18 Jobs found
Displaying 1-18 of 18 results.
Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
in Frederiksberg C
03.01.2025 Updated on: 05.01.2025
Kan du sætte en ambitiøs dagsorden for bæredygtighed, diversitet, inklusion og talentudvikling på et af verdens førende universiteter? Og kan du sammen med gode kollegaer på institutter, i afdelinger og i direktionen føre den ud i livet? Kan du sikre, at disse emner bliver en integreret del af vores forskning og bidrager til Danmarks Tekniske Universitets (DTU) nationale og internationale anerkendelse? Og kan du samtidig opnå bred opbakning, så de også styrker sammenhængskraften på tværs af hele DTU? I denne stilling sætter du dig aktivt i spidsen for at integrere bæredygtighed, diversitet, inklusion og talentudvikling i vores kerneydelser forskning og udddannelse. Du evner at nytænke begreberne, så de fremstår med overraskende perspektiver og muligheder for en fortsat udvikling af en attr...
Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
in Frederiksberg C
03.01.2025 Updated on: 05.01.2025
Vil du kickstarte din karriere som kontorelev hos DTU Space?Vil du være en del af et dynamisk administrations-team, der støtter forskning og undervisning på højt niveau? Trives du med varierede opgaver og service i et internationalt miljø? Så er du måske vores nye kontorelev.Om os DTU Space er Danmarks førende rumforskningsinstitut med omkring 210 medarbejdere. Vi udvikler teknologi, forsker, uddanner og samarbejder både nationalt og internationalt og har tæt samarbejde med både NASA og ESA. Som elev hos os får du et bredt indblik i administrationens mange facetter, der er med til at understøtte vores dygtige forskere og undervisere. Hvad skal du lave?Som kontorelev roterer du mellem flere afdelinger, hvor du blandt andet vil arbejde med:HR opgaver – eksempelvis On og off-boarding af nye m...
Company THE RICE ApS
in Frederiksberg C
31.12.2024 Updated on: 05.01.2025
Er du klar til at blive en del af vores team? The Rice Canteen leder efter en erfaren og arbejdsom opvasker, der også kan hjælpe med rengøring af køkkenet.Dine opgaver vil være:• Vask af service, gryder og køkkenudstyr.• Holde opvaskerområdet pænt og ryddeligt.• Rengøring, inklusiv gulvvask og toiletter.• Sørge for, at arbejdsområdet altid er rent og hygiejnisk.Vi tilbyder:• Et godt arbejdsmiljø med et venligt team.• Konkurrencedygtig løn.• Fleksible arbejdstider.Vi forventer, at du:• Kan arbejde hurtigt og effektivt i et travlt miljø.• Er pålidelig, detaljeorienteret og klar til at tage ansvar.Interesseret? Send din ansøgning til thericecanteen@hotmail.com Vi glæder os til at høre fra dig!We are looking for an experienced dishwasher at The Rice Canteen!Are you r...
Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
in Frederiksberg C
24.12.2024 Updated on: 30.12.2024
Do you want to break new ground and push the boundaries of sustainable design towards higher impact? At DTU Construct you will break new ground at the absolute forefront for enabling the design of sustainable solutions and be an active part of REBOUNDLESS, a prestigious ERC Consolidator Grant project, awarded by the European Research Council. Your main goal will be to drive a paradigm shift in design science to enable the simulation of rebound effects (i.e., negative consequences of interventions that arise due to behavioural and systemic changes, which undermine ca. 40% of all potential sustainability gains) in the early phases of design. You will have the opportunity to join top interdisciplinary scientists from all over the world and make a personal impact in solving some of the most ...
Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
in Frederiksberg C
21.12.2024 Updated on: 28.12.2024
DTU Construct søger en maskiningeniør med erfaring i at betjene, modificere og optimere forbrændingsmotorer til at anvende ammoniak som brændstof. Jobbet Du bliver en nøgleperson til modificering og optimering af testfaciliteter til forbrændingsundersøgelse af ammoniak i forbrændingsmotorer til maritim og landbaserede kraftværksmotorer. Du vil primært arbejde i projekter som DTU Construct har med den maritime industri om konceptudvikling af fuldskalamotorer til at køre på ren ammoniak, samt udvikling af særlige eksperimenter til problemløsning i forbindelse med disse motorers pålidelighed. Du vil stå for at betjene laboratoriets forsøgsmotor og udføre test kampagner med dertil hørende indsamling og behandling af måledata.Vores forventninger til digdu er uddannet maskiningeniørdu har erfar...
Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
in Frederiksberg C
21.12.2024 Updated on: 27.12.2024
We are seeking a highly motivated PhD candidate for a project delving into mammalian testis biology to tackle demands from next-generation risk assessment of chemicals in providing alternative test methods with high predictive capacity. The testicles are primary producers of androgens, which are essential steroid hormones for reproductive development and function. Testicular androgen synthesis is also susceptible to endocrine disruptors, with severe consequences for reproductive development and health. Although methods exist to test for disrupted steroidogenesis, current methods have significant limitations. This interdisciplinary project will provide novel insights into species-specific cellular functions, advancing both basic research and applications in drug design, toxicity testing, an...
Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
in Frederiksberg C
21.12.2024 Updated on: 27.12.2024
PhD scholarship in discovery and engineering of carbohydrate active enzymes active on clinically important glyco-conjugates. in the Protein Glycoscience and Biotechnology group, DTU Bioengineering. This project is a multidisciplinary collaboration with Lund University and the University of Gothenburg, both in Sweden and aims at developing enzymatic solutions for transformation of clinically important cell surface epitopes.If your ambition is to be a part of an international top-notch research team, working on solving a major global health challenge and communicating groundbreaking scientific findings, then this is the right project for you.Responsibilities and qualifications The overarching aim of your project is to explore interactions of enzymes, some to be discovered within the projec...
Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
in Frederiksberg C
21.12.2024 Updated on: 27.12.2024
Do you have a passion for computational neuroscience, neurorobotics, or bioengineering? If you are looking to establish your career as a scientist and want to work on cutting-edge biomedical research, this PhD scholarship might be the perfect opportunity for you. We offer a position where you will explore the frontiers of neuromusculoskeletal system modelling in collaboration with KTH Royal Institute of Technology. Your research will focus on the interaction between brain and body in Parkinson’s Disease (PD), with the goal of developing innovative tools for diagnosis and neurorehabilitation.Responsibilities and qualifications In this PhD project, you will study the brain-body interaction in PD by combining neural models with a musculoskeletal digital twin of rodent locomotion. You will wor...
Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
in Frederiksberg C
21.12.2024 Updated on: 27.12.2024
Are you excited about understanding human behaviour and decision-making? Are you eager to find out how we can leverage immersive virtual reality experiments to better explain and predict human decision-making? Are you interested in applying advanced modelling and data collection approaches to tackle real-world challenges in the human-centric design of future transport and infrastructure systems? If so, we invite you to apply for this PhD position in Human Decision-Making and Immersive Virtual Reality at DTU Management. The position is part of the research project IMMERSION: Explaining human decision-making by combining choice and process data , which is funded by a European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant. The project aims to advance the study of human decision-making by developing ...
in Frederiksberg C
21.12.2024 Updated on: 26.12.2024
Ønsker du at forbedre dine fremtidsudsigter med en uddannelse hos en lokal virksomhed?Hos Kunststof-Kemi, vil du få en læreplads med erfarne kollegaer, hvor af du kan få masser af sparring og tilegne dig stor viden om termoplast, pigmenter og additiver. Vi har et stort produktionsfokus, det er derfor vigtigt at processer og arbejdsgange effektiviseres for at konkurrencekraften bevares. Som plastmagerelev, vil du få opgaver som: extrudering af farvekoncentrater, visuel kvalitetskontrol, omstillinger og rengøring ved produktskift, samt håndtering af råvarer.Vi ønsker primært ansøgere over 18 år og gerne over 25 år, som voksenlærling. Vi forestiller os, at du…Er mødestabilEr imødekommende og samarbejdsvillig.Er kvalitetsbevidst og detaljeorienteret.Er Nysgerrig og har vilje til at lære.Bor i ...
Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
in Frederiksberg C
21.12.2024 Updated on: 27.12.2024
We are looking for a skilled and experienced part-time employee for imaging skin nanotexture with our high-speed dermal atomic force microscope (HS-DAFM) developed in MIDAS group at IDUN section, DTU Health Tech.Your primary responsibilities will include:Operating high-speed dermal atomic force microscope (HS-DAFM) for skin sample analysisProcessing and handling skin tissue samplesCollecting and organizing measurement dataContributing to database development for skin nanotexture analysisAssisting in optimizing measurement protocolsSupporting ongoing research projects related to skin barrier function assessmentOur expectations of you have:Theoretical and practical experience with the above mentioned task Experience with or strong interest in microscopy techniques Basic understanding of data...
Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
in Frederiksberg C
20.12.2024 Updated on: 26.12.2024
We are looking for an engaged Startup Programme Manager to join our small but ambitious team.The Position Our experience at DTU Skylab shows that entrepreneurship is an effective tool for competency building and personal growth. We believe that students and researchers hold the key to generating innovative solutions for a better, more sustainable tomorrow. Every day, we passionately work to support and motivate teams to embark on their own startup journeys through guidance, coaching, workshops, and providing a shoulder to lean on during tough times. For eight years, we have successfully operated the Skylab Incubator and Ignite accelerator program, for early-stage impact startups. Currently, we are evaluating and re-designing our offerings, including a new climate tech track. Our aim is to...
Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
in Frederiksberg C
20.12.2024 Updated on: 26.12.2024
Har du stærke lederegenskaber og ønsker du at spille en central rolle i DTU’s udvikling mod fremtidens universitet? DTU søger en erfaren, visionær og samlende leder, der kan gå forrest og udvikle DTU’s Afdeling for Uddannelse og Studerende til fremtiden. Jobbet DTU er en af Europas førende forsknings- og uddannelsesinstitutioner. Vores kerneforretninger er uddannelse, forskning, forskningsbaseret rådgivning og innovation, og vi arbejder for at være en drivkraft for velfærd og bæredygtig værdiskabelse såvel nationalt som internationalt. Afdelingen for Uddannelse og Studerende (AUS) udvikler og understøtter uddannelsesprocessen på DTU, dvs. DTU's samlede indsats for at støtte de studerende gennem hele uddannelsen – fra rekruttering til overgang til arbejdsmarkedet. Vi søger en leder, som e...
Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
in Frederiksberg C
19.12.2024 Updated on: 25.12.2024
Are you interested in contributing to solve the energy crisis by developing a clean sustainable energy source which replicates the Sun on Earth? Would you like to work in a team with a strong feeling of purpose and belonging? The section for Plasma Physics and Fusion Energy (PPFE) at Department of Physics, Technical University of Denmark (DTU) is seeking highly motivated physicists or engineers to initiate a three-year PhD project in experimental and theoretical plasma physics. We are expanding our activities by designing an upgrade of the existing NORTH tokamak, building up a linear plasma device to study non-linear plasma physics, and initiating activities on microwave induced current drive for tokamaks. These activities are part of a newly funded centre for plasma physics funded by the...
Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
in Frederiksberg C
19.12.2024 Updated on: 25.12.2024
Brænder du for at koordinere, organisere og være den, der har det kølige overblik? Har du gåpåmod og sans for at give gæster den bedste eventoplevelse? Så er det måske dig, vi søger som eventkoordinator i Stakeholder Management-kontoret på DTU. Stakeholder Management-kontoret har ansvaret for universitetets væsentlige arrangementer. Både de større (1.000-5.000 deltagere) og de mindre (80-300 deltagere). I din portefølje over events vil du koordinere aktiviteter tilknyttet afdelinger og institutter i samarbejde med rekvirenter fra forskellige dele af DTU. Du er samtidig en del af teamet omkring de faste Akademiske Højtideligheder på DTU. Jobbet Du kommer til at indgå i Stakeholder Management-kontoret, men du vil også komme til at samarbejde med kolleger på kryds og tværs af DTU samt i n...
Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
in Frederiksberg C
18.12.2024 Updated on: 24.12.2024
Are you a talented, self-motivated, and team-oriented person, who thrives in a collaborative environment and enjoys working with complex topics? We seek a part-time assistant willing to be part of a research environment and contribute to the development of satellite climate data records for understanding climate change. As part of the international ESA CCI programme DTU is processing the global sea ice concentration from the satellite Nimbus 5 ESMR microwave radiometer data for extending the sea ice climate data records back in time. Version 2 of the dataset has recently been completed and now the data are added to the ESA climate office datastore including documentation. The dataset will also be published in a scientific publication. We are looking for a candidate who has a strong backg...
Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
in Frederiksberg C
17.12.2024 Updated on: 23.12.2024
Are you passionate about food and flavour? Eager to help tackle some of our most pressing global challenges? Excited by the idea of working and learning at the intersection of science, cooking, sustainability, and food culture in a cutting-edge, interdisciplinary research environment? Then join us as our new Food Culture Assistant!The Sustainable Food Innovation Group (SFI) was founded in 2021 to address interconnected food systems challenges—diminishing diversity, inequitable production and distribution, knowledge privatisation, nutritional depletion, blandness—through interdisciplinary research, product development, and knowledge-sharing. We recently launched our website and Instagram, where we share knowledge and facilitate public engagement around fermentation, food innovation, sustai...
Company Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
in Frederiksberg C
17.12.2024 Updated on: 23.12.2024
PhD scholarship in engineering of carbohydrate active enzymes active to harness them as tools for synthesis of biotechnologically and biomedically important oligosaccharides in the Protein Glycoscience and Biotechnology group, DTU Bioengineering. This project, which is funded by Independent Research Fund Denmark | Technology and Production Research Project 1, is in collaboration with excellent national and international partners and aims at establishing a new strategy to engineer enzymes for synthesis of a variety of important oligosaccharides.If your ambition is to 1) Work with cutting edge strategies for enzyme engineering with an international top-notch research team, 2) Innovate sustainable solutions to harness the most abundant and renewable resources on the globe, namely carbohydrate...