor i. Vagterne ligger mandag til søndag fra tidlig morgen til sen aften. Du vil også kunne nøjes med at få enkelte vagter om måneden, hvis din tid ikke er til mere. Hvad enten du ser jobbet som ungdomsjob, deltidsjob eller som supplem...

  • Company Buy2Sell APS in Sønderborg
    07.02.2025 Updated on: 14.02.2025

    Registration areaJob Title: Registration Staff (Full-time, 37 hours/week)About Us: Join our dynamic team and play a crucial role in our organization! We are looking for a detail-oriented and patient individual to join us as a Registration Staff member. If you are passionate about accuracy and enjoy working in a structured environment, we want to hear from you.Responsibilities:Accurately register items and ensure efficient data entry.Capture high-quality photos of registered items using a smartphone.Maintain organized and up-to-date records of all registrations.Assist the warehouse team and respond to their inquiries regarding items.Collaborate with team members to ensure smooth and efficient operations.Qualifications:Fluency in English (both spoken and written).Strong attention to detail a...

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