Jobmonitor. Search results for Brønshøj

3 Jobs found

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  • Brønshøjx
Displaying 1-3 of 3 results.
  • Company MWTransport ApS in Brønshøj
    19.01.2025 Updated on: 20.01.2025

    2 fultidsmedarbejdere søges til mindre flyttefirma.Er du glad for fysisk arbejde, har gåpåmod og er god til at indgå i et fælleskab, så tag endelig kontakt til os.MWTransport ApS er en del af 3x34 Transport. Vi har eksisteret i 5 år og vokser konstant.Vi udfører forskellige typer af flyttearbejde, bl.a. flytning for private, erhvervsflytninger, kunstflytninger, tungløft opgaver, møbeltransport og meget andet.Vi er et ungt team med et stærkt sammenhold, der består af 3 fuldtids ansatte og 3 deltids ansatte. Vi har 2 flyttebiler og arbejder altid 2 mand sammen pr bil. Ved større opgaver/projekter slår vi os sammen og arbejder f.eks. 4-6 mand sammen. Vi går meget op i det sociale i vores team og er både kollegaer men også kammerater.Vi arbejder primært i København og hovedstadsområdet, men ha...

  • Company JP Dynasty ApS in Brønshøj
    12.01.2025 Updated on: 17.01.2025

    We areJP Dynasty ApS is a dynamic and innovative company located at Slagtehusgade 40.1, 1704 København V, Denmark. JP Dynasty operates multiple brands under its portfolio, including Kung Fu Street Food, Wok Wok Street Food, and Super Bao. We produce Asian food that we deliver to our shops and franchise partners.  You areAn enterprising and empathetic team leader who takes the lead and can create a professional and inclusive work environment for young people aged 25 to 39.A hard-working person who is not afraid to take charge and step up during busy times, while also being able to delegate and train the team.Systematic, well-organized, and well-prepared to deliver results.Proactive in communication, honest, and ambitious about taking ownership.An energetic person who is passionate about ach...

  • Company JP Dynasty ApS in Brønshøj
    10.01.2025 Updated on: 17.01.2025

    We areJP Dynasty ApS is a dynamic and innovative company located at Slagtehusgade 40.1, 1704 København V, Denmark. JP Dynasty operates multiple brands under its portfolio, including Kung Fu Street Food, Wok Wok Street Food, and Super Bao. The company also engages in B2B activities such as fresh noodle sales and food support for franchise partners.We are primarily looking for a team leader who can achieve results in an international working environment!You areAn enterprising and empathetic team leader who takes the lead and can create a professional and inclusive work environment for young people aged 25 to 39.A hard-working person who is not afraid to take charge and step up during busy times, while also being able to delegate and train the team.Systematic, well-organized, and well-prepare...

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