Content moderator i Grækenland for sociale medier

  • Produktkoordinator hos Onyx Cookware ApS

    Company RAASDAL TRADING ApS in Sorø
    08.03.2025 Updated on: 09.03.2025

    Fra Indkøb til LanceringHos Onyx Cookware ApS søger vi lige nu en medarbejder til vores produktudviklingsteam, som kan hjælpe os med et spænd af opgaver indenfor content- og produktudviklingsprojekter! Onyx Cookware ApS er en e-handelsvirksomhed med flere års erfaring indenfor salg af elektronik og køkkenudstyr på B2C markedet. Vi er repræsenteret i alle Nordiske lande og store dele af Europa. Vi er et team med stor diversitet. Vores mange kollegaer har vidt forskellige baggrunde og kommer fra forskellige kulturer. Derudover er vi et ungt og dynamisk team spredt over flere forskellige afdelinger. Du vil blive en del af Produktudviklingsteamet som vil tælle 5 personer, dig inklusiv. Vi arbejder tæt sammen med vores indkøbere, marketing og webudviklingsafdelinger, men sparrer også med andre ...

  • Postdoc in binder development for Li-ion batteries

    Company Aarhus Universitet in Aarhus C
    08.03.2025 Updated on: 09.03.2025

    The Ravnsbæk Groups at the Department of Chemistry, Aarhus University, is seeking a candidate for a 24 month postdoctoral position.You will join the project BeyondBetterLibs, which concerns the development of novel fluorine free, water-processable binder formulations for Li-ion battery electrodes.The position is available from 1 June 2025 or as soon as possible hereafter.In the project you will develop novel zwitterionic polymeric binders for battery electrodes, explore water-based routes for electrode preparation and investigate the microstructural, mechanical and electrochemical properties of the zwitterionic polymeric binders. The work will entail polymer characterization, electrode casting, electrochemical characterization, microstructural investigations using spectroscopy, electron mi...

  • Senior Advisor in Poultry production

    Company Aarhus Universitet in Tjele
    07.03.2025 Updated on: 09.03.2025

    The Department of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, Aarhus University, invites highly qualified applicants for a Senior Advisor position in relation to poultry production from September 1, 2025.The positionWe are looking for an experienced senior advisor specialised in poultry production, interdisciplinary research and development, as well as project management and coordination within the area.The position involves close collaboration with both researchers and industry to promote innovative solutions within sustainable production of eggs and chickens, as part of the green transition.There will be particular focus on the fundraising, implementation and coordination of research projects within poultry production in interdisciplinary collaboration between disciplines, internally and at other re...

  • Postdoc in battery research for the Center for Sustainable Ene...

    Company Aarhus Universitet in Aarhus C
    07.03.2025 Updated on: 09.03.2025

    The Center for Sustainable Energy Materials at the Department of Chemistry, Aarhus University, is seeking a candidate for a 36 month postdoctoral position.The position is available from the 1st of July 2025 or as soon as possible hereafter.You will become a central member of the Center for Sustainable Energy Materials (CenseMat), which aims to create novel energy materials based on abundant elements through control of disorder in crystalline materials.You will work on developing new sustainable materials for Li- and Na-ion batteries by exploring how structural disorder affects the material performance, and how disorder can be controlled during chemical synthesis. More specifically you will integrate:Advanced structural characterization mainly via e.g. XRD, PDF analysis, 3DΔPDF, electron mi...

  • Postdoc in RNA-based therapeutics for viral targeting

    Company Aarhus Universitet in Aarhus C
    07.03.2025 Updated on: 09.03.2025

    The interdisciplinary Nanoscience center (iNANO) at Aarhus University invites applications for a 1-year postdoc position, with the possibility of extension. This position offers an exciting opportunity to join a research project focused on the in vitro selection of RNA-based therapeutics for targeting and inhibiting viruses, particularly Influenza A.The position is available from July 1st 2025 or as soon as possible hereafter.Expected start date and duration of employmentThis is a 1-year postdoc position, with the possibility of extension, starting from 1 July 2025 or as soon possible.Job descriptionYou are expected to contribute to a collaborative project focused on developing chemically modified RNAs targeting Influenza through in vitro selection (SELEX) methods. Binding and viral inhibi...

  • Postdoc in RNA aptamers for precision skin disease targeting

    Company Aarhus Universitet in Aarhus C
    07.03.2025 Updated on: 09.03.2025

    The interdisciplinary Nanoscience center (iNANO) at Aarhus University invites applications for a 1-year postdoc position, with the possibility of an extra year extension. This position offers an exciting opportunity to join a research project focused on developing innovative RNA aptamer therapeutics to target skin conditions, with a strong focus on Vitiligo.The position is available from July 1st 2025 or as soon as possible hereafter.Expected start date and duration of employmentThis is a 1-year postdoc position, with the possibility of extension for an extra year, available from 1st of July or as soon possible.Job descriptionYou are expected to contribute to a project focused on developing chemically modified RNAs to target Langerhans cells (LCs) for Vitiligo intervention. This research i...

  • Postdoc position in Quantifying animal welfare during transport

    Company Aarhus Universitet in Tjele
    07.03.2025 Updated on: 09.03.2025

    The Department of Animal and Veterinary Sciences calls for applications for a 2-year postdoc position. The position is available from 15 August 2025 or soon thereafter. The position The position covers research focusing on welfare of cattle, pigs and poultry during transport.The work includes studies of animal behaviour and physiology during short and especially long-time transport, focusing on the use of animal- and resource-based indicators of animal welfare – obtained by for example sensors, clinical examination, ethological methodology and assessment of microclimatic conditions. The position may involve OneWelfare aspects. Your profile as postdoc We seek a candidate at PhD level, with a background in biology, animal science, veterinary medicine or similar and especially interested in a...

  • Associate Professorship(s) in Industrial Engineering

    Company Aarhus Universitet in Herning
    07.03.2025 Updated on: 07.03.2025

    The Department of Business Development and Technology () at Aarhus BSS, Aarhus University, invites applications for associate professorship positions in industrial engineering.An associate professorship is a full-time permanent position, and associate professors divide their time evenly between research and teaching activities. The successful candidates will become part of the research section.The starting date is 1 August 2025 or as agreed upon. Shortlisting is applied in the evaluation process.Job descriptionAt BTECH, you will be part of a workplace with a strong focus on company collaboration, which is reflected in our research and study programmes. As an associate professor you  divide your time evenly between research and teaching activities, and the successful candidates will become...

  • Brand Manager hos Onyx Cookware ApS

    Company RAASDAL TRADING ApS in Sorø
    06.03.2025 Updated on: 09.03.2025

    Brænder du for data-drevet salg og brandudvikling?Hos Onyx Cookware ApS leder vi efter en skarp og resultatorienteret Brand Manager, der kan drive vores brand fremad gennem analytisk tilgang og målrettet salgsindsats. Hvis du har en stærk forretningsforståelse, elsker at arbejde med data og Excel og brænder for at skabe vækst gennem strategisk brand management, kan du være lige den vi søger! Onyx Cookware ApS er en e-handelsvirksomhed med flere års erfaring indenfor salg af elektronik og køkkenudstyr på B2C markedet. Vi er repræsenteret i alle Nordiske lande og store dele af Europa.Vi er et team med stor diversitet. Vores mange kollegaer har vidt forskellige baggrunde og kommer fra forskellige kulturer. Derudover er vi et ungt og dynamisk team spredt over flere forskellige afdelinger.Du vi...

  • Postdoc position for the NFC project on Full stack security, a...

    Company Aarhus Universitet in Aarhus N
    06.03.2025 Updated on: 11.03.2025

    We are looking for a postdoc position to work on the NFC-funded project on full-stack cybersecurity for the duration of up to 17 months. The starting date is May 1st or as soon as possible thereafter. Tasks and qualificationsApplicants are expected to have a strong background in computer security, formal methods, or systems. The ideal candidate should have working knowledge of one or more of the following topics*) foundations of computer security and privacy, including topics such as information flow security or differential privacy.*) formal methods*) programming languages theory and implementation*) ability conduct and validate complex computing experimentsThe tasks of the postdoc will consist of doing research in specification of high-assurance security and privacy requirements, and the...

  • Postdoc in data driven national carbon accounting based on mod...

    Company Aarhus Universitet in Tjele
    06.03.2025 Updated on: 11.03.2025

    The Department of Agroecology at Aarhus University, Denmark, is offering a postdoctoral position in data driven carbon modelling at farm scale, starting 1 June, 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter. The position will be available for a 2-year period.You will be part of a research environment focusing on soil biology and fertility. Specifically, you will be calibrating and validating process-based carbon models based on unique datasets from long-term experiments and the national soil monitoring network for arable mineral soils. Your work will be based on methodological research for developing data workflow protocols to implement the rCTOOL model at the farm scale in Danish mineral soils. Therefore, your tasks will involve building necessary data infrastructure, optimizing carbon input est...

  • Postdoc in Protein Design of Photoactive Proteins

    Company Aarhus Universitet in Aarhus C
    06.03.2025 Updated on: 11.03.2025

    The Westberg Lab within the Department of Chemistry at Aarhus University is seeking a postdoctoral researcher with a strong interdisciplinary background. The position involves both computational and experimental work on protein design, with a particular emphasis on designing .The position is a fixed-term full-time position for 2 years, with the possibility of extension.Starting date: June 1, 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter. TasksAs a Postdoc your position is primarily research-based.Your main tasks will consist of:Computational protein design.Protein expression and purification.Biophysical, spectroscopic, and structural protein characterization.High-throughput protein screening.You will report to Assistant Professor Michael Westberg. Your profileYou are required to have:A proven tra...

  • Professor in risk assessment of chemicals

    Company Aarhus Universitet in Roskilde
    01.03.2025 Updated on: 07.03.2025

    The Department of Environmental Science at Aarhus University, Roskilde, Denmark invites applications for a position as full Professor in risk assessment of chemicals to enhance and expand the research capability, and the research-based teaching and advisory activities at the department. The position is to be filled by August 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter, subject to negotiation. Expected start date and duration of employmentThis is a permanent position from August 2025 or as soon possible thereafter.Job descriptionThe selected candidate is expected to:Establish and consolidate a robust externally funded research program within environmental chemistry and risk assessment of chemicalsDevelop and enhance interdisciplinary collaboration within the department, and bridge with other dep...

  • Postdoc in plant-microbe interactions and microbial ecology

    Company Aarhus Universitet in Slagelse
    01.03.2025 Updated on: 07.03.2025

    The Department of Agroecology at Aarhus University, Denmark, is offering a postdoctoral position in plant-microbe interactions and microbial ecology, starting 1 August 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter. The position will be available for a 3-year period.You will be part of a large group focusing on microbial ecology. You will be contributing specifically to exploring the mechanisms behind plant-microbe interactions and the role of soil microbes in driving ecosystem functioning.We expect that you will be an important part of the research environment and that you will contribute positively to the social working environment. We also expect that you will participate in mentoring students and report research results in high-impact scientific journals.Your profileWe are searching for a high...


    Company SABBIE in Hjørring
    01.03.2025 Updated on: 07.03.2025

    Er du serviceminded og elsker at arbejde med både mennesker og sociale medier? Brænder du for kundekontakt, butiksdrift og at skabe stemning – både i butikken og online? Så er det måske dig, jeg søger! Jeg leder efter en engageret medarbejder til en fast stilling på 37 timer om ugen med opstart hurtigst muligt. OM JOBBETDu får en alsidig rolle, hvor du både arbejder i butikken og caféen samt hjælper med at drive vores online tilstedeværelse. Dine opgaver vil blandt andet være:Betjening af kunder i butik og café.Sikre en god kundeoplevelse med venlig og imødekommende service.Lettere servering og daglig drift af caféen.Hjælp med opstilling, styling og præsentation af varer.Aktiv deltagelse i udvikling af nye idéer, events og koncepter.Håndtering af sociale medier – tage billeder, lave opslag...

  • Cyber Security Consultant (m/f/d) (Cyber-Security-Consultant)

    Company PEAK Wind in Aarhus N
    28.02.2025 Updated on: 05.03.2025

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Do you want to contribute to protecting energy systems of the future and secure OT infrastructure in Renewable Energy? Then apply to become part of an international and market-leading asset management consultancy within the renewable energy industry. PEAK Wind is looking for a Cyber Security Consultant, who wants to take their cyber security career to the next level and is looking to work on a diverse and exciting portfolio within wind power and other renewable Energy sources.Trusted Advisors for Developers and Investors for some of the Largest Renewable AssetsAt PEAK Wind, we specialise in operations, asset management, and project management of Renewable Energy assets and take pride in providing best-in-class commercial, financial, and operational advisory and...

  • Post doc in anaerobic structural microbiology

    Company Aarhus Universitet in Aarhus C
    28.02.2025 Updated on: 06.03.2025

    Are you interested in how microbes promote biochemical reactions under anaerobic conditions, and can you contribute to the development of methods for anaerobic protein purification and structure determination by cryo-EM? Then the Department of Molecular Biology invites you to apply for a 3-year post doc. position in structural microbiology. Expected start date and duration of employmentThis is a 3–year position from 1 May 2025, or as soon possible thereafter.Job descriptionYou will be contributing to the setup and development of methods for anaerobic protein expression and growth, using bioreactors and anaerobic glove boxes. The Department has recently acquired advanced instruments to allow for purification and characterisation of Fe-S containing enzymes under anaerobic conditions. The suc...

  • Postdoc in Nitrogen cycling in organic arable cropping systems

    Company Aarhus Universitet in Tjele
    26.02.2025 Updated on: 27.02.2025

    The Department of Agroecology at Aarhus University, Denmark, is offering a fulltime postdoctoral position to investigate nitrogen cycling in organic arable cropping systems, starting 1 June, 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter. The position will be available for a 3-year period.You will be part of a research environment focusing on nutrient cycling in agricultural production systems. You will be contributing mainly to the area of nitrogen cycling in organic arable cropping systems including grain legumes, oilseed rape and grass-clover crops. The activities are part of inter-disciplinary projects with the engineering department at AU and other participants. More specifically you will be involved in studies of nitrogen transfer from grain legumes to oilseed rape, cover crops and weeds. Yo...

  • 2-year Post Doc Position Experimental Physical Chemistry / Che...

    Company Aarhus Universitet in Aarhus C
    25.02.2025 Updated on: 27.02.2025

    Femtosecond time-resolved imaging and control of chemical reactions using molecules in helium nanodropletsThe position is available from 1 September, 2025 (earlier or later start may be possible).Job description/research project/research areaResearchYou are expected to take a leading role in the research program, supported by a Villum Investigator Grant, in which femtosecond and picosecond laser pulses are used to study molecules and molecular complexes embedded in nanoscopic droplets of superfluid helium. A particular focus is on exploring the structural dynamics of molecules during unimolecular and bimolecular reactions.Specific projects include, but are not limited to, time-resolved imaging of cation-molecule complex formation – including charge transfer processes, femtosecond-and-atom-...

  • Assistant Professorship(s) in Industrial Engineering

    Company Aarhus Universitet in Herning
    25.02.2025 Updated on: 27.02.2025

    The Department of Business Development and Technology () at Aarhus BSS, Aarhus University, invites applications for assistant professorship positions in industrial engineering.An assistant professorship is a full-time three-year position. The starting date is 1 August 2025 or as agreed upon. Assistant professors divide their time evenly between research and teaching activities, and the successful candidates will become part of the research section. Job descriptionAt BTECH, we have a strong focus on company collaboration, which is reflected in our research and study programmes. As a researcher, we expect that you advance the research frontier through applied research. If you also have the competences to contribute to our students’ educational development and knowledge building in companies...